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2018 NBA Finals: The Warriors vs LeBron Pt. 4


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1 hour ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Yes, the NBA officials said it wasn't close. I believe you.

That's why they took so long to discuss it. Probably took most of that time discussing dinner plans tbh.


What's the standard for overturning the call on the court?

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The refs screwed it up, majorly. There is no if ands buts about it. They had the easiest escape card in their pocket and they refused to use it. 

They didn’t have to over turn anything. One ref called a charge and another ref called a block. All they needed to do was review the play to make sure he wasn’t in the restricted area. After finding out he wasn’t they should of called a double foul because that’s what happen on the court to begin with. One on James and one on Durant and call a jump ball. In that situation having a jump ball between James and Durant would of been the smartest thing to do. It’s in the rules, double foul equals jump ball. That way your putting the games in the hands of the players. 

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JR’s late game stupidity has completely overshadowed his gaffe right before half time in which he went for the stupid steal and let curry have a wide open three. This dudes idiocity is completely inexcusable.

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On 6/1/2018 at 9:01 AM, buno67 said:

Well one ref called a charge and another called block. 

I do think some of the early calls were questionable. For example they were letting guys plays which I have no issue. Lebron makes a lay up and there was some contact but there was no call, which is fine but the Warriors come right back down and Draymond goes for a lay up and Hill had his hand on his back. Draymond had an easy lane, hill came over late and barely made contact. Something that wasn’t very physical at all and the refs called that. 

The officiating wasn’t great but it wasn’t that bad. Just like to see consistency

nah he pushed draymond, that was an easy one... i realize the hill strip was a bad call, but those are all par for the course in an nba game. i think things have to be egregious in the nba to talk about bad officiating. i still think they got the block charge call correct, though. it is, of course, a bad look to go and change it when apparently no one realized  you can do that now (we all did, pretty big rule change, i'm surprised there are analysts on tv that didn't)

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15 hours ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

They ended up getting the call right but it is true that it should have never been reviewed since he was clearly outside the restricted area. It wasn't close as he was a good couple feet outside the restricted area…… but I'll take it anyways lol.

they will review 3 point shots which are clearly a foot behind the line. 

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3 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

2 days in between games where there's no travel is so stupid

They aren't going to pass up an opportunity to play on prime time on Sunday night. Pretty sure it is the only Sunday game of the series.

1 hour ago, Troy Brown said:

they will review 3 point shots which are clearly a foot behind the line. 

Word, but I get the beef of Cavs fans or just basketball fans that the play was reviewed in the first place. You could only review the call if you have doubt the player was inside the restricted area. Obviously that wasn't the case here. Bron wasn't close to the line but they reviewed it because the refs were in disagreement of it was a block or charge. At the end I still say they got the call right, but even then Nunn/Javie disagree. 

So the Cavs are going to get a bunch of suspect calls go their way on Sunday to make up for this huh? 

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1 hour ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

They aren't going to pass up an opportunity to play on prime time on Sunday night. Pretty sure it is the only Sunday game of the series.

Word, but I get the beef of Cavs fans or just basketball fans that the play was reviewed in the first place. You could only review the call if you have doubt the player was inside the restricted area. Obviously that wasn't the case here. Bron wasn't close to the line but they reviewed it because the refs were in disagreement of it was a block or charge. At the end I still say they got the call right, but even then Nunn/Javie disagree. 

So the Cavs are going to get a bunch of suspect calls go their way on Sunday to make up for this huh? 

I wouldn't count on it

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19 hours ago, Kip Smithers said:

Kyle Korver was an all star in ATL. Spot up shooters benefit from LeBron. It’s not about their numbers dipping, it’s their effectiveness and the way they are restrained from doing what they normally did. LeBron doesn’t actually make guys better. He just makes it easier for spot up shooters. Jeff Green is not a reliable shooter, Bron isn’t making him better. Jordan Clarkson...Derrick Rose,

Non of the players you mentioned were/are being restrained from doing what they normally do. Rose was in and out of the rotation not to mention he was SIGNIFICANTLY worse on defense than Jose Calderon and that not hyperbole. Clarkson played well during the regular season but in the playoffs he missed wide open shots and played out of control and turns the ball over every time he drives to the rim. This has been Jeff Greens most effecient season of his career. Lebron doesn’t automatically make everyone he’s plays with better but he certainly doesn’t make guys worse. The only type of players I think would struggle playing along side Lebron are ball dominant players who can’t shoot which is why I’m not sold on a Lebron/Simmons pairing being all that great a fit

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4 hours ago, BrownsDog23 said:

Non of the players you mentioned were/are being restrained from doing what they normally do. Rose was in and out of the rotation not to mention he was SIGNIFICANTLY worse on defense than Jose Calderon and that not hyperbole. Clarkson played well during the regular season but in the playoffs he missed wide open shots and played out of control and turns the ball over every time he drives to the rim. This has been Jeff Greens most effecient season of his career. Lebron doesn’t automatically make everyone he’s plays with better but he certainly doesn’t make guys worse. The only type of players I think would struggle playing along side Lebron are ball dominant players who can’t shoot which is why I’m not sold on a Lebron/Simmons pairing being all that great a fit

That's because he's not being asked to create anything for himself and is not taking a lot of shots. LeBron makes one class of players better: spot-up shooters/catch-and-shoot players. He doesn't make shot creators, post scorers, or playmakers better.

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36 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Kerr says Iguodala is Doubtful and Klay Thompson called himself Questionable for tomorrow.

Iggy was always going to be out until game 3 at the earliest.

Klay is going to try to give it a go, but he has a high ankle sprain. I don't know how smart it is for him to play on such a short turnaround for that type of injury. 

But damn dude is tough. Just brushes off injuries like nothing. Playing on a high ankle sprain is no joke and he still dropped 24 on it lmao. 

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