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46 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

You made 2 players (reg and ted?) Post pictures of a unique hand until they couldnt


Now I remember. I make myself laugh.

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49 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

You made 2 players (reg and ted?) Post pictures of a unique hand until they couldnt

I took 50 pictures of my own hand but with different finger movement just for this. Good times 

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8 hours ago, Whicker said:

This competes with Big Brother’s “post in the thread until the music stops” competition as the worst competition of all time 

*Best of all time


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13 hours ago, MacReady said:

Technically yes, but since it’s essentially a team brainstorm and then dice roll game, you’re basically just planning who has to take part in Zoology.

For total fairness we will sit 2 people who wont help at all with the challenge

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12 minutes ago, Malfatron said:
13 hours ago, MacReady said:

Technically yes, but since it’s essentially a team brainstorm and then dice roll game, you’re basically just planning who has to take part in Zoology.

For total fairness we will sit 2 people who wont help at all with the challenge

@MacReady scoundrel and skywind will sit out the next comp. They will and have not looked, cared, or thought about it.

Final decision

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15 hours ago, MacReady said:

There’s not. Ted is speculating and trying to peep on the other tribe’s buckets of fish.

We will see if his speculation is correct or incorrect early tomorrow morning.

Assuming the tribe posts are 

Finn loving speech on the what you're thinking about thread 

Scoundrel jumping from a terrible franchise to another one 

Skywind doing the same 

Toucan missing football 

Malfatron weird matchmaking experiments 

ET answer to Malf question 


The turd tribe wins 28 to 22. The first three had us beaten by themselves.


I take solace in that only Finn can look at himself in a mirror following that challenge 

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Ted was mostly right. I had all of them posted, but when I went to display as link instead they all vanished. Malf's was his response to Skywind's fandom change. The other post was a decoy.

Nutter Butters won the reward challenge with 30 fish. 

Nutter Butters with more fish.
Whicker Bickers with more pride.


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Posted (edited)

Survivor Soccer
Come on in, guys! You're about to play a game with a little bit of luck involved, but mostly a game of outwitting the other tribe and properly strategizing. I will accept one single submission from each tribe.

Castaways see two big hills. At the top of the hills are massive, boulder-shaped balls. At the bottom of the hills are monster soccer nets inside the mouths of monster sea creature sculptures. 
The Nutter Butters have a Sperm Whale, a Basking Shark, a Mink Whale, a Tiger Shark and a Sea Pike.

The Whickers Bickers have a Blue Whale, a Whale Shark, an Orca, a Great White Shark and a Barracuda. 

One member from each tribe will roll the boulders down the hill trying to get them into one of the five nets. The other five players will try to block the balls from getting into the nets. The aiming difficulty depends on the size of the sea creature’s mouth. The points are determined by how easy the target is to score on. 

Blue Whale Whale Shark Orca Great White Barracuda (Whicker Bicker)
100% Chance 80% 60% 40% 20%
-15% -12% -9% -6% -3%
1 point 5 points 10 points 20 points 100 points
Sperm Whale Basking Shark Mink Tiger Shark Sea Pike (Nutter Butter)
97% 77% 57% 37% 18%
-15% -12% -9% -6% -3%
1 point 5 points 10 points 20 points 100 points

Players guarding the nets can move to any creature they want. There is no maximum number of players who can guard any one net. The percentage decrease for each player guarding the net is listed below the score percentage. The number of points for each score is listed below that.

We will play 15 rounds. At the end of 15 rounds, whichever tribe has the most points wins immunity and safety from Tribal Council.

I will accept one submission per tribe. 

Example Submission:
Round one: Fred, Bill, Mark, Turd, Alex all guard Orca. Aim for Sperm whale.
Round Two: Everyone guards a different net. Aim for Basking shark. 
Round three: Two players guard barracuda, one guards great white, one guards Orca, one guards whale shark. Aim for Orca.

Or, if you want to keep the same strategy each round, you could say: Everyone guards Barracuda each round, aim for Tiger shark each round. 
First round, Winning tribe has five players guarding Sea Pike. This means it would take a roll of 3 or less in order to score on the Sea Pike. Losing tribe has one player guard a different net. So it would take a roll of 85 or less to score on Blue Whale, 68 or less to score on whale shark, 51% chance to score on Orca, 34% chance to score on Great White, 17 or less to score on Barracuda. 

The tribe with the most points at the end of the game wins Immunity. If there is a tie, we go one roll at a time until one tribe finishes with more points than the other tribe. 


1. @Daboyle
2. @Whicker
3. @Malfatron
4. @The Orca
5. @Pickle Rick
6. @theuntouchable
7. @adamq
9. @skywindO2
10. @TedLavie
11. @FinneasGage

12. @bcb1213

13. @ET80

14. @Scoundrel

Deadline will be Monday. If both tribes want this to play out in Discord Saturday or Sunday night, they'll just have to get their moves in and I will play it out this weekend. Otherwise, we'll play it out Monday between 4-6 PM CST. 

Edited by MacReady
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