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@Malfatron, @ET80, @The Orca, @Pickle Rick, @Hockey5djh, @theuntouchable, @Shady Slim, @Adrenaline_Flux.


This time, you have a little over 24 hours to solve the puzzles.  Deadline is 1 PM CST Wednesday.  Only one submission will count.  No partial submissions. 

After the final nine, everybody celebrated.  A little too hard.  You have to remember the endeavors of the tribe in order to be able to compete in the next Immunity Challenge.  For the challenge, you each have an Immunity Idol balancing on a Totem.  The object of the game is to break each other’s Totems  so that the Immunity Idols fall.  Everybody has a 50% chance to hit a totem on each roll.  Everybody’s totem can take three total hits.  

Each puzzle you solve correctly will give you either 5% better aim or 3 extra hits to your totem.  For each puzzle, you have to tell me which you want.  Better aim, or better totem.  

Then, you have to tell me who you want to target.  There are limitations this time.  You can target either a specific PLAYER, LOW totem, High totem, low aim, high aim.  That’s it.  You cannot target who targeted you last.  You have to provide a big board with only those possible options.  

Everybody who submits, right or wrong, gets 50% aim and 3 points on their totem.  This means there’s a maximum of 70% aim, a maximum of 15 points on your totem depending on where you put your points and how many puzzles you solve correctly. 

ET's Circus Trick

ET got drunk again and insisted he could tell a player’s favorite movie and their age just by looking into their eyes.  Everybody was too busy laughing to remember what he said, but some clues were remembered.  

ET looked into Shady’s, Malf’s, Touch’s, Hockey’s, Ted’s, Orca’s and Pickle’s eyes and made the guesses.  He only said whole years for ages.  Can you guess the ages and movies ET picked based on only these clues?


ET: The Extra Terrestrial
The Thing
Evil Dead
Crocodile Dundee
Jurassic Park

Youngest (1) Oldest (7)

From the following clues, can you determine each castaway’s AGE, and favorite MOVIE according to ET based on the following clues?

1. No two castaways are the same age, ET did not guess an age under 30.  ET did not guess an age older than 60.

2. The fourth-oldest castaway according to ET is 48 years old.

3. The only two castaways who are just one year apart in age according to ET are Ted and Pickle, neither of whom is over 50.  

4. The largest age difference according to ET between a castaway and the next-younger or next-older castaway is between Hockey and Pickle.

5. The two youngest according to ET have the favorite movies Dumbo and Jurassic Park.  

6. The two oldest castaways’ favorite movies according to ET are ET: The Extra Terrestrial and Crocodile Dundee.  

7. There are two castaways who prefer to watch movies in a lounge, and the age of one of them is exactly two-thirds the age of the other.  There are two castaways who prefer to watch movies in their bedroom, and the age of one of them is exactly three-quarters the age of the other.  And there are two castaways who prefer to watch movies in theaters, and the age of one of them is exactly four-fifths the age of the other.  There are no other instances in which the age of any of the seven castaways is exactly two-thirds, three-quarters, or four-fifths the age of any other castaway.  

8. The age of one castaway who prefers to watch movies in their living room (and whose favorite movie is not Cinderella) becomes the age of one of the other castaways when the digits are reversed.  

9. Both Shady and Malf are older than Orca, who is older than the castaway with the favorite movie Cinderella.  

10. Pickle’s favorite movie is not Jurassic Park, and Orca’s favorite movie is not The Thing.  

11. Shady is younger than the castaway with the favorite movie ET: The Extra Terrestrial. 


Another night, Flux, ET and Malf dressed up as Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Trinity from The Matrix (not necessarily in that order).  Touch, Hockey and Orca dressed up as RJ MacReady, Dutch from Predator and John McClane (not necessarily in that order).  The six guests then split up into two teams of three to play previous Survivor Challenges because they missed their former tribes.  

From the clues below, can you determine who wore each costume and which guests made up each three person team?  

1. ET and Malf are not on the same team.  
2. Touch and Hockey are not on the same team.
3. Sarah Connor and Dutch are not on the same team.  
4. RJ MacReady and Ellen Ripley are not on the same team.
5. Malf and John McClane are not on the same team.  
6. Malf did not dress up as Ellen Ripley.
7. If ET is Trinity, Flux is on his team.  
8. If Hockey is Dutch, Orca is on his team.  
9. If Orca is RJ MacReady, Malf is not Sarah Connor.  
10. If Orca is not RJ MacReady, ET is not Ellen Ripley.  

Beauty Contest

The following castaways got drunk again and decided to rank each other based on looks: Malf, Shady, Touch, Flux, Hockey, Ted and Orca.  They did not vote for themselves.  They gave each player a ranking, 1-6.    From the following clues, can you determine the rankings each castaway gave every other castaway?  I need the ranking (in order) as well as the points each player received.    

1. Malf, Hockey and Ted all gave the same ranking to Orca, which happened to be the same ranking that Malf was given by Flux.  
2. Shady, Touch and Flux all gave Hockey the same ranking, but they gave three different rankings to Orca.  
3.  Malf and Shady gave each other the same ranking, and so did Malf and Touch, and so did Shady and Touch.  
4. Malf ranked Hockey the same as Touch ranked Orca, and he ranked Ted the same as Shady ranked Orca.  
5. Flux gave Shady the same ranking as Malf did.  
6. The ranking that Malf gave Flux was the same ranking that two other castaways gave Flux and that Orca gave Malf.  
7. Ted was given the same ranking by Flux and Hockey, and it was the same as the rankings given to Touch by Ted and Orca.
8. Ted was given the same ranking by Touch and Orca, and it was the same ranking as the ranking given to Touch by Hockey and the ranking Ted gave Malf.  
9. Shady was given the same ranking by Ted and Orca, and it was the same as the rankings given by Hockey to Malf and by Flux to Touch.
10. The ranking given to Ted by Malf was the same as a ranking that another castaway gave Malf.  
11. Ted gave Hockey the same ranking as Orca gave Flux.
12. Three of the rankings that Flux received were the same as three of the rankings that Orca received.  
13. The ranking received by the greatest number of castaways was 1, and the ranking received by the second greatest number of castaways was 2.  
14. The ranking received by the fewest castaways was 6, and the ranking received by the second smallest number of castaways was 5.  
15. Of the two rankings that were received by the same number of castaways, the higher number was received by one of the castaways three times. 

Rum Hunt

Production grew concerned by the amount of drinking going on, so it decided to hide all the rum and make castaways work for their drinking.  

The rum was hidden in five locations, and the locations were chosen at random between 10 possible locations.  Those locations are: Beds, Beach, Camp, Loo, Lounge, Confessional Booth, Tribal Council, Well, Ocean and Redemption Island.

Below are six pairs of statements.  Within each pair, one is true and the other is false.  The true statement can come first or second.  The six statements provide enough information to determine where the rum was hidden.  

Pair 1:
There is rum at camp, but not Redemption Island
There is rum at both the camp and Redemption Island

Pair 2:
There is rum at both the Ocean and camp.  
There is rum at the well.  

Pair 3:
There is rum at both the Loo and the ocean.  
There is rum at both the beach and Lounge, but not at the beds.  

Pair 4:
There is rum at exactly one of the following locations: Beds, ocean, Redemption Island.
There is rum at exactly one of the following locations: Beach, Tribal Council, Well.  

Pair 5:
There is rum at exactly two of the following locations: Loo, Confessional Booth, Ocean.
There is rum at exactly two of the following locations: Beach, Lounge, Redemption Island.

Pair 6:
There is no rum at any of the following locations: Loo, Confessional Booth, Ocean.
There is no rum at any of the following locations: Beach, Lounge, Redemption Island. 

Edited by Outpost31
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By the way, it IS possible to solve all of the puzzles.  The question was whether or not YOU could solve them.  I didn't even try the Beauty Contest one because I don't like that much math, but I was able to solve all the others, and double, triple and quadruple checked my work in switching the names from the source.  They're all possible to solve.  If it makes anyone feel better, I wouldn't even try on the third puzzle.  I'm confident I could have solved the other three (because I did). 

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@Adrenaline_Flux, @ET80, and @Hockey5djh have not submitted anything yet.   Remember, if you're not going to try to solve the puzzles, you can still take a guess (right or wrong) and you'll be guaranteed at least a small chance at winning.  This challenge wasn't meant to be easy, and it was meant to be tough.  You've been on this island for months and you're hungry and tired and you have to dig deep to get an edge.  

If you're not going to try, please let me know so we can get started early. 

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