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16 hours ago, Mazrimiv said:

I still haven't gotten past the reality that this GB team kind of pissed away a legit shot at getting to the SB.

Should be is playing today. I'm still in the "this sucks and I hate it" phase. Working my way towards the "I appreciate what this team did this year" phase. Probably get there by the time the SB comes around but not today. 

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1 hour ago, KManX89 said:

So what’s everyone’s rooting line for the CGs/Super Bowl in Pack Nation? Ravens/Lions? 

I know, division rival, but can you really justify rooting for the Niners over a team playing for and in their first ever in your heart of hearts? That’s why I ask. Yes, I’m legitimately curious about that. And nobody except Chief fans is rooting for the Chiefs in the AFCCG for obvious reasons.

One thing’s for certain: if it’s Ravens/Niners, we’ll know this shyt is fixed. How the hell else do you explain the colors conveniently aligning on the SB logo again?


Cheering for Ravens and Niners today. I grew up a Packers fan in Michigan and was taught to despise the Lions, which has been pretty easy all my life because they generally suck. Can't cheer for them now. Plus I always root for the team who beat us to make it because then I tell myself we were the 2nd best team lol.

The I hope the Ravens destroy Shanny and Co in the Super Bowl.


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I don’t mind Taylor because at least she creates something and has appreciable talent. However, Brittany and Jackson Mahomes should be fired into the sun, same as all “social media influencers” - why anyone follows untalented hacks like that is beyond me. His brother, in particular, is a waste of oxygen that should be in solitary confinement 

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The Bills were my AFC team. Today will be a clean the house day for me as I just don't give a **** about any of these teams to get fired up about watching them. Rooting for a Balt/Det Super Bowl I guess. KC v SF and I may skip that too. 

Just hate how SF and KC have sucked in the Brady Patriots ability to have teams completely and entirely **** the bed in the 4th against them as they get outplayed for most of the game. Football is dumb.

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53 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

The Bills were my AFC team. Today will be a clean the house day for me as I just don't give a **** about any of these teams to get fired up about watching them. Rooting for a Balt/Det Super Bowl I guess. KC v SF and I may skip that too. 

Just hate how SF and KC have sucked in the Brady Patriots ability to have teams completely and entirely **** the bed in the 4th against them as they get outplayed for most of the game. Football is dumb.

I frequently have weekends like this but I always end up watching football anyway

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51 minutes ago, Mazrimiv said:

I'm voting for BAL because Lamar making a run at his 1st SB is more interesting than Mahomes going for his 3rd.

something feels right about the Ravens this year, too. Can't put my finger on it, but they seem like the team of destiny to me and have since like mid-season for me. Which also happened to correlate with when they start running away with DVOA. Being able to watch a historically dominant team is always kinda fun to look back on, too. And if Baltimore keeps dominating like they have been the next two games they'll be one of the best teams ever.

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