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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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How do we think they're going to handle the mutant situation in the MCU?  Any precedent from the comics?  Right now I see them handling it in one of two ways:

1. They use time travel and change things in the past.  The reason I don't think this works is it would have to make something happen that would effect humanity and their evolution. 

2. Have it so that mutants always existed, but they just laid low throughout all the events of the MCU so far.  It's not that hard to accept because New York was a New York thing, and they could have had mutants helping, just not openly helping.  The Ultron thing kinda happened everywhere, and what happened with Thor they could have been helping, too.  The only fallback to this way of handling it is Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver already being explained a different way.  That's not THAT big of an issue, and they don't have to have Magneto as their father.  As far as the humanity hating mutants element, that wouldn't take too much to add in there.  Humans would already be pretty upset with all the weird crap going on, then the existence of mutants could become more widespread knowledge. 

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I think they can handle mutants in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Something happens with the infinity gauntlet to change something in the past so that they have now existed.  This seems kind of a lazy way to do it.

  2. Have this be the "early days" of mutants being found out and have a younger Xavier, but in modern times.  Have it be an emerging thing in the first 3-4 movies post A4 where they drop hints and we start to hear rumors and tidbits of information, and then have a movie where mutants get more known leading into the freshly rebooted X-Men.
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26 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

How do we think they're going to handle the mutant situation in the MCU?  Any precedent from the comics?  Right now I see them handling it in one of two ways:

1. They use time travel and change things in the past.  The reason I don't think this works is it would have to make something happen that would effect humanity and their evolution. 

2. Have it so that mutants always existed, but they just laid low throughout all the events of the MCU so far.  It's not that hard to accept because New York was a New York thing, and they could have had mutants helping, just not openly helping.  The Ultron thing kinda happened everywhere, and what happened with Thor they could have been helping, too.  The only fallback to this way of handling it is Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver already being explained a different way.  That's not THAT big of an issue, and they don't have to have Magneto as their father.  As far as the humanity hating mutants element, that wouldn't take too much to add in there.  Humans would already be pretty upset with all the weird crap going on, then the existence of mutants could become more widespread knowledge. 

I am not at all up-to-date with X-men comic canon, I only know the highlights (as my teen daughter has tried to delve in with the X-men movies and go back, so I get her stuff 2nd hand, and it's not by any means complete) - but I think they'd have to use an alternate-timeline / time travel type reboot.   So much has happened in the current MCU it's staggering to have to somehow integrate the X-men universe into what's happened.   

And much like the movies so far in the MCU (no spoilers for IW) - I don't think we'll see the comic canon be used as strict material to follow.    We've seen key seminal moments duplicated (Mjolnir being destroyed, Avenger vs. Avenger in Civil War, Bucky back in Winter Soldier, etc.) - but we've not seen the comic verse's key plot twists or methods used to achieve the main events followed at all.   I'd imagine that same principle will be used here.   X-men formation, Jean / Phoenix arc,  Death of Xavier,  Mutant extinction, etc. - but how they happen, and why, there's likely going to be major twists along the way.

Edited by Broncofan
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Ill say it again, Mutants are still likely 4-5 years away from seeing light in the MCU. Likely an entire Phase away, as most of Phase 4 is already in some stage of production, and with the regulatory review of the merger likely extending into next summer, Disney can not start on anything X-Men related until that is fully approved. which puts the start of even shooting a single reel of footage at what? the earliest late 2020? They have plenty of stories already planned with the characters they have already established, no reason to rush in the Mutants, just because fan boys want to see it.

Phase 4 is going to be "Cosmic" focused, which means to go beyond that, the logical jump is exploring the Multiverse, which is the most likely way to introduce Mutants into the MCU. I actually think we will see the Fantastic 4 influence way before we see an X-Men influence to the MCU. Something like hints of Reed Richards dropped (especially if Tony Stark dies off) and then after the Big Team up in the Cosmic Phase 4, the post credit scene either being the Fantastic 4 coming back with their abilities, or Silver Surfer showing up as the Harold of Galactus.

To me it would be too much to jump straight from Thanos to Galactus, so have probably the Cree in between, possibly even another mini team up in an elongated Phase (Civil War-esque) and then fighting Galactus is what rips open the Multi-verse

I still think the coolest way would be just throw us straight into the fire with the X-Men characters in a Battleworld (AvX) movie and then let them be adversarial for an entire phase before we figure out who is on what side.

Edited by StLunatic88
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Disney and Fox isn't a sure thing anymore. Comcast is set to re-offer their bid for fox, and their previous bid was a much larger offer than Disney's. Comcast is just waiting to see if the government approves the ATT- Time Warner deal, if so, we may not see a Disney Fox deal.

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18 minutes ago, The Gnat said:

Ugh, I just want to have all of Marvel under one roof that is going to do it right. I mean, I'm sure that Comcast would do fine with it, but I want to be able to have the X-Men in the same universe as the MCU.

Have you talked with their internet customer service? I doubt they do fine.

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19 hours ago, NickButera said:

Disney and Fox isn't a sure thing anymore. Comcast is set to re-offer their bid for fox, and their previous bid was a much larger offer than Disney's. Comcast is just waiting to see if the government approves the ATT- Time Warner deal, if so, we may not see a Disney Fox deal.

I heard a rumor, but dont have a link or anything, that Marvel rights wont move with a deal, they would just revert back to Marvel. It just wasnt talked about with the Disney deal because it didnt matter. Again, this is just rumor I heard with no basis lol

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18 hours ago, The Gnat said:

Ugh, I just want to have all of Marvel under one roof that is going to do it right. I mean, I'm sure that Comcast would do fine with it, but I want to be able to have the X-Men in the same universe as the MCU.

I don't know though.  Adding X-Men to the MCU might seem out of place at this point.  I might rather have an X-Men reboot separate.  We'd get more individual movies that way. 

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6 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I don't know though.  Adding X-Men to the MCU might seem out of place at this point.  I might rather have an X-Men reboot separate.  We'd get more individual movies that way. 

I think they can add them in without much difficulty. There's always been a side of Xavier's school that is very secretive. So they could play up that angle pretty easily, also with a world/universe level event that we're getting in Infinity War, it's easy to add them in there as well in my opinion. Plus, there are a lot of great comic book story lines with some X-Men in the Avengers or X-Men/Avengers cross overs.

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On 5/9/2018 at 9:45 AM, Bullet Club said:

I highly doubt anything major happens with the Kree going forward. Unless you meant Skrulls.

Yep. Exactly what I meant. Good catch. 

7 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I don't know though.  Adding X-Men to the MCU might seem out of place at this point.  I might rather have an X-Men reboot separate.  We'd get more individual movies that way. 

Wouldn’t hate some of the things that come with the X-men, but do we really need to completely muddy the pool with even more characters? We have plenty enough for another 10 years of films

it would be nice if Disney created a new division or resurrected one (I.e. Touchstone) just for the X-men if/when they get them back. And then down the road, after they have been re-established, give us the AvX we all want

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I think Doctor Strange could be a way to introduce the X-Men. He’s clearly been playing around with time a lot and other things. He doesn’t always use his gifts responsibly (because he’s a little arrogant).

We know that Baron Mordo is a stickler for rules and consequences of time warping. It could make sense that after Strange and Mordo face off in the second movie, Strange causes mutants to come into existence. Perhaps we see some sort of evolution due to dimensional radiation that affects the human race?

Juggernaut in the comics gets his power from Cyttorak and we know Strange is the only one who comes into contact with such powerful threats. Introducing Cyttorak into the fray via maybe a portal the Strange allowed open. Gifting The Juggernaut with his gifts. And a leakage of Cyttorak’s dimensional radiation that causes humans to evolve into mutants. Could throw some science into the evolution.??‍♀️

Edited by diamondbull424
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Just now, StLunatic88 said:

it would be nice if Disney created a new division or resurrected one (I.e. Touchstone) just for the X-men if/when they get them back. And then down the road, after they have been re-established, give us the AvX we all want

Problem with this is that it would still have to take place in the same universe.  Couldn't have Avengers fighting a major world threat without the X-Men getting involved, and X-Men couldn't have a major world threat without the Avengers getting involved. 

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9 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Problem with this is that it would still have to take place in the same universe.  Couldn't have Avengers fighting a major world threat without the X-Men getting involved, and X-Men couldn't have a major world threat without the Avengers getting involved. 

Again... Multiverse

As long as they never actually cross, then you don’t have the issue. And when they eventually do, you can have the multiverse close off again. It’s not hard

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