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Justice League


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9 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

If this is really the case. Then this entire universe is dead and they have wasted Cavill, Gadot, Affleck, and most importantly Jeremy freaking Irons. >:(


People are making a big deal over nothing.

The only thing that was said was that the movies going forward arent going to focus on the universe and rather focus on telling each movies story.   That doesnt mean they wont be connected or that the movies wont have nods to the extended universe.     They just arent going to let whats going on in the extended universe severely affect the storytelling of each solo movie.    You could very well argue that, outside of maybe Captain America: Civil War (which many call Avengers 2.5), that each solo outing of the MCU did the same thing.   Yes, there were post credits scenes, nods and cameos that connected the universe, but the non-Avenger movies focused on the solo characters and the story of the movie rather than setting up the Avengers.    I mean, it did set up the Avengers, but it did it by establishing the characters in each solo flick and taking elements from them and inserting it into the Avengers movies.

We will see how Justice League is, but I think the DCEU is finally headed in the right direction, especially if Snyder's involvement is limited going forward.     


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3 hours ago, FourThreeMafia said:


People are making a big deal over nothing.

The only thing that was said was that the movies going forward arent going to focus on the universe and rather focus on telling each movies story.   That doesnt mean they wont be connected or that the movies wont have nods to the extended universe.     They just arent going to let whats going on in the extended universe severely affect the storytelling of each solo movie.    You could very well argue that, outside of maybe Captain America: Civil War (which many call Avengers 2.5), that each solo outing of the MCU did the same thing.   Yes, there were post credits scenes, nods and cameos that connected the universe, but the non-Avenger movies focused on the solo characters and the story of the movie rather than setting up the Avengers.    I mean, it did set up the Avengers, but it did it by establishing the characters in each solo flick and taking elements from them and inserting it into the Avengers movies.

We will see how Justice League is, but I think the DCEU is finally headed in the right direction, especially if Snyder's involvement is limited going forward.     


And I bet Johns already has a story  and a date for JL2, and as long as the first makes what its supposed to, it will be announced with a quickness. He, and the rest of WB are probably just waiting to see if JL2 is the next big movie, or its going to be rebooted through Flashpoint.

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Im torn on this trailer.

On one hand, it didnt get me any more excited.  Maybe slightly just seeing that film is more colorful and seems like they are trying to bring a more positive vibe to the DCEU.

On the other hand, I am happy that they arent showing too much.    It seems like WB/DC has learned their lessons in terms of the trailers and are taking a more modest approach.    They didnt show Superman (which I was afraid they would do in the last trailer) and they did really show anything that made me think "Why show this in a trailer?"

Overall, I am still very excited about this movie.    Doesnt need to be absolutely perfect, but it should set the tone of the DCEU going forward and give us a base for the coming solo movies.   As far as I am concerned, this could be where the DCEU truly begins, with the other movies just being a prelude.     If good, this could really get things back on track.   If its another critical flop (because I can promise it wont flop financially), then they will have to really make some decisions of whether or not to do a soft reset with Flashpoint.

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15 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Looks like a SyFy original movie.  The Cyborg CGI is so awful.  

hate how the landscape looks in this.. its obv green screen .. appreciate them trying to do something diff but I feel like its not being executed all that well

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16 minutes ago, August4th said:

hate how the landscape looks in this.. its obv green screen .. appreciate them trying to do something diff but I feel like its not being executed all that well


Also, I think that not having an active Superman for the entire film is going to be the ultimate downfall for this movie. 

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It is overly CG, but the only CG I really have any problem with is when the sky is red.    Perhaps there is a reason for it, but everything in the red sky shots just looks extra fake.    I think Cyborg looks okay in regular shots, but again, the red sky parts he doesnt look as good, perhaps because CG effects layered on top of more CG effects.

However, even if I dont like it, I will put up with it if the movie is good....especially knowing that most of those effects are Zach Snyder's flare, and hope that it improves going forward.

I hate the trend of everything being so CG.  Its been a problem for awhile now.    It mainly started with the Star Wars prequels.   The DCEU needs to take a page out of their book and go for more practical effects, and only use CG when needed.    

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11 hours ago, August4th said:

hate how the landscape looks in this.. its obv green screen .. appreciate them trying to do something diff but I feel like its not being executed all that well

Oh is the Red skied world the superheros and flying monsters fighting in obviously green screen?

This is such a clear nod to the Red Sky Events from the comics, and is clearly there to show some difference that is taking place with these scenes (on a different world through a boomtube? Steppenwolf is taking over our world like he did in the past with the Original Age of Heros) I hope you had the same issues with just about every scene in Doctor Strange.

This seems like such a nitpick. Its a world being changed and affected by n Apokoliptian God, how is any of that going to look "practical"? Havent heard anyone say the same exact think about Ragnarok, and its all "obv green screen"

10 hours ago, thrILL! said:


Also, I think that not having an active Superman for the entire film is going to be the ultimate downfall for this movie. 

You have NO IDEA what his role in this film will be. Literally zero. So to already make a judgement on what he does/doesn't do or how he impacts the film right now is just ridiculous. And his return (that we are all expecting) not being shown in the trailers, is one of the things people are thankful for at this point. Just by seeing the little of the fight scenes we have, and hearing the news voice overs, show the lack of Superman as the most important impetus of this film. So regardless if how much we see him, his presence (or lack there of) is going to have a heavy weight on the film.

If you guys weren't in or excited about this movie from the previous 2 trailers, then this one wasn't going to do anything for you. The last one isn't for this audience, it never is. Its for the mommies and kiddos to show them that there is some hope (the song) and some fun (Cyborg/Auquaman/Flash lines) and that yes Superman is still part of this thing (Lois' opening vision). This is the trailer to grab the final group of the audience who doesnt follow the movies, to remind them that this is out in a month.

It is amazing that anyone is trying to judge this film off of any of these trailers. Because all we have really seen are the same 5 scenes, cut up differently with some VO. We still havent gotten much of Steppenwolf, we know almost nothing about Cyborg (who is likely to be key to this film since he IS a Motherbox), We havent gotten to see Atlantis, or much of Themiscyra, or the 'getting the band together montage that is sure to come. And most importantly we have only gotten snippets of atleast 3 battles that we will get to see, with probably another one that we havent seen at all.

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