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Just now, bcb1213 said:

Common misconception cause it is a holiday movie.  But it's a NYE movie, not a Xmas one

Any movie that puts you in the Christmas spirit is a Christmas movie.


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4 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Any movie that puts you in the Christmas spirit is a Christmas movie.


Oh no, you're not one of those identify as a season people are u

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10 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Any movie that puts you in the Christmas spirit is a Christmas movie.



I'm very much a bah humbug Christmas spirit person.  I'm not sure I can say that any movie I don't enjoyv or irritates me is a Christmas movie

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4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

So what's the rules, what can't or can be done?

Let's see how honorable you are lol

For the first immunity challenge, tribes will be split into pairs. Half of each pair will be blind. The other half will have to guide that player to victory. There are four separate courses, and each course team will be matched up against the course team from the opposing tribe. The tribe with the most course wins will WIN Immunity and safety from Tribal Council!

The guider will have a movie, band, historical figure or random thing. I believe I have matched things fairly for each tribe with none of them being too much more difficult than the other tribe’s. This one really ought not provide for any reasons for anyone to complain. It will be sort of like Password. The guider will (in thread) provide a series of one word clues. It must be one word at a time. For the Movies category, you cannot use any words that appear in the title. You cannot use any character names nor director’s names. No names at all actually. For bands, you cannot use any words in the band’s name, you cannot use any band member names and you cannot use song titles nor album titles. For historical figures, you cannot use their names obviously. For things you cannot use the name of the thing (duh). 


The Categories are: 

1. Movies
2. Bands
3. Historical Figures
4. Things

The fewest guesses per course wins the course. 

Example: Fred and Bill get paired up. Fred is blind, Bill guides. Bill gets the movie Hunt for Red October as his Password. Bill posts in thread, “Submarine.” Fred guesses Das Boot. Bill says defection. Fred guesses Hunt for Red October. That’s two guesses. Fewest guesses wins. Each course for each tribe will have three unique passwords. Guiders post three one word clues at the same time clearly labeled Password 1, Password 2, Password 3. 

Tribes now have a moment to strategize and choose guessers/blindfolded pairs for all four categories. Remember, there IS a time limit on this live challenge. Should be plenty of time I would imagine, but maybe pair up based on available times to complete the challenge? 

Just in case there’s one clue that takes about 50 guesses, it will not be a total guesses win/lose. For each category and each password tribes will get a point. So for movies, if one tribe gets all three in less guesses than the other tribe, that tribe scores three time points. Whoever has the highest number of quickest solves is the tribe that wins.

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