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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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MalFin will be the lynch 


Vote Count

3. bcb1213 - MalFin (308)
6. MalFin - touch (308), Rags (311), touch (311), MalFin (312)
11. Touch -
14. Mookie -
17. slappy - MalFin (308), no vote (308), Rags (311), bcb (311), no vote (311), touch (312)
19. Rags - MalFin (308)


3 MalFin - Rags, bcb, MalFin

1 touch - slappy


3 votes needed to lynch

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Another snow storm had decended upon Gotham once again as the mob was walking down the street, pausing at each house.  A man lay in his bed dreaming of freedom and peace.  He woke up to loud banging coming from downstairs, naturally curious and a bit frightened he moved slowly down each step.  He grabbed a metal baseball bat that he had altered by welding foot long spikes up and down the barrel.  He turned the door handle slightly allowing the front door to pop open.  

The mob stood at the front door, they could hear movement inside.  The tension was building, as fast as the snow was falling.  Those who were on the streets couldn't even see the door, because of all the snow and wind pelting their faces. 

The door the mob was standing in front of creaked open, just an inch or two.  One of the men in the mob quickly slid his hand into the door frame, preventing him from shutting the door.  Two other men grabbed tightly to the door and ripped it open revealing the man, a bewildered look on his face and a menacing baseball bat in his had.  

The man wasted no time, he swung the bat with everything he had, his life now hanging in the balance.  

One body fell, followed by a second and third.  Blood and sweat causing the floor in the hallway to become like a sheet of ice.  More men piled through the doorway, slipping and sliding as they did.  The man was no match for the sheer number of attackers, he turned to run, but fell victim to the floor just as the intruders had.  The members of the mob that had stormed into the house regained their balance, just as the man lost his.  

In his panic to run, he droped his bat on the floor and was feeling around in the dark trying to find it before the mob reached him.  One of the men spoke up, as he was on his hands and knees with his back to his front door.  "Looking for this," the man said as he tapped the baseball bat on the hardwood foor.  "Your a coward, you sit here in your house, while the rest of us try and take back our city.  Nah we can't have this..." the man said in a harsh tone.  "Don't worry it will all be over quickly," another member of the mob said.  The man on the floor was fumbling around and mutering, "We are Batman!'" as the man with the bat raised it up high and swung down.  

MalFin is dead, he was Riley Nova  Civ aligned

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12 minutes ago, PuntMyLumps said:

I'd like to play, either as a replacement or in the next game

I’ll get the next game up a few days after this one is over. I also want to allow people a “cool down” period if need be.

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Police cars flew towards the Gotham Bridge where the call went out for help.  A man lay battered and broken in the middle of the bridge.  Police swarmed the area trying to save the man and arrest the person responsible. 

The man's legs were broken and mangled, as if he had been run over by a semi.  He tried to stand but just kept falling.  Officers had stopped traffic to the bridge while others ran over to the man.  

The broken man continued to stumble while trying to stand.  An officer finally reached him and said, "Sir please lie down, we have an ambulance coming."

The man responded with a very perplexing request, "Help me stand, I need to stand." Another officer arrived and they both helped him to stand up, despite his broken legs. The man turned to the first officer to reach him and said, "Thank you, you are a true hero of Gotham."

As the man finished his sentence he fell down and yelled for the two officers to help him back up.  Standing once again the man spoke with a weak voice and urgency, "No matter what happens to you in life, always stand back up.  Nothing can keep you down and nothing will hold you down.  Remember! Remember!"

The man pushed the officers away as he stood waivering on his own two feet.  "Gotham you are Batman now!" he gasped as he fell one last time to never rise again. 

@Ragnarok is dead, he was Bruce Wayne/Batman - Civ aligned (Green text)

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