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We Can Still Crack the Top Ten


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On 11/6/2023 at 9:38 AM, Brat&Beer said:

I think there's a chance the tank is buried next week. Steelers are 5-3, but their offense is woeful, #30 overall. In 8 games they have 7 TD passes and 6 INT's. Their ground game is averaging 3.7 YPC. Should be a low scoring game the Packers have a good chance of winning if they protect the football.

Unlike Green Bay, Pittsburgh does a great job at taking the ball away (3rd in the NFL) and does a great job of protecting the ball (T-5th with Dallas).

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We were never passing the Panthers. Last night was huge for us. The Bears still have the Cardinals, Vikings and Falcons on their schedule.

If we finish worse than the Bears, something might actually change in Green Bay.

I still think nothing is going to change until we stop with this soft from top to bottom mentality once Murphy retires, but I can hope.

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2 hours ago, MacReady said:

We were never passing the Panthers. Last night was huge for us. The Bears still have the Cardinals, Vikings and Falcons on their schedule.

If we finish worse than the Bears, something might actually change in Green Bay.

I still think nothing is going to change until we stop with this soft from top to bottom mentality once Murphy retires, but I can hope.

This is sad.

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26 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

This is sad.

Just speaking for me, no one else.  But, by beating the Bears at home so easily, then winning via a comeback against the Saints?  My expectations grew by leaps and bounds.

Now, reality has set back in...and I'm good with that.

I knew there would be a lot of growing pains this year, along with some highs.  Nothing has changed, it is what it is.  Sooner or later, though, we need to see real improvement from the young kids.  And I feel like this past game was a great step forward...now we just need to continue showing improvement.

This year is more about evaluation and the next 3 years.  

My evaluation thus far is that we need a better LT on offense.  After that?  We have needs, but they are not as glaring.  Safety.  Corner.  

With our draft picks coming up, this is not an insurmountable task.  We also have some money for free agency.

So I'm pretty optimistic for the future right now.  But again, that is just me.

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5 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

Just speaking for me, no one else.  But, by beating the Bears at home so easily, then winning via a comeback against the Saints?  My expectations grew by leaps and bounds.

Now, reality has set back in...and I'm good with that.

I knew there would be a lot of growing pains this year, along with some highs.  Nothing has changed, it is what it is.  Sooner or later, though, we need to see real improvement from the young kids.  And I feel like this past game was a great step forward...now we just need to continue showing improvement.

This year is more about evaluation and the next 3 years.  

My evaluation thus far is that we need a better LT on offense.  After that?  We have needs, but they are not as glaring.  Safety.  Corner.  

With our draft picks coming up, this is not an insurmountable task.  We also have some money for free agency.

So I'm pretty optimistic for the future right now.  But again, that is just me.

I'm in a similar boat, just wasn't sitting on the edge of my seat hoping the Bears won last night so we can finish worse than the Bears. That's sad. We have some really weird fans. 

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1 hour ago, Packerraymond said:

I'm in a similar boat, just wasn't sitting on the edge of my seat hoping the Bears won last night so we can finish worse than the Bears. That's sad. We have some really weird fans. 

Where did I say I hope for it?

I don’t.

I want to win out and win a Super Bowl.

Unfortunately, I’m a realist and not an optimist. We’re soft. We’ve always been soft. We’ve overcome it through talent and athleticism, but talent and athleticism pale in comparison to having a mentally strong team.

I have never rooted for a single solitary loss. I was the only one celebrating our win against the Jets when Philbin was our interim head coach. Losing begets losers. Getting as many wins in a bad season is incredibly valuable. It carries over. It’s how bad teams become good teams.

The difference is I can see a silver lining if that comes to pass. 

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Matter of fact, I’m pretty sure it was you I was arguing with about the merits of winning that game.

So spare me.

There’s rooting for a loss, and then there’s finding a silver lining in a loss.

I have NEVER rooted for a loss. I have ALWAYS enjoyed winning and rooted for it. 

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I think we as fans can "root" for a loss understanding that, long term/strategically, it may be best for the team to get a shot at blue chip players (yes, you can find them anywhere, but picking earlier sure as hell helps). The two years that Rodgers was injured and MM's final season, tanking due to injury would have given you a rare chance to pair a future HOF QB with top 5-10 draft picks. You can find yourself in the range of an Aaron Donald or a Khalil Mack vs. a HHCD.

A question I asked my friend who is firmly against the tank and says they'd be happy with 8 wins because it would prove the team is putting it together and that there was hope - "what happens if the Packers go 8-9 and MLF convinces himself that Barry is turning it around too?" He didn't believe it was possible, but those 8 hypothetical wins might feel good as fans but could also lead to more wasted seasons since the team's ceiling is capped by someone like Barry.

Edited by Striker
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1 hour ago, Striker said:

I think we as fans can "root" for a loss understanding that, long term/strategically, it may be best for the team to get a shot at blue chip players (yes, you can find them anywhere, but picking earlier sure as hell helps). The two years that Rodgers was injured and MM's final season, tanking due to injury would have given you a rare chance to pair a future HOF QB with top 5-10 draft picks. You can find yourself in the range of an Aaron Donald or a Khalil Mack vs. a HHCD.

A question I asked my friend who is firmly against the tank and says they'd be happy with 8 wins because it would prove the team is putting it together and that there was hope - "what happens if the Packers go 8-9 and MLF convinces himself that Barry is turning it around too?" He didn't believe it was possible, but those 8 hypothetical wins might feel good at fans but could also lead to more wasted seasons since the team's ceiling is capped by someone like Barry.

And that’s my fear. Complacency sets in pretty quick when you win 8 games. Moral victories are terrible. The more we stay at almost good the longer it takes to realize almost good isn’t going to do anything.

This will be the second year in a row we miss the postseason. We missed it last year with a top five all-time talent at QB.

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Why does anybody believe Barry is going anywhere? If he was going to be gone he would have already been gone. LeFleur doesn't have the luxury of starting with a new DC and waiting for the team to learn the system for a couple of years and then become good. If LeFleur isn't winning again next year he is really on the hot seat. He is tied to Love and Barry and both will be here next season regardless. 

In the immortal words of Macbeth "I am in blood stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o'er"

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2 minutes ago, Brit Pack said:

Why does anybody believe Barry is going anywhere? If he was going to be gone he would have already been gone. LeFleur doesn't have the luxury of starting with a new DC and waiting for the team to learn the system for a couple of years and then become good. If LeFleur isn't winning again next year he is really on the hot seat. He is tied to Love and Barry and both will be here next season regardless. 

In the immortal words of Macbeth "I am in blood stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o'er"

I'll see you and raise you a Robert Frost:
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."


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2 hours ago, Brit Pack said:

Why does anybody believe Barry is going anywhere? If he was going to be gone he would have already been gone. LeFleur doesn't have the luxury of starting with a new DC and waiting for the team to learn the system for a couple of years and then become good. If LeFleur isn't winning again next year he is really on the hot seat. He is tied to Love and Barry and both will be here next season regardless. 

In the immortal words of Macbeth "I am in blood stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o'er"

I think statistics generally show that a team’s best year under a new coordinator is often the first year.  It doesn’t take years to learn a defensive system.  Unfortunately, Barry has had enough success this year that he’ll probably be guaranteed to stick around unless Murphy/Gute just demand some change and LaFleur makes him a sacrificial lamb. 

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