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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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The Aliens quietly exited their ship, and snuck back towards camp. The found bcb sleeping against a tree by the fire. Before he knew it, the creatures were on him. They slipped a nanofiber collar around his neck and cinched it tight, he began to gasp and turn blue. The Aliens slipped back into their beds and fell asleep. 

In the morning, the group found @bcb1213's body. He was long gone. Bcb is dead, he was Grayson Butterfield, the Pinkerton Detective. 

The ratio is 7:2

It is now Day 3.

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2 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

bucs is looking more and more like and alien.  Anyone else have some thoughts? 

Honestly I'd like to push touch he seems off, but that could just be imo. Whicker is another one that has posted too much stuff that has later looked like "wtf". Bucs is a 3rd option that seems to be mafia. Maybe he seemed too happy to "kill them all"

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1 hour ago, LetTheBallFly said:

Honestly I'd like to push touch he seems off, but that could just be imo. Whicker is another one that has posted too much stuff that has later looked like "wtf". Bucs is a 3rd option that seems to be mafia. Maybe he seemed too happy to "kill them all"

I wouldn't bus anyone on D1. Not with only four votes 

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