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Browns moving from Cleveland


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Baltimore is a complete dump now too sadly. 

Was actually pretty nice in the early 2000s but now you can't even walk around the inner harbor. 

And with how nice the Maryland suburbs are it's hard to see anybody with any means whatsoever moving back downtown in the next 3-5 decades. So it's not going to get any better.

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3 minutes ago, ronjon1990 said:

It's all about tastes and preferences. 

I'm an odd ball. I've lived in some of the "worst" cities- Oakland, Memphis, New Orleans, Detroit being the most notable, and with work/school/travel/visiting family, I've spent considerable time in quite a few of the big.ones- SF, LA, Seattle, Dallas, Philly, NY, Chicago, Orlando, Houston, Phoenix, Miami, Baltimore being chief among them. 

Detroit is actually my preference out of them all. Enough time getting perpetually sunburned and being a naturally heavy sweater, the southern warm cities are miserable for me for about 8-9 months out of the year. In New Orleans, I'd have to get to court well ahead of time and just sit to dry off and basically get ready all over again during the summer. A suit in the New Orleans summer is my worst nightmare. So I don't mind the colder weather up there at all. 

Windsor reminds me a lot of Aberdeen, the city I lived in over in Scotland for a bit. It's proximity to Detroit (basically one city with the bridge) was a huge bonus for me. Rent was comparable, if not better, than New Orleans or Memphis on a bang for your buck scale, yet came with a higher COLA for feds, so I made out like a banshee financially speaking. It was busy, but not to the point sitting for a couple hours in traffic busy. The football, hockey, basketball, and baseball stadiums were within a short walk for me and I Air BnB'd my condo out pretty often, which was even more of a boon. Detroit was pretty perfect for me. Really the only places I haven't looked very much were Houston, Dallas, and Miami. They just lacked something for me. And New York. New York was like Paris for me- been there, seen it, done it, got the tshirt, don't care if I ever go back. Some people absolutely swear by it. Some despise it. And I just don't care either way. 

That being said, I'm in my early 30s, no wife, no kids, decidedly comfortable middle class, and have no real incentive to buy or lay down permanent-ish roots given my job and the ability to transfer (or simply be told I'm transferring). I'd probably have a different opinion on many places were any of those factors different.

Moral of the story, I suppose, is there's good and bad in every major metro area and it really depends on one's circumstances whether they'll encounter more or less of either side- and I, too, would take Philly over Chicago if forced to choose. It'd be close, but there's something about Philadelphia that just calls to me a bit more than Chicago.

Now Memphis I've spent a lot of time in, and I like Memphis a lot.

It's too flat, but it's at least a city with character.  I wouldn't mind living there at all.

Just went to New Orleans, and while it's a kinda fun city, I definitely don't think I'd want to live there.  And as for suits, that's what they make seersucker for.

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4 minutes ago, ronjon1990 said:

Buenos Aires. 100% the most fun I've ever had in my life. I implore anyone with the time and means (flights are pricey) to go. Definitely won't regret it.

Agreed here.  Love BA.  My brother lived there for like six months, and I spent a couple of weeks there.  Fantastic place to go and hang out, friendly locals (even though Argentine Spanish is super weird), and good food.

Plus it's just a hop skip and jump away from Uruguay.

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For as much flack as Cleveland gets, I love living here. Now, I'm in the suburbs about 10 or so minutes away from the city, but compared to other cities I've visited, sign me up for Cleveland all day long. I've been to LA. I've been to New York City. Yeah there's more glitz and glamor, but I think I'd jump off a cliff living in those places.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Now Memphis I've spent a lot of time in, and I like Memphis a lot.

It's too flat, but it's at least a city with character.  I wouldn't mind living there at all.

Just went to New Orleans, and while it's a kinda fun city, I definitely don't think I'd want to live there.  And as for suits, that's what they make seersucker for.

Agreed on Memphis. It's FLAT. But the weather usually isn't terrible and they have damn good food. Definitely enjoyed my time there. Lived in the Pressbox lofts and that was a really fun experience- got to watch baseball games live from my living room. 

Nola is way funner to live in than visit, imo. Visitors typically wind up confined to the Quarter and CBD. Uptown, Mid City, Lakefront, the Irish Channel, Milan/Touro are where a lot of the real beauty of the city is at. 

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1 hour ago, Ray Reed said:

Baltimore is a complete dump now too sadly. 

Was actually pretty nice in the early 2000s but now you can't even walk around the inner harbor. 

And with how nice the Maryland suburbs are it's hard to see anybody with any means whatsoever moving back downtown in the next 3-5 decades. So it's not going to get any better.

sad to hear.. My wife and daughters went to the women's march in 2017.. I hung out at the inner harbor and had some beers and good food... that place was really cool then. 

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2 hours ago, Ray Reed said:

Baltimore is a complete dump now too sadly. 

Was actually pretty nice in the early 2000s but now you can't even walk around the inner harbor. 

And with how nice the Maryland suburbs are it's hard to see anybody with any means whatsoever moving back downtown in the next 3-5 decades. So it's not going to get any better.

As someone who has family in Baltimore, Baltimore actually IS what people think Cleveland is. Unless your on the little harbor, there isnt a single place in that city where you feel like your not going to get robbed or kidnapped at moments notice even in broad daylight. It is the sketchiest city Ive ever been to and that's coming from somebody whose from Akron/Cleveland.

For that matter, the actual Detroit/Cleveland that people have gotten their jokes off about for the past 20 years is Baltimore/New Orleans.


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1 hour ago, fluhartz said:

sad to hear.. My wife and daughters went to the women's march in 2017.. I hung out at the inner harbor and had some beers and good food... that place was really cool then. 

It's been going downhill for a few years now, but COVID really did a number on it. A number of businesses shut down and nothing has come to replace those businesses. And with no real tourism coming into the area, the youths have started to flood downtown due to a decreased police presence and it's really soured a lot of the surrounding Maryland residents on venturing into the city. They're supposedly in the midst of dong a major renovation to the inner harbor that should attract new businesses, but we'll see how that goes.

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18 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

It's been going downhill for a few years now, but COVID really did a number on it. A number of businesses shut down and nothing has come to replace those businesses. And with no real tourism coming into the area, the youths have started to flood downtown due to a decreased police presence and it's really soured a lot of the surrounding Maryland residents on venturing into the city. They're supposedly in the midst of dong a major renovation to the inner harbor that should attract new businesses, but we'll see how that goes.

dang.. that is sad to hear.. that place was really cool when I visited. and I actually feel bad for anyplace going downhill like that. Hopefully it makes a comeback

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I haven't been to a lot of American cities, but I find the outer areas are usually much nicer than downtown. 

I enjoyed Bellevue, Santa Monica, Berkley, and Ann Arbor over SEA, LA, SF and Detroit respectively 

New Orleans has a unique vibe to it. Vegas is a party everywhere. Didn't visit the outer areas of those cities. Once was enough for each place

NYC is the one city I would visit over and over again but its where i grew up so its partly nostalgia. Def has its flaws

Not sure where else in the USA i'd go besides NYC or other places i go to visit family. I've considered Austin, Nashville or Chicago. 



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21 hours ago, RavensTillIDie said:

It's been going downhill for a few years now, but COVID really did a number on it. A number of businesses shut down and nothing has come to replace those businesses. And with no real tourism coming into the area, the youths have started to flood downtown due to a decreased police presence and it's really soured a lot of the surrounding Maryland residents on venturing into the city. They're supposedly in the midst of dong a major renovation to the inner harbor that should attract new businesses, but we'll see how that goes.

The Wire pretty much nailed it, though they focused that season on just the port system in season 2.  COVID put the final nail in the coffin

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