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12 minutes ago, HighCalebR said:

Rodgers gonna be a Packer. Come on guys. The bed is made.

So many thoughts right now in addition to this. Starting with the note that this is just personal opinion ( @incognito_man 😉) but I feel like retirement is a rising option which I place far more likely than being traded. Everything I know and believe tells me Aaron Rodgers really isn't interested in starting over with a new organization no matter how close another team could be to a title with him. It's Green Bay or go off and explore the depths of his mind on altering substances in remote places. I think the dream of cashing in on a Rodgers trade is basically dead.

Getting back to the Packers organizational side of things, everyone wants to read into what Gute said yesterday as the Packers are bucking for a trade. But it skips an important step which is a willingness to force a trade if Rodgers doesn't want to be traded whilst desiring to continue playing. Gute can hope Rodgers calls with a desire for a trade all he wants, but if Rodgers wants to play for the Packers in 2023, the Packers will abide by that wish.

Most likely scenario is Rodgers in Green Bay in 2023, followed by a huge gap to retirement, followed by an even larger gap and very low probability of Rodgers playing for another team in 2023. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr Anonymous said:

So many thoughts right now in addition to this. Starting with the note that this is just personal opinion ( @incognito_man 😉) but I feel like retirement is a rising option which I place far more likely than being traded. Everything I know and believe tells me Aaron Rodgers really isn't interested in starting over with a new organization no matter how close another team could be to a title with him. It's Green Bay or go off and explore the depths of his mind on altering substances in remote places. I think the dream of cashing in on a Rodgers trade is basically dead.

Getting back to the Packers organizational side of things, everyone wants to read into what Gute said yesterday as the Packers are bucking for a trade. But it skips an important step which is a willingness to force a trade if Rodgers doesn't want to be traded whilst desiring to continue playing. Gute can hope Rodgers calls with a desire for a trade all he wants, but if Rodgers wants to play for the Packers in 2023, the Packers will abide by that wish.

Most likely scenario is Rodgers in Green Bay in 2023, followed by a huge gap to retirement, followed by an even larger gap and very low probability of Rodgers playing for another team in 2023. 

If "retirement" it is.....my money would be on his returning to a team of his choice after a year.
I mean.....will people watch/listen to a podcast where he's talking about wiping his *** in the dark if he's out of the league?

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3 hours ago, 15412 said:

To me opportunity cost is one of the biggest players here, and it is seldom discussed.  The Packers had not only a huge cap hit with that bloated contract but there was huge opportunity cost.  What they could have gotten in treasure for the old man at the time.

Now, there is still opportunity cost if you keep, albeit far less.  What his cap implication will be in the next few years and the loss of what we can get for him right now.


You are looking at the situation with 20/20 hindsight.  There was no way Gute was gonna trade away his 2x MVP after the 2021 season.  Unfortunately for us Rodgers had a bad year in 2022 and now we have an aging declining QB with a bloated salary and a youngster waiting in the wings who could be Rodgers' heir apparent.  IMO the blame for this entire mess lies at the feet of Gute and Ball.  I don't have a problem with them extending AR after the 2021 season but at that price??  Egad.  That ridiculous contract they gave him is the reason why we are in this pickle in the first place.

Edited by Pugger
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3 minutes ago, Pugger said:

You are looking at the situation with 20/20 hindsight.  There was no way Gute was gonna trade away his 2x MVP after the 2021 season.  Unfortunately for us Rodgers had a bad year in 2022and now we have an aging declining QB with a bloated salary and a youngster waiting in the wings who could be Rodgers' heir apparent.  IMO the blame for this entire mess lies at the feet of Gute and Ball.  I don't have a problem with them extending AR after the 2021 season but at that price??  Egad.  That ridiculous contract they gave him is the reason why we are in this pickle in the first place.

Wrong.  I said these very things while Ol Rodg was pouting back in Malibu before the signing.  No hindsight needed.  Bringing him back at that point was just fine, but under team terms.  It was an enormously stupid contract, and I said that on day 1 of the signing to boot.

MVP's?  Personal awards for regular season pretty stats, who gives a frack?   Brady has 5 Super Bowl MVP's, THAT is what counts.  Rodg stunk not only last year, but for a decade in late season games before that.  If post season winning is a thing and all.  His thumb wasn't his main issue last year either, it was a combination of his ego driven decision making and old man body odor.

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42 minutes ago, Mr Anonymous said:

So many thoughts right now in addition to this. Starting with the note that this is just personal opinion ( @incognito_man 😉) but I feel like retirement is a rising option which I place far more likely than being traded. Everything I know and believe tells me Aaron Rodgers really isn't interested in starting over with a new organization no matter how close another team could be to a title with him. It's Green Bay or go off and explore the depths of his mind on altering substances in remote places. I think the dream of cashing in on a Rodgers trade is basically dead.

Getting back to the Packers organizational side of things, everyone wants to read into what Gute said yesterday as the Packers are bucking for a trade. But it skips an important step which is a willingness to force a trade if Rodgers doesn't want to be traded whilst desiring to continue playing. Gute can hope Rodgers calls with a desire for a trade all he wants, but if Rodgers wants to play for the Packers in 2023, the Packers will abide by that wish.

Most likely scenario is Rodgers in Green Bay in 2023, followed by a huge gap to retirement, followed by an even larger gap and very low probability of Rodgers playing for another team in 2023. 

I wouldn't be shocked to see him retire, but then unretire later. Just like Favre.

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10 minutes ago, 15412 said:

Wrong.  I said these very things while Ol Rodg was pouting back in Malibu before the signing.  No hindsight needed.  Bringing him back at that point was just fine, but under team terms.  It was an enormously stupid contract, and I said that on day 1 of the signing to boot.

MVP's?  Personal awards for regular season pretty stats, who gives a frack?   Brady has 5 Super Bowl MVP's, THAT is what counts.  Rodg stunk not only last year, but for a decade in late season games before that.  If post season winning is a thing and all.  His thumb wasn't his main issue last year either, it was a combination of his ego driven decision making and old man body odor.

Didn't you read my post?  I stated it was a mistake by management to give him that ridiculous contract.  smh

And when I mentioned MVP there has never been a GM in the history of the league who has traded their reigning MVP.  That was all I was getting at.  Yes, he hasn't been stellar by any means in the post season but IMO it was group effort as to why things have gone south for us since 2011.

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It always is a group effort, and the most important piece and highest overpaid member has been below standards in late season big games for a very long time.  I did read your post, but I was speaking in totality of the situation.

There might have never been a GM in history who ate peanut butter on a carrot stick, but that really doesn't mean anything.  Personal awards are only a very small cog in the wheel in motion.  In this situation, that might have been a perfect time to move him.  Because it never happened before doesn't mean it couldn't have or shouldn't have.


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18 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I wouldn't be shocked to see him retire, but then unretire later. Just like Favre.

Exactly. Why the "He wont retire" folks discount (or dont remember) this potential alludes me.

49ers Webzone -  Why Mike Silver says 49ers inquiring about Tom Brady again "makes too much sense"

Favre did it...and Brady might do it twice.

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7 minutes ago, 15412 said:

It always is a group effort, and the most important piece and highest overpaid member has been below standards in late season big games for a very long time.  I did read your post, but I was speaking in totality of the situation.

There might have never been a GM in history who ate peanut butter on a carrot stick, but that really doesn't mean anything.  Personal awards are only a very small cog in the wheel in motion.  In this situation, that might have been a perfect time to move him.  Because it never happened before doesn't mean it couldn't have or shouldn't have.


Really bad example.  Peanut butter on a carrot stick.

There is an MVP every year.  None have been traded a year after winning an MVP.  That's a 100% true and factual statement.  

The question becomes this....Why wouldn't a GM want to trade an MVP player right after an MVP year?  His value would be the highest it has ever been, so the compensation would be enormous.

Answer:  A GM who wants to keep his job.

Say all you want that you called for it.  The fact is, it has never happened.  It's easy to say trade the 2X reigning MVP who just won 13 games in a row for 3 years because you didn't like his attitude.  You know, when you are an armchair fan. 

Much different when your job and reputation in the league depends on it.

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1 minute ago, vegas492 said:

Really bad example.  Peanut butter on a carrot stick.

There is an MVP every year.  None have been traded a year after winning an MVP.  That's a 100% true and factual statement.  

The question becomes this....Why wouldn't a GM want to trade an MVP player right after an MVP year?  His value would be the highest it has ever been, so the compensation would be enormous.

Answer:  A GM who wants to keep his job.

Say all you want that you called for it.  The fact is, it has never happened.  It's easy to say trade the 2X reigning MVP who just won 13 games in a row for 3 years because you didn't like his attitude.  You know, when you are an armchair fan. 

Much different when your job and reputation in the league depends on it.

Well, you're walking backwards tail first.   It doesn't matter in the least that it never happened before.  It also is doubtful there ever was a QB facing 40 who was under contract pouting at home and whining to the press after failing the past decade in late season big games, while on very talented teams.  There was also never a team that let their drafted QB with 6 Super Bowl wins walk away from the team to go win another one with some other team.  Right?   Oh there was, because it was time.  It was also time before Murph and Gute made the fatal mistake to rim the old man.  Now, they have a chance not to fix it, because they can't, but mitigate it.

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3 hours ago, 15412 said:

To me opportunity cost is one of the biggest players here, and it is seldom discussed.  The Packers had not only a huge cap hit with that bloated contract but there was huge opportunity cost.  What they could have gotten in treasure for the old man at the time.

Now, there is still opportunity cost if you keep, albeit far less.  What his cap implication will be in the next few years and the loss of what we can get for him right now.


Yep. Especially if you drafted Jordan Love in 2020. If they were confident enough to pick him, they should want to get him on the field while he’s cheap instead of this awkward contract overlap. They could’ve used that extra $50m to build around the young kid. & if he ends up being no good, you’re hitting the reset button soon anyways. & if he does end up being good, you could’ve been a strong contender for a few years while he was still on his rookie deal. & if they played their cards right, the new era could’ve been boosted by a king’s ransom received from a Rodgers trade. 

instead, they tried to have their cake and eat it too. If they were going to ride the Rodgers train until the wheels fall off, why even draft Love?


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