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Week 15 GameDay Thread: Titans (8-5) vs. 49ers (3-10)


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Just now, TitanSS said:

You can't blitz and play off coverage. Period. You have no LBers underneath and someone short will ALWAYS be open. If you can't play tight coverage you need more LBers in coverage underneath.

We can't play any kind of coverage period with Ryan out, when the opposing offense is spreading us out. Not enough CB depth.

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1 minute ago, Mesa_Titan said:

Delanie Walker is pure garbage.

NO he is not but he like the other star players are not making plays and regularly not being put in position to succeed.   Have Walker run 5 yard routes is not using him to his best advantage. Where are the fifteen twenty yard pass plays to Davis down field. IT is just a poorly designed offense that worked okay when Marcus could "make things happen" out side the pocket but Marcus is always gonna have nagging aches and pains if you expect him to create all the time outside the pocket. the run game is okay but if you can not stretch the defense down field you will struggle. Their was a play earlier in the game like 1st and ten we went empty back and SF had four DL and six defenders stretched across the field seven yards off the line of scrimmage seemingly knowing their was going to be a "quick" pass and their was.

So far we have had the ball three times..   3 and out ..  long drive for a field Goal.. and a fumble. SF four times three FG. and a TD..  just your basic game where no one on either side is really doing what needs to be  done on both side of the ball.

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3 minutes ago, TitanLegend said:

McDaniels will be a failure there just as he has been everywhere without Brady.

Would be far more concerned if they were targeting Harbaugh.

That’s your opinion, not fact show me some facts. He was wit the broncos for 2yrs a made do with tim Tebow, he went to the Rams as an OC & Sam brad ford tore his ACL. He calls all the plays in NE & oh there was a time Tom Brady tore his ACL & he made Matt Cassel look like a HOF & NE didn’t miss a beat offensively. Say what you want to say about him as a HC but all y’all do is judging him off 2 bad seasons where he was in over his head with personnel decisions in Den. Show me some facts, last I check he’s great at tutoring QBs we’re getting torched by a guy he groomed in NE. Brady, Cassel, Grupaolo, Brisette & Tebow all have 1 thing in common they shined under McDaniels tutelage ???

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