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2018 NFL Draft Discussion


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12 minutes ago, Chili said:

I know i'm late to the party but what do you make of the fact that we apparently knew King had a lingering shoulder injury since college and yet still drafted him. I thought we passed on Foster because of his shoulder injury. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me. That was the 2nd draft in a row that we passed on a top 10 linebacker talent.

I've been pounding the table for a top linebacker for a while. We passed on Watt and Foster, the year before we passed on Jack and Deion Jones, before that McKinney and Kendricks, and before that Bucannon.

I've seen the impact of what good linebackers can do for other teams, they are leaders, they set the tone, they make defences tough. Having a guy like that can be incredibily valuable. I'm amazed that the Packers dont seem to think of that position very highly.

Matthews was drafted in 2009 and his impact was undeniable. How did that not give the Packers the confidence to draft another linebacker like that?

Drafting a linebacker in the first two rounds: Hawk (2006) >>>> 3 years later Matthews >>>> 3 years later Perry >>>> 6 years and counting

We got away with Martinez and getting Peppers in free agency but the neglect at that position has been borderline criminal. We haven't drafted an inside linebacker within the first two rounds for 12 years! O.o

12 years....damn.....

Hopefully all that will change with Gute.

When "Linebacker" can be used to describe anyone in our defense from Julius Peppers and Datone Jones to Morgan Burnett and Josh Jones, it ends up not being a very useful term for describing players. I think you have to talk about edge rushers in a different way than you talk about ILBs. With that said, I don't see why it's "hypocritical" to pass up on one player with a shoulder injury fir another player with a shoulder injury. Not all injuries are equal, and the team clearly values CB over the ILB position. For something to be hypocritical they would have to be espousing something or claiming a stance. They just picked a player that they thought was a better bet to help the team. 

Aside from setting tone, what is it that you want an ILB to do to improve this team, that will improve it more than an edge rusher or a CB or a receiving talent?

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31 minutes ago, Cakeshoppe said:

When "Linebacker" can be used to describe anyone in our defense from Julius Peppers and Datone Jones to Morgan Burnett and Josh Jones, it ends up not being a very useful term for describing players. I think you have to talk about edge rushers in a different way than you talk about ILBs. With that said, I don't see why it's "hypocritical" to pass up on one player with a shoulder injury fir another player with a shoulder injury. Not all injuries are equal, and the team clearly values CB over the ILB position. For something to be hypocritical they would have to be espousing something or claiming a stance. They just picked a player that they thought was a better bet to help the team. 

Aside from setting tone, what is it that you want an ILB to do to improve this team, that will improve it more than an edge rusher or a CB or a receiving talent?

Fair enough about me not defining inside/outside/hybrid linebackers. I guess in my case my sore point would be inside linebackers.

Well for starters a top quality linebacker would add an injection of speed, physicality and intensity to our defence. They are the glue that ties the DL and DB together, the rest of the team looks up to them to lead. They help the entire defence function with their communication and physical impact. They are so much more important than people realise but people get too hung up on interceptions and sacks statisics and they have the nerve to dismiss them as low impact players.

The Packers defence has a speed problem (which we have started to recify in our last draft), a lack of intensity and a lack of leadership. I've always put that down to not trying to draft the best linebackers for our defence. Everyone was playing like individuals and struggling to communicate with each other. Hopefully we will have started the process of fixing that by hiring Pettine and continue by drafting the best linebacker early.

BTW CWood. We could've drafted Deion Jones instead of Spriggs.

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2 hours ago, MNPackfan32 said:

I really like Isaiah Oliver, better man to man than in zone. Bit soft at times but not horrible. Smooth athlete, good length, plus ball skills.


I'm meh on Davis.

Dude Davis is tough!   Oliver seems to always make sure he just misses out on contact. 

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1 hour ago, Chili said:

BTW CWood. We could've drafted Deion Jones instead of Spriggs.

Don't sell Spriggs down the river yet.  Judge drafts three years away.  People wanted to get rid of D Adams after two years.

Spriggs is going to be good.

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4 hours ago, Chili said:

Fair enough about me not defining inside/outside/hybrid linebackers. I guess in my case my sore point would be inside linebackers.

Well for starters a top quality linebacker would add an injection of speed, physicality and intensity to our defence. They are the glue that ties the DL and DB together, the rest of the team looks up to them to lead. They help the entire defence function with their communication and physical impact. They are so much more important than people realise but people get too hung up on interceptions and sacks statisics and they have the nerve to dismiss them as low impact players.

The Packers defence has a speed problem (which we have started to recify in our last draft), a lack of intensity and a lack of leadership. I've always put that down to not trying to draft the best linebackers for our defence. Everyone was playing like individuals and struggling to communicate with each other. Hopefully we will have started the process of fixing that by hiring Pettine and continue by drafting the best linebacker early.

BTW CWood. We could've drafted Deion Jones instead of Spriggs.

Not one of us wouldve wanted Jones over Spriggs on draft day. I had Spriggs graded as a 1st rounder. He was a top 25 player.

Josh Jones is a better athlete than Deion, give him some time.

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52 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Not one of us wouldve wanted Jones over Spriggs on draft day. I had Spriggs graded as a 1st rounder. He was a top 25 player.

Josh Jones is a better athlete than Deion, give him some time.

I did.

What does Josh Jones got to do with this conversation?

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10 hours ago, Chili said:

BTW CWood. We could've drafted Deion Jones instead of Spriggs.

Fair point.  But given the uncertainty regarding the contract status of Bakh, it wasn't a bad gamble to make.  I mean, who here wouldn't want another Chad Clifton?

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On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 1:34 AM, cooters22 said:

Anybody else notice how fast and energetic #78 Trenton Thompson DT from Georgia has played the past couple of games? Monday night he looked extra quick to the ball a few times and made a sideline tackle that not many DL are going to get to at the college level and then he still had enough left to blow the guy up. He's had some knee issues this season. He has yet to decide to enter the draft or not, leaning towards staying, but based off of what I saw he may be ready to play with the big boys now. Anybody?

Trenton Thompson declares for draft. Nobody added any input on this kid which sorta surprises me, but he now declared for the draft. So somehow since the championship game he sorta flipped his mind. Word was is that because he missed a lot of last season that he was going to return for his senior season. Now that he's had a couple very good games and demonstrated his skillset. He's 300 pounds with some quickness. Honestly I don't know anything more about this kid other than what I saw his past two games. He definitely would be good against the run and offer you something in pass rushing skills. He's not the pass rushing OLB everyone wants early, but maybe let's look outside the box a little. I believe Lowry's position could use a upgrade on our defense. MUSIC IS APPAULING ON HIS HIGHLIGHT VIDEO I PASTED, DON'T LISTEN IN FRONT OF CHILDREN!





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11 hours ago, incognito_man said:


Bloody hell. You can't even take my word for it. ¬¬

Before the draft, here's my comment (Mr Green) on Packersnews.net proclaiming Deion Jones as my favourite player in the draft:


Here's my comment (Chili) halfway down the board leading up to our 2nd round pick. CWood reponds to my post " Hell freaking no":


My disappointed reaction when Jones got drafted, CWood responds again to put down Deion Jones:


Satisfied? 9_9

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