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Week 14 GDT: Raiders (5-7) vs Vikings (6-6)


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18 members have voted

  1. 1. Raiders or Vikings?

    • Raiders
    • Vikings

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6 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

Also renfrow has to go. The mistakes are just unacceptable as much as I like him. It’s over. 

I could see Adams, Jacobs, and Renfrow all gone next year. And our offense will still be better than what it is… because QB and HC are by far more important than anything else. 

Edited by Tank4Drake
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2 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Don't forget to add #1 WR to the list as Adams is most likely gone and Meyers is a number 2.

There is no team in the NFL devoid of talent.  Look at Carolina, they have some pieces on D with Burns, Brown, Chinn and Horn.  Every team has some sort of above average talent.  

Do you believe that the Raiders have a bottom 5 NFL roster? 

Currently? It's debatable. Where it counts? Absolutely. Especially considering how easy our schedule has been and how banged up our opponents have been. A lot of really underwhelming talent had looked better as a result. 

Further, we stand to get worse from what we currently have. It's why I say host a fire sale. Much of our top talent won't last through a rebuild, and we're starting to suffer the same crap I saw/heard from Saints fans daily when I lived in Nola when it comes to sentimentality. 

They live in 2018 in regard to their opinion on Michael Thomas, and dude has been cheeks since then- when he's actually bothered to show up. Kamara can hit dudes in casino elevators, but won't run north-south in fear of getting hit himself and simply isn't the same RB he was a few years back. 

For us, we give Renfrow way too much of a pass anymore. McDaniels not using him was bizarre enough, but whatever happened there, Renfrow is way too mistake prone. It's not 2021 anymore. 

Jacobs had his big year trying to get paid and hasn't been the same. The OL hasn't helped, but there's absolutely no reason to pay him at this point, though I suspect we will. 

Adams, great as he is, isn't carrying this piss poor offense. 

What we have now, we almost certainly won't in 2024, and a lot of people keep overlooking that when talking about our needs. If we aren't already a certifiable bottom 5-7 overall roster, we almost certainly will be. 

I also find it hilarious that we have so many people here saying we're a playoff team- when many of those same people swore the 2021 team just benefitted from the schedule. They're trying desperately to prop this roster up so they can feel better, I guess, because the only reason we've looked remotely good 90% of the time is because we have been playing absolute trash opposition. If the 2021 team was so bound to fall back down to earth, I can't imagine this current roster in 2024. Woo, we managed to not be totally annihilated by Miami and we beat up on Tommy DeVito. Not getting shown up by Detroit is looking less and less impressive, considering they just lost to Chicago. 

Cousins, Mattison, Jefferson, and the Vikings second string OL instead of their 4th string OL play today, we lose by 20+, but we got ol Bay Raider up in here saying we're a top 10, maybe top 8 defense and people demanding we keep Patrick Graham around. Why? Because we're able to make Josh Dobbs not look like vintage Steve Young? Get real. The only reason our D has moved up in the rankings at all is because we've literally played some of the league's most inept and broken down offenses foe the majority of our season. So desperately do some people want us to be good that they genuinely don't remember what good actually looks like. 

Hell, wasn't the whole pro-Graham position that he had absolutely nothing to work with on D? Now we're a top 10 D? With a bright future? That just happens to need a starting DE, DT, CB, amd LB, if not multiples of each????? Well, ****, I didn't realize we were basically fielding the 2000 Ravens D out there, if we're really a top 10 D despite all those clear as day needs!

The lack of a logic from one argument to the next in these parts and the amount of contradictory opinions people go to bat for is sad. The best most of them can do is pias and moan about some other team's QB like it has absolutely any bearing on the Raiders....other than the business side of it that was so pathetically handled that the prior apologists for the Way have gone full "Kifflom!" with woo theories and collective amnesia. But, hey, with how fast people have had to backpedal left, right, and center over the last 18 months, we clearly have some ace CBs amongst us. Maybe everyone's new bizarre crush Champ Kelly should get off his bum *** and sign them- considering we need about as much CB help as we can get. 


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7 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

He's been our best LB but people were talking about keeping Perryman last yea because he was out best LB, which isn't saying much.  He's having a solid year but is limited in his skillset and was a backup on the Steelers, a backup who they let walk for a reason.  I am not saying we need to replace him but he is an average LB who is having a good year which has a lot to do with being on the field so much because our O is putrid.  

We have a D littered with jags.  Keep some as depth pieces but this team and D need an influx of young, above average talent.  That is a fact. 


No sorry that’s disingenuous at best, I was one who wanted to keep Perryman who was decent. Spillane is a clear upgrade who’s much better in coverage and more athletic. Spillane has been genuinely very good. We do need an influx of talent at DT and a good CB I agree but no team is filled with stars, you simply can’t these days with QBs commanding such a percentage of the cap. Most great Ds are units with one or two stars and mostly solid guys like the Pats or Ravens.

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9 hours ago, RaisinBran said:

Of course it's different. The defense is much improved and the intensity that we need to win games is there.

We're screwed because we can't just change our offense mid season... we have to use what JMD put together all offseason in terms of playbook and go from there. They can't just learn a whole new playbook mid season. Expect same offense results all year unless we can run the ball effectively but Jacobs is hurt now so idk about anything changing  offensively. Teams have already learned the handful of plays we like to run so we are severely limited on offense.

This. People blaming pierce like he should start calling plays lol. Ngl we might’ve done better lol on o.

But defense was balling as a old defensive guy I loved that game until my old kid from minn picked up that hunter fumble. Had to be him too and he let me know that shi too. Lil mf lol

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52 minutes ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

Gotta give the defense some props tho. Offense tho wtf was that. Bo don’t know offense. At least garbers can run for a first if he has to. Aoc just collapses like a cheap folding chair back there after being given 4+ seconds 

When AOC has to move his feet look like they are in quicksand. Unreal how plodding he is in the pocket. 

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47 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

You were a Carr Stan so is QB4 actually QB1 or do you just not understand how the QB position works 

Just because someone has a difference of opinion, doesn't mean you need to insult them. 

There are justifiably reasons a person may not rank Caleb Williams as high as others. There are som legit concerns with his ability in the pocket, fumbles, size, etc. 

Edited by big_palooka
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Tough loss, but there is definitely some talent to work with on your roster. Your defense is better than I gave them credit for. I'm happy Robinson and Epps found a place where they can succeed.

I think Pierce deserves a shot at keeping the HC title going forward, even if it's unlikely. It feels like a different Raiders team. The energy is there.

I don't think it's all doom and gloom. A good off-season should make your team competitive. Just don't you dare go after Kirk Cousins or Brian Flores! lol

Good luck the rest of the way. Thanks for beating Green Bay too!

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