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Stalking Rodgers

Brit Pack

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4 hours ago, Old Guy said:

Well, his dad and his uncle were both assassinated. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe the governments version of either event. 

That would lead one to questioning everything that happens. Those are some pretty traumatic events for a young kid to go through. 

Yeah, that was the joke.

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

I keep bringing this old quote up, but it's aging so well:

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

Isaac Asimov

And all this time I thought we were a republic. One of us are wrong, which one is it?

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2 hours ago, MacReady said:

Excuse me, but the Flat Earth theory was propagated and promoted by people as a way to associate the right with crazy conspiracy theories.

I actually read a study that showed Liberals were more likely to believe in a Flat Earth. I hate studies because they’re full of problems and should never be used in an argument because they can be and more often than not are misleading and guided for a desired result, but I thought it was funny.

So you’re doing this wrong. 

The Flat Earth Society, they have supporters all around the globe. 

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46 minutes ago, ThatJerkDave said:

Birds aren't real is a joke conspiracy started by some students to poke fun at protesters and flat earther types.  They staged goofy protests and it was a fun joke.  Now, I do think that they fooled some people into believing it was a real group.  And I believe that they also have fooled some of the conspiracy bros into actually believing it too.

It's among my favorites along with the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Pastafarianism

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1 hour ago, Kampfgeist said:

Kind of wondering if at this point his publicists and agent have just scribbled out a bunch of these for every conspiracy theory just so they're ready to go when his mouth opens next.    "Bob, he's on another podcast today - get the birds, architecture and 9/11 ones ready to go!"

I think it's safe to say Rodgers doesn't have a publicist

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8 minutes ago, StatKing said:

I think it's safe to say Rodgers doesn't have a publicist

I'm doubtful Rodgers either wrote or released that statement himself.    All athlete's, entertainers, politicians, etc have PR reps, publicists and agents 

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2 hours ago, incognito_man said:

Anti-vax knows no sides. Just as Carlo Cipolla noted, human stupidity is spread equally across all human labels/institutions.

As much as some of the other stuff in this thread is ok, this is a bad take. Why is someone stupid who disagrees. Why should you trust a Gov't as corrupt as yours with putting medicine in your body by force. How does that make you stupid? 

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Most likely Rodgers has been deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole for a while, and probably legitimately believed something like "Sandy Hook was faked" because he heard it on some podcast or video.  Then the whole "Alex Jones lawsuit"  thing happened and he realized that this was not an opinion one should express publicly.  So he currently believes Sandy Hook actually happened, but did he always believe it?  Probably not.

This was something that it was easy to discard since the motivation for "Sandy Hook was fake" was spinning it as a false flag operation as pretext for "taking all your guns away".  Rodgers for his many flaws never honestly seemed like a gun nut, and they empirically did not take anybody's guns away as a result.

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4 minutes ago, PACKRULE said:

As much as some of the other stuff in this thread is ok, this is a bad take. Why is someone stupid who disagrees. Why should you trust a Gov't as corrupt as yours with putting medicine in your body by force. How does that make you stupid? 

Cipolla defines stupidity as (paraphrasing) "behaviors which harm both oneself and society". This, compared to other definitions of:

intelligence: actions that benefit oneself and society

helplessness: actions that benefit society but harm oneself

banditry: actions that benefit oneself but harm society

anti-vaxxers are "stupid" using this definition because very VERY clearly vaccines benefit both the individual and society. Of course rare exceptions exist where some people may be more sensitive to certain vaccine additives (e.g. severe egg allergies) - so it's critical that individuals and their vaccine administrators are aware of the real risks. However, the wide-scale anti-vaccine movement we have today is not science-based and is measurably "stupid" behavior.

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