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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:


Literally every single Tyler Perry movie ever made.  That's what blaxploitation is.  It's just downright absurd to give Black Panther that credit.  You had black people going to it purely because of blaxploitation techniques that I've already listed, but you also had the 10 years of Marvel movies built in audience. 

I've already covered this, you're just refusing to see its validity.  The exact same director did the exact same thing with the exact same actor 3 years before he did Black Panther.  He took an established franchise, implemented blaxploitation, got over 3 times the budget back domestically on Creed.  Rinse and repeat with Black Panther.  Fan loyalty of Rocky is ****.  Fan loyalty of Marvel is HUGE. 

Since Black Panther wasn't given a budget significantly greater than anything else in Marvel, you cannot disassociate it from Marvel.  Therefore, it's not culturally significant.  It's blaxploitation.  You want to Google things?  Google blaxploitation.  Not even Google can hide the fact that Black Panther is blaxploitation. 

Tyler Perry films are made for a very specific demographic in the African-American community. people in Africa and other countries(and other African-American demographics in America) will never come out in droves to watch a Perry film, because he mostly targets church going black women(his highest grossing film is around 50 mil.. BP has over a bil). Can't think of one Perry film that was a "event" for the a whole community. what would some kid in Kenya get out of a Tyler Perry film. When I think of "event" films in the black community I think of Malcolm X and Roots(although that was TV) .. those films were more for African Americans tho while BP was representing the whole diaspora.

the marvel built in audience helped, but their were a lot of non-MCU fans who went out to see this because of what it was representing on the screen ...

Star wars used other genre techniques to tell its story, does that mean it wasn't culturally significant? what films do you consider culturally significant?

2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

I've already talked about your African setting.  It's a setting.  The movie didn't do so well because it was set in Africa, it didn't do so well because it featured African culture.  Just like Mad Max's setting in Australia didn't make it culturally significant, Black Panther being set in Africa doesn't make IT culturally significant. 


Reason Max isn't on the same level as BP in importance is because their have been TONS of big budget action films featuring English speaking white people long before Max came out. It is not a first of its kind when it come to representation while BP is.... again.. name me a Big Budget blockbuster film that takes place in Africa that features a all-black cast..



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On 8/28/2018 at 1:38 PM, Outpost31 said:

The whole thing is frustrating to me.  One BS idiot wrote an article stating Black Panther was a top five cultural moment on the level of Rosa Parks and it makes me sick.  It's a ****ing superhero movie. 

Well I certainly dont think this. I think you are overstating my opinion on the matter. I do believe it does have significance, but just on the film industry. I dont think it is making any civil changes. I dont think it's a "first" or anything and I dont think it should be on any all time list aside from BO success. 


Side Note: Gonna throw my mod hat on real quick. This conversation has got you hot under the collar, and thats fine, but the language filter is there for a reason; lets not make it work too hard. 

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I didn't make the swear filter work at all.  I typed those four dots myself.  

@August4th, I'll respond later, but basically, it's not about race with Mad Max, it's my response to you using Africa.  My response to you right insistence that setting matters at all.  The setting is NOT a valid point in the argument towards cultural significance.

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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

I didn't make the swear filter work at all.  I typed those four dots myself.  

@August4th, I'll respond later, but basically, it's not about race with Mad Max, it's my response to you using Africa.  My response to you right insistence that setting matters at all.  The setting is NOT a valid point in the argument towards cultural significance.

it was with black panther tho

not saying the setting is the only reason for its success, but it was a major factor along with the all-black cast.

can you name me another blockbuster film with that setting and kind of cast? this being the first film to do that and the success it had is significant

I think you are questioning this films significance based on the quality of the film,  while I'm saying its significant for just existing in the first place and the box office success.

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Speaking of black super heroes, Blade could be making a comeback with two possible projects being discussed.

Not sure how I'd feel about Wesley Snipes reprising at this juncture, though since he's a little too old now. They could always do the mentor role, but I don't think they would retroactively make the first 3 movies apart of the MCU since it appears they'll be going with a clean slate for the X-Men.

Edited by KManX89
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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting to chose those characters as their powers are more magic based.

Few notes

This will be on the new Disney streaming service not ABC or Netflix.

The film actors will reprise their roles ie Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Hiddleston

Its expected to get movie size budgets 

The most important note is Kevin Feige cares about this and is taking a hands-on role in the development. Feige of course doesn’t care about the Netflix Defenders or ABC’s AoS

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25 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Yeah... It's awesome that they got the same actors to play their roles. But Loki should be dead and I assume that SW is in the soul stone. Even then, I really don't care enough about these two characters to watch.

They could place before infinity war but I agree it’s a weird choice 

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