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Browns sign QB Drew Stanton


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Any one of us could have gone out there for millions of dollars and gone 1-31 as HC of that Browns team. We could have just let our assistants run the show, and they’d at least stumble into better then that. I’ve said it repeatedly: no one expected better than 4-6 wins per season. But 1 win in 2 years? That’s underachieving and obvious awful coaching to lose games occurred all along the way. It was stunning how poorly he managed Kizer and set opposing D’s up for success. Then we have games where Crow has 5 runs for 72 yards. He’s just a bad coach. I don’t know how else to say it. 

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LOL I was wondering htf the Drew Stanton thread had reached more than four total posts and now I see it's because everyone is using this thread to fantasize about Hue's final downfall. I just have to say, Guys, that we should stay on topic. 

So back on topic.

I really like the signing because when Tyrod gets injured, Hue will put in Stanton because that's a total Hue move. Then we will fire Hue. 


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Someone pass the popcorn, and grab some links to these threads.  I can't wait to revisit and see how many that are sticking up for Hue in December when we are competing, that are screaming with a pitchfork right now for his head on a pike.

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36 minutes ago, DizzyDean said:

Someone pass the popcorn, and grab some links to these threads.  I can't wait to revisit and see how many that are sticking up for Hue in December when we are competing, that are screaming with a pitchfork right now for his head on a pike.

He may or may not be the long term guy here, but he's my least favorite coach I can remember for the Browns. There's something super scoundrely about him that's tough to ignore.

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26 minutes ago, NudeTayne said:

He may or may not be the long term guy here, but he's my least favorite coach I can remember for the Browns. There's something super scoundrely about him that's tough to ignore.

Like the fact that he still hasn’t jumped in the ********************************************* lake yet 

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5 hours ago, DizzyDean said:

Someone pass the popcorn, and grab some links to these threads.  I can't wait to revisit and see how many that are sticking up for Hue in December when we are competing, that are screaming with a pitchfork right now for his head on a pike.

Um if the browns are competing come December it’s not going to be because of Hue. It’s mainly going to be Haley and Dorsey. Hue wouldn’t really own up to the failure because of the roster, so he can’t own up to the success because of the roster. If he wants my respect he has to earn it. He cost the team a lot of games the last two years because of his crap coaching and he was handed a gift from god that he wasn’t fired. The browns should compete alone on roster and it’s coordinators. To me they should be at least a 6-7 win team. IMO great coach and and coach should be a 3 win swing. Legit HC should help add 3 more wins and a bad HC should take away 3 wins. If the Browns win 9-10 games, I’ll eat A big fat Huebris crow pie. 

Dont act all high and mighty about hue because he has done nothing, literally nothing that should instill faith. Only reason to have faith in him is because someone else is controlling the roster and someone is controlling the offense

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2 hours ago, buno67 said:

Um if the browns are competing come December it’s not going to be because of Hue. It’s mainly going to be Haley and Dorsey. Hue wouldn’t really own up to the failure because of the roster, so he can’t own up to the success because of the roster.

LOL just you wait. If he survives somehow, he'll be puffing himself up at every moment.

6 hours ago, mistakey said:

Like the fact that he still hasn’t jumped in the ********************************************* lake yet 

Seriously this is what broke the camel's back for me. Unforgivable.

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12 hours ago, bruceb said:

He is Machiavellian, too?

I believe that the purpose of some of his worse decisions was to make Sashi look bad.

I don’t disagree.

The schemes, play calling and how some players were utilized last season is beyond comprehension to me. The front office obviously was assuring us a reasonably high pick, but 0-16 was easily avoidable imo.

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Like the guy or not, before he came here he had an 8 and 8 record as head coach, and has been a successful OC every where that he has been.  He happened to come in at the same time as the money ball staff that promptly stripped the roster down to the ground to rebuild.  That rebuild effort is finally starting this year.  Any fan should have known that the past 2 years would be bad because of our roster.  If you didn't, how knowledgeable are you as a fan anyway?  Has he made some bad game time management decisions?  Of course, all coaches have.  His are magnified by 1 and 31.  You may not like how he has handled himself with the media, that is fine.  Thing is, no coach would have done well with the roster that he has had to work with, and some of those bad decisions in the heart of the game can be attributed to calling plays while making those decisions.  Point is, I could care less about what you say right now.  When December rolls around and we are in the hunt, ALL OF THAT goes away, exposing those that are the loudest right now for exactly what they are.

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3 hours ago, DizzyDean said:

Like the guy or not, before he came here he had an 8 and 8 record as head coach, and has been a successful OC every where that he has been.  He happened to come in at the same time as the money ball staff that promptly stripped the roster down to the ground to rebuild.  That rebuild effort is finally starting this year.  Any fan should have known that the past 2 years would be bad because of our roster.  If you didn't, how knowledgeable are you as a fan anyway?  Has he made some bad game time management decisions?  Of course, all coaches have.  His are magnified by 1 and 31.  You may not like how he has handled himself with the media, that is fine.  Thing is, no coach would have done well with the roster that he has had to work with, and some of those bad decisions in the heart of the game can be attributed to calling plays while making those decisions.  Point is, I could care less about what you say right now.  When December rolls around and we are in the hunt, ALL OF THAT goes away, exposing those that are the loudest right now for exactly what they are.


Successful everywhere he has been?

He wasnt successful in WAS and ATL. His offenses there were 22nd and 29th in the league. 

No one is holding Hue's feet to the fire for not winning 6-7 games a year. Yeah the Roster the previous two years was not great but it was better than 1-31.

Dude has shown horrible player management, has shown horrible ability in game planning, horrible game management, horrible play calling. 

Can you name a positive that Hue has shown being in Cleveland?

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