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TAPT Version 71.0 Kent Branstetter never votes for an incumbent

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31 minutes ago, HighCalebR said:

Especially with the legalization of sports betting. Instead of working that hard for whatever trivial sum at the end of the yeae + bragging rights from your friends. You could take money from the man instead, after a beer or two to make you the smartest man in football.

You know how old athletes tell stories about their great play in high school?  I feel that was me for fantasy football.

My buddy and I owned a team in the early 2000's.  It was a salary cap league, with contracts for players.  Max contract was 7 years.  I think that the cap was incremental, like if you paid $1 for a guy, the next year he was $2, and it went up like that, a buck a year.

We drafted well when we started, but then when the draft would happen, it was all for rookies.  We got Edgerin James for 5 years, but only $5 cuz he was a rookie.  (Then we could franchise him for 2 years after at $3/year.  I think we had Reggie Wayne, too.  But we built a killer roster of young players who were great.  We won the league 2 out of 3 years, then Tom Brady got injured.  We picked him up for 7 years, $7.  Since he was cut in the league, there was no multiplier on the contract, so we had our franchise QB for 7 years and no money.  So we would buy high end RB's, draft WR's and ultimately, we won 3 years in a row and the league folded.

Now every time we have a few beverages, we reminisce about the good ole days of fantasy football.


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I enjoyed the competition and broader perspective of the league that playing fantasy football afforded me - plus, I was pretty good at it :) Never played more than one team a year. I could become a bit obsessive about it - so multiple teams I did not need. Won two championships and always was net positive on the monetary side of things - although the money was a secondary reason for my playing.


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On 9/13/2024 at 11:08 AM, Mazrimiv said:

I stopped playing FFB last year after about 20 years of having too many teams.  Watching the games is so much more enjoyable now.

I had the opposite - still in a couple leagues but actually catching a game is a rare treat


The one league is a long-time League that's been going for 30 years and it's a bunch of friends, so it's basically paying 120 bucks to hang out one night a year at the draft and then have a reason to talk smack to each other for 3 months, and that's fine... I'm at the stage in my life where 120 bucks to get that sort of interaction is a bargain. 


The other one I've been in for a little over 20 years, it's web-based with a bunch of guys. I knew from a message board and met IRL, so I'm a little less invested but it's a dynasty and I rarely make the playoffs so I feel like I'm in until I at least make a championship game

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On 9/14/2024 at 7:16 PM, beekay414 said:

Me and a buddy are going up to Green Bay for the weekend next weekend. Staying at Lodge Kohler. Any bar/restaurant recommendations? We're going to Stadium View and most likely Stirrups at some point. 

I always enjoyed Anduzzi's.  Holmgren Way one.  But it's been years now since I've been there.


Pancake Place for breakfast.  Enormous portions and pretty darned good.


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2 hours ago, Leader said:

Sleep is a good thing 👍

I had COVID about two years ago...and it wasnt much of anything. I've had colds that kicked my *** more.

My covid experience was pretty dumb. I had to burn all of my sick leave because of company policy, then wear a mask the week that I returned.  The day that I went to go get tested was the day that I was sick as a dog, and since I was already out and facing quarantine for a week, I went to the supermarket. I was fine the next day, but I had to wait it out.  So I lost all my sick time for the year in January, went out and spread covid for a day, then sat at home for 4 days perfectly fine.  

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Also, to add.  We had free leave if we got covid in 2019, but some shady jackasses took advantage of that to just not go to work and get paid, so they changed their policy at new year 2020.  I literally get covid like the first full week of the year, and my 5 sick days are immediately gone.  

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9 hours ago, ThatJerkDave said:

My covid experience was pretty dumb. I had to burn all of my sick leave because of company policy, then wear a mask the week that I returned.  The day that I went to go get tested was the day that I was sick as a dog, and since I was already out and facing quarantine for a week, I went to the supermarket. I was fine the next day, but I had to wait it out.  So I lost all my sick time for the year in January, went out and spread covid for a day, then sat at home for 4 days perfectly fine.  

When you say you were fine the next day - is that you felt fine or you tested again and came up negative?

I caught my COVID from some healthcare workers who were giving home care to my Dad. We were all vaxxed & boosted but what we didnt consider was these healthcare workers. They were assisting other individuals & families in other households were in *close contact* with a whole host of people - then us.

I never felt really bad. I was prompted to test myself because I didnt feel right one morning, then had a discernable moment of energy drain. Since I was headed to my Dad's house at the time, I thought I'd better test so as not to get him sick. The test came back positive and I had to stay home for a 5-6 days till I tested negative again.

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