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Is Star Wars the most overrated film series?


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44 minutes ago, Hunter2_1 said:

The universe and world is amazing. Like, literally amazing. It even accounts for trade, companies, languages (many of them), an economy etc etc

I was only referring to the movies, in terms of quality.


Ned > Rhaegar :D

If you are specifically talking about the way the movie flowed or the visual quality, I guess I could understand that, but remember the original trilogy came out in 1977. For that time, the visual effects were amazing.

The series did things that movies had never done before, and is still continuing to have major success 40 years later. As a whole, the franchise has a widely in-depth universe, amazing character development for most of the key players, and a storyline with very little plot holes (Disclaimer to TLJ haters: Give it a rest until we see the rest of this trilogy). You have to take all of that into account when you bottom-line something with being overrated.

Out of curiosity, what do you think the best film series is?

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By the fans, yeah, I'd say so. If we're talking in terms of quality of the movies versus the popularity of the movies or something.

Really it just has a very odd fandom. You have a substantial number of people who would argue it's the greatest film franchise of all time, but would also argue that around half of the movies were bad. Which is just kind of a weird stance. In a similar vein, I know a few huge fans of the series that didn't like The Last Jedi (or in another case, Rogue One), but still paid to see it 3+ times. It's just all-around a strange relationship between the films and the fan base. To dislike the parts but still adore the whole and throw money at the parts whether they like them or not.

So it kind of comes down to overrated by who and in what way. It's profitability certainly isn't overrated. People throw money at it regardless. I don't think any individual films are overrated (it's well-known by Star Wars fans and the general public that no one like the prequels, and the recent trilogy is pretty known to have had mixed responses.) It's only really the originals that anyone ever tries to argue were great movies, which is more or less fair. But the overall product, it's fair to say is overrated, and it's revenue certainly exceeds the quality of the product. Each new release is a momentous occasion and the overall series is treated as spectacular (argued by many as the best ever) despite it being a long time since a movie came out that most everyone agreed was excellent. The overall series very much still lives on nostalgia, with some good advertising mixed in. Which is fine if people still enjoy it. Just a little unique.

So, tl;dr, it being overrated or not is more or less going to come down to your interpretation of what a film being overrated means.

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4 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Not a single bust among any of the 9 movies released so far.

The box office for The Last Jedi has undoubtedly been a bust. It's the worst follow up sequel percentage wise in the series. Though it still has a shot at passing the drop from TPM to AOTC. As you yourself have argued The Last Jedi's box office run has been a disappointment, you'll likely bring up an argument regarding semantics with my use of terminology, and that's not a debate I care to have.

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I agree with whoever said there wasn't a bad movie out of the nine.  People crap on four of them because they weren't exactly like the original trilogy.  They also crap on one of them because it was too much like the original trilogy.

The original trilogy is a landmark, iconic, all-time great trilogy and will be cherished for the next one hundred years, just like The Wizard of Oz remains cherished and beloved by so many generations of fans almost one hundred years later.  If you can call something that features three movies like that overrated...

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2 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

The box office for The Last Jedi has undoubtedly been a bust. It's the worst follow up sequel percentage wise in the series. Though it still has a shot at passing the drop from TPM to AOTC. As you yourself have argued The Last Jedi's box office run has been a disappointment, you'll likely bring up an argument regarding semantics with my use of terminology, and that's not a debate I care to have.

Calling it a bust or a bomb is stupid.

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37 minutes ago, Bullet Club said:

In your opinion, sure.

Biggest movie of the year, 6th all-time domestically, and 9th all-time worldwide.  Bust/bomb is dumb.

It disappointed.  Call it semantics, but that's very different because of the expectations the film had.

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The FILM franchise as a whole could be considered very overrated because the immense popularity of the franchise is based almost entirely on films made 30-40 years ago.   Since then, there hasnt been a film better than merely "good", and the first two prequels are largely considered mediocre at best....and thats not merely my opinion....it seems like a pretty fair consensus.   Hardcore Star Wars fans are harder on the films than I am.

However, the Star Wars BRAND is not overrated.     Its an awesome universe and there are amazing games, books and cartoons that overshadow what the films have done over the last 20 years (from a quality standpoint).    


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I don't remember who said it but someone once said "No one hates star wars more than star wars fans" 

I think that is entirely accurate...However.

The OT did so much for films and are all good to great films, ROTJ obviously being the best of the three. 

The Prequels while amazing in concept and adding so much lore to star wars...were blegh to watch through, ROTS obviously being the best. I still say the Star Wars TV shows were superior in every way.

The new movies, we still have like twenty more films to go before Disney is done but as of the three we've gotten, TFA is a fine film that borrowed a lot A new hope so they didn't pull a prequels and the characters worked out fairly well and I'd call it the best we've seen so far from Disney. Rogue One....is a story that probably didn't need to be told and the characters are basically cardboard cutouts unless you've read the novels even then...blegh but that Vader Scene and the final act are brilliant despite the CGI faces. I won't get into TLJ because spoilers but it's exactly what I wanted....something different, not happy about what I got but I did get what I want.

Solo looks....who knows how that will end up or how episode 9 will wrap up the star wars saga, After Episode 9 I'd expect we'll get Rian Johnson's trilogy focusing on the ancient Jedi or Sith or something set a lot way after or before the current star wars franchise. 

It's not overrated at all.

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11 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

I don't remember who said it but someone once said "No one hates star wars more than star wars fans" 

I think that is entirely accurate...However.

The OT did so much for films and are all good to great films, ROTJ obviously being the best of the three. 

The Prequels while amazing in concept and adding so much lore to star wars...were blegh to watch through, ROTS obviously being the best. I still say the Star Wars TV shows were superior in every way.

The new movies, we still have like twenty more films to go before Disney is done but as of the three we've gotten, TFA is a fine film that borrowed a lot A new hope so they didn't pull a prequels and the characters worked out fairly well and I'd call it the best we've seen so far from Disney. Rogue One....is a story that probably didn't need to be told and the characters are basically cardboard cutouts unless you've read the novels even then...blegh but that Vader Scene and the final act are brilliant despite the CGI faces. I won't get into TLJ because spoilers but it's exactly what I wanted....something different, not happy about what I got but I did get what I want.

Solo looks....who knows how that will end up or how episode 9 will wrap up the star wars saga, After Episode 9 I'd expect we'll get Rian Johnson's trilogy focusing on the ancient Jedi or Sith or something set a lot way after or before the current star wars franchise. 

It's not overrated at all.

RotJ is easily the worst of the OT and imo worse than RotS

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57 minutes ago, Motion said:

RotJ is easily the worst of the OT and imo worse than RotS

ROTJ actually wrapped up the story in a satisfying way, something that ROTS didn't do at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but ROTJ is my favorite even including the ewoks....

Fun fact...There are actually 12ish star wars movies, The Clone wars animated one (Theatrical release so technically a movie) and the god awful made for TV ewok movies that are both worse than the holiday special..


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