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Deadpool & Wolverine - July 26th


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I gave it a 7/10 doesn't compare to either deadpool imo, or Logan. Story I wasn't big on, even the fight sequences they feel like more of theater play than a super hero movie. I will say the die hard fans will eat it up and it's passable, but for me who isn't super versed in super hero movies and am a casual fan it didn't reach the heights I was expecting. 

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As others have said, it doesn't nothing in the terms of Marvel Phase whatever. Stuff doesn't overly make sense but the 4th walls were pretty good. Many will come out of that movie happy. An enjoyable popcorn movie.

I think they did what was intended. They know people are losing interest and this was a good movie to loosen things up and hopefully start an upward trend again.

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6 hours ago, biggio7 said:

As others have said, it doesn't nothing in the terms of Marvel Phase whatever. Stuff doesn't overly make sense but the 4th walls were pretty good. Many will come out of that movie happy. An enjoyable popcorn movie.

I think they did what was intended. They know people are losing interest and this was a good movie to loosen things up and hopefully start an upward trend again.

That's probably the most disappointing part. I loved this movie. I still have zero faith in the MCU going forward.

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No spoilers — I only watched the first two trailers and only had two cameos spoiled. That said, this movie was fantastic to watch but I don’t see it having any long term effect on the MCU. Maybe some actors/characters return for another project or two but who really knows. There are some characters that I wish they would’ve cut because the OG actor didn’t return. That’s a conversation for later though.

The story and development itself was fairly weak. I thought there were too many Wolverine vs Deadpool scenes. But, they were still fun. This movie really is just fan service; but holy hell does it deliver!

I want to suggest what to watch before seeing this but that’s almost spoiler territory. So the only *should* watch are Logan and Loki season 1. 

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15 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

No spoilers — I only watched the first two trailers and only had two cameos spoiled. That said, this movie was fantastic to watch but I don’t see it having any long term effect on the MCU. Maybe some actors/characters return for another project or two but who really knows. There are some characters that I wish they would’ve cut because the OG actor didn’t return. That’s a conversation for later though.

The story and development itself was fairly weak. I thought there were too many Wolverine vs Deadpool scenes. But, they were still fun. This movie really is just fan service; but holy hell does it deliver!

I want to suggest what to watch before seeing this but that’s almost spoiler territory. So the only *should* watch are Logan and Loki season 1. 

Agree with most of this. It was a very fan servicey movie, but in a good way. Not like it was just catering to what the masses want in a blanket way, more like it catered to the core Deadpool/Wolverine fans and gave them what they want. The action scenes and their dialogue together was everything I wanted. 

As a movie, I think I prefer the other two deadpools, but 2/3 are close. The first clears the other two by a mile but that's because it's one of the best comic book movies out there. This one was still awesome, but I just felt like the story was a little more MCU-like if that makes any sense. Even though it didn't progress it that much, I just had more of a feel of that than the other two. 

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My tolerance for anything Deadpool is pretty limited, but this was a funny movie. Jackman, and Reynolds have such great chemistry together. The backdoor love letter towards ********** worked out better than I though it would. 

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1 hour ago, minutemancl said:

I thought it was good! The cameos were insane. Hugh Jackman is great. "Until you're 90"

Yeah Hugh absolutely knocked it out of the park. I knew he would after Logan, but those two just work so well together.



Sidenote, Henry Cavill as a Wolverine was by far the best cameo in the movie. 


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Movie was damn good. Loved the humor and cameos with some great fight scenes and Jackman and Reynolds worked so well together. Pacing was a little off in parts and I didn’t love it as much as the first 2, but still an 8.5/10 for me.


Loved Snipes’ Blade saying “some motherf**kas still trying to iceskate uphill.


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96 million domestic on Friday 😳 

Highest R rated opening day of all time

6th highest opening day of all time regardless of rating. 

Definitely the performance marvel was hoping for.

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