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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

I'm annoyed that dome and Malf are good at this game. 


1) Nacho hates the lynchproof role for scum, he would not give it to scum

2) there wouldn’t have been a last second flip to me for no reason if I was scum. (if there was an alleged slip or strong push or night move claims or something yeah sure you can catch scum that way…. but not randomly, cause scum won’t jump on randomly if it’s their own…) I got picked randomly just before n1 cause I’m not scum. 

3) malf is red lettered, I wouldn’t fake claim that for no reason just to get lynched tomorrow when he flips town that would be dumb. 

i got a 1 shot alignment cop as part as my origin bonus, and I used it on malf, and he is Lavos (red font) 

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:


So does the mop do that makes it useful in lylo?

Also anyone know if crono would have a mop?

Also anyone know if crono would survive a death? 

The mop can be used to target a player 

if that player targets you while you’re targeting them with the mop something bad happens to them… i will not share just in case I town took it 

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3 hours ago, Malfatron said:




You get it yet, @Forge?

I laughed for a reason

I'm Gaspar. 12,000 BC (Antiquity)

My Memories of Crono power that I lost is an active ability that I specifically had to use on Crono's dead body to revive him

Since Dome was janitored right away before I got to use that power, I know hes not Crono

I bet scum got their hands on that power.

I would give away more on the thing that's going on here, but real Crono needs to stay hidden


I believe this exactly 0%

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