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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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On 1/21/2023 at 2:02 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Deadpulse,
Role: Tokka
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Passive watch for Rahzar. Each night will watch Rahzar and know every visitor they have.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

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I'm the mirror of deadpulse and know who killed him bc of that.  I will allow the killer to remain hidden for now, but i will leave clues as to your identity so upon my death the rest can determine if you are good or evil. 

For now I choose to believe you are good, don't let me down.  

If town killed Josh then they should speak now so I can red letter scum. 

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