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Madden 19


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This will be the first time since Madden NFL 64 (1997) that I will not be getting Madden on day 1.  I've been nothing but disappointed in the franchise all the way back to Madden 05, especially since Madden 25 (2013).  I am extremely saddened by this, but I do hold a grain of hope in my heart that this once great titan of gaming will return to it's glory again.

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I'm in a weird place right now.  I have stopped playing Overwatch for the most part a few months ago.  I play every once in a while, but it went from being my main game to something I don't really enjoy.  I played so much Fortnite that I'm getting bored of the game.  

Madden is looking really appealing right now just because of that alone.  

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1 hour ago, cddolphin said:
20 hours ago, showtime said:

I'm actually really looking forward to trying Madden 19 in two weeks.  I'm going into it really wanting to like it.  

oh you sweet summer child

Regardless of my frustrations with the game, I always get my money's worth of enjoyment every year. It's unfortunate that it's the only option, but it is what it is. 

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23 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

Only reason to buy the physical game is for the 10% trade-in discount or whatever it is the following year.

Amazon Prime 20% off says otherwise. 

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4 minutes ago, pwny said:

Because the physical copies aren’t for sale yet. 

Interesting.  I just noticed that all they're allowing customers to pre-order is digital codes.  Do you know why that's happening?  You can pre-order the physical copies of other games that are coming out next year.  Madden is coming out in roughly two weeks and we can't pre-order a physical copy.

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I buy physical because I knew I’d one day be in my current shoes, where I don’t have access to WiFi or internet lol. 

Also, vast minority here. I’m feeling the cover. It’s fresh and new. 

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