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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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20 minutes ago, MathMan said:

im reading for tone here, and my impression up james posts are that hes being cautious and helpful.

trying to appear protown, and not saying anything scummy. also, not being loose.

also, he is commenting on general things, rather than calling out players.

mafia doesnt want to link themselves too much to other players if they can help it

historically, on day 1, civs are the ones that act "scummy" because they arent trying to hide anything




Let's do it.

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17 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

I think I prefer the deadlines for votes. There's more urgency and activity instead of just waiting around for something to happen.

yeah, i feel like the nondeadline way helps mafia more because it is hard to get 11 people to agree.

plus when its "mislynch and lose", mafia can just bumrush the vote at anytime to win if civs dont vote together.

plus, you cant "surprise lynch" a mafia 15 minutes before night

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22 minutes ago, MathMan said:

yeah, i feel like the nondeadline way helps mafia more because it is hard to get 11 people to agree.

plus when its "mislynch and lose", mafia can just bumrush the vote at anytime to win if civs dont vote together.

plus, you cant "surprise lynch" a mafia 15 minutes before night

this is why you need a governor around ;)

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1 hour ago, bucsfan333 said:

I think I prefer the deadlines for votes. There's more urgency and activity instead of just waiting around for something to happen.

It's kinda a tricky situation with time zones, work scheds etc 


At the beginning it goes slow but towards the end it quickens the game 

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10 hours ago, MathMan said:

4 or 5.

Whicker is interesting because he seemed confident that the train wasn't going to work.


Maybe because mafia isn't on the train.

If Whicker Flips scum, people should look back to D1.

I was confident because my train included two people who always vote me and someone who was being funny 

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