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22 minutes ago, Pastor Dillon said:

Maybe but lynch just seems more over than he was 

No way. During Yesmania, he was so over that entire shows got taken over by Yes chants when he wasn’t even in the building. They took him off TV for a few weeks because he was so over they were afraid putting him out there would take over the entire show. Then the second stint, fans staged a protest of Raw and forced the WWE to lean into it and make it an entire moment that changed their entire WrestleMania plans for the main event.

Its entirely arguable that during those two stints, Bryan was more over than any wrestler in WWE history. 

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1 hour ago, Fresh Prince said:

Well that sucks. If they was ever a time for kofi to win it, that would've been the moment.

So that they can dump it back to DB before Mania?  Pass.  I'll take storylines that actually make sense over surprise finishes just for the sake of shock value.

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Not a bad overall PPV for a card which realistically only boasted two matches people came in really giving a crap about (the two Chamber matches).

I'm over tag team Chamber matches.  As is (and I don't blame them for making the Chamber safer), since they made the Chamber safer most Chamber matches are about as entertaining to me as the majority of matches at non-MITB gimmick PPV's like TLC; they're just becoming paint-by-numbers spotfests with the aim of getting one guy over and too often not giving everyone in the match a chance to get shine save for a couple WTF spots involving the majority of the participants.  And with the tag team ones, there's just so many people in the ring at one time that it's convoluted and turns into being like the Rumble where the storytelling goes to hell because 2-3 people are just chilling in the corner out of view of the camera because they don't want to distract attention away from the planned big spots.

I get why they did what they did tonight with the opener and how they did it.  And I'm fine with that - in the grand scheme of things the match itself isn't what that match will be remembered for.  But this is the kind of thing that happens when you remove 2-3 of your best female workers and then do a gimmick match that really does require some quality workers to not make the flow feel really disjointed.  This type of match simply isn't suited for talent like Naomi (not taking anything away from her athleticism, but her flow in matches is spot-sell-spot-sell, really choppy), Liv Morgan, and Billie Kay.  in the future, if they're doing Women's Chamber matches and you get ladies like Asuka, Nikki Cross (both of those two are made for this type of match because it's as much about what you do while you're still in the pod and when you get first released), Becky, Charlotte, even Ronda and they'll be just fine.  No matter what, both the final two teams got some great shine in this match (and both Mandy and Sonya desperately needed to work with women capable of selling for them the way that Sasha and Bayley are).

Shane and Miz actually hung with the Usos better than I expected them to.  That said, I'm over Shane matches because they're the same match on repeat, and his presence doesn't help the talent he's booked with - everyone is basically there to service Shane and Shane's high spots (which are always the same high spots).  So in that respect, I'm glad they took the belts off them.

Finn going over Lashley is positive, even if they have left the door open for a return match that's just Finn and Lashley that I have no desire to see (and where I still wouldn't past Vince hot potatoing the title right back to Lashley).  I really want them to move on from this feud because there are two feuds I'm holding out for for Owens when he returns (which should be in time for Mania): One is a pipe dream of him vs DB, the other is him vs Finn (because even if KO gets the babyface return-from-injury pop, Finn's not going to get booed and KO could regain nuclear heel heat if he came back after talking up his "buddy" Finn to screw him over and take his title at Mania (better booking would be to have Finn retain at Mania and then have Owens ask his buddy for one more shot the next night on RAW and cheat to win; but I could also see putting Owens over at Mania clean and then having him cheat to retain in a rematch against Finn the next night - which would free up Finn to move over to Smackdown too, where he'd hopefully be booked much better).

Ronda/Ruby sucks that it had to happen to Ruby, but Ronda needed a squash match as it's the way she should have been booked from the start if she was going to be in the Main Event of Mania on her 1-year anniversary of being in the company.

Corbin/Strowman was their typical treading water match.  They had guys that they want to feature (Strowman and Drew) so they had to find some way to get them screen time on the card.  Corbin is like the bigger version of Lio Rush (he's a decent worker - Rush is clearly better - but he organically gets great heel heat because he's so unlikable), so you can't blame  them for continuing to feature him in the midcard, but at some point he's gonna need some comeuppance that isn't Braun's Super Friends coming out to put him away because Braun's elbow wasn't up to it; because he's starting to be more like Stephanie McMahon in barely ever putting people over.  We're likely going to get some version of a 6-man with team Strowman (him/???/??? - I have no desire to see Kurt or Finn in there, so we probably get some mashup of Seth and/or Dean, a returning Bray and Harper - which would at least add some credible storyline) versus Team Corbin/Drew/Lashley at Fastlane.  I could even see a possibility that they put Seth in there initially - even though he's still injured - and figure they can pop Cena in there if they need to because it seems like the plan is still for Cena/Drew with Drew going over at Mania.

The Mens' Chamber was what it needed to be.  I do wonder if it would have been booked a bit differently if Mustafa Ali hadn't gotten injured in the buildup (I know they're high on him, so I wouldn't have been shocked if he'd have gotten the same shine to the end that Kofi got if he were in the match).  Would have been nice to see Joe not be the first eliminated again for the second year running, but his legitimacy is never really ever going to be questioned.  If they keep going with DB on the route he is (and I'd honestly expect him to retain at Mania too), they've got the opportunity for him to be able to absolutely make someone as a top-level babyface if they find the right guy.  He's capable of both working an amazing match with a guy AND will continue to draw quality heel heat, particularly if they give him credible wins like tonight (which he needed coming on the heels of the dirty win over AJ at the Rumble).  When you've got a smaller-ish champion with a big mouth, the only thing that makes a guy like that draw organic heel heat better than him going the chickencrap heel route is for him to actually take the talk and walk the walk (which means winning clean when it counts ; he can still get dirty wins in TV matches, but you put him over clean on PPV) - see Ciampa, Tommaso.  You want to utterly make Finn Balor - since he's already gotten some shine from the match with Lesnar even if he didn't win - you swap him and AJ in the Superstar Shakeup, bring him to Smackdown, and have him be the one to finally take down Bryan.  (If it were me, I'm booking them in an Ironman Match, having Finn come out as the Demon, and having DB do something creative like literally taking a ringside towel and water and washing the paint off Finn mid-match only for Finn to get the snarl himself and end up winning the match.)  But you have to string that payoff out till at least Summerslam, because you really need to do a Gedo/New Japan style build to the babyface finally going over.


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3 hours ago, ttitansfan4life said:

Damn was hoping Kofi would turn heel and end that stupid group finally.

I wish they'd end New Day as well, as their schtick is so overplayed now (and has been for a long time). But I don't think Vince wants to disband them as they're a good cash cow for kids wanting to buy their merchandise.

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12 hours ago, Troy Brown said:



altho becky was definitely brutal with those crutches, she wasn't pulling anything

I think that's more than half the reason Ronda came out cosplaying the way she did.  They likely wanted her to have some extra clothing (I doubt there was padding in there, but even having anything between skin and crutch makes a difference in avoiding lacerations) to protect from the crutch shots.

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Anyone else hate that they're inserting Charlotte into the Raw Women's Title match? Now Rousey is gonna lose the title without being pinned at WM, thus devaluing Becky's big title win and dethroning her. Being the one to take the Women's Title from Ronda in a singles match would've actually MEANT something, now the whole thing feels compromised/neutered.

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