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I edited out the loophole part because it was a friendly reminder.  INDY being capitalized made that still questionable, but since it is a word I will not hold to the penalty.  Loopholes are still allowed and encouraged.  I may have to take a look at the use of numbers and the edit, however.  I didn't specifically state that editing was against the rules, but I DID say I needed words.    

As far as the Pierce Brosnan, "Goldeneye" could have negated that.  Each actor has an easy role clue.  ET just didn't implement his.  Mathman could have said Igor for Daniel Radcliffe.  Player error.  Additionally, I used an ACTOR/ATHLETE/THING randomizer over 3 months ago to make this challenge.  Terms were assigned based on who signed up first.  

I have not had a chance to read through everything.  Did NOT expect 20 plus pages while I was at work.  Did NOT expect to be this busy at work.  My apologies.  

Although the scores are probably common sense at this point, we will wait for the announcement of who wins/loses after I have had time to assess any requisite penalties and score the performances.  I will be announcing a losing tribe around 11-midnight CST tonight.  I will announce Tribal Council tonight.  The losing tribe will have until 1 PM Wednesday to vote.  

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What Time Is It has much less opportunities for people to point fingers and circumvent the rules, so I'll be looking forward to that one.  I haven't seen any glaring rule infractions yet that would impact the outcome of this competition.  If I was being nitpicky, I could probably penalize most tribes.  I see nothing that was a CLEAR rule break, so nobody will be penalized.  

Sensual Centaurs, Reigning Champion Island, Pickle Tickle, congratulations on Immunity!  

Tribe Smug has taken last place.  Everyone on Tribe Smug, I've got nothing for you.  Head back to your camp.  Tribal Council will start tonight.  I'd be looking for Hiddn Immunity Idols if I were you.  You will be forced to send one of your tribe mates to Redemption Island.  

You may stay and finish the Immunity Challenge if you want.


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Look, if “INDYana” a word it’s a word. Rags already said it was a mispelling if Indiana but he didn’t make the hint so what he says doesn’t matter. I’ve made my case about the caps and people disagree lol

If there’s an advantage to be had by “bending” or interpreting the rules differently or finding loopholes there’s an advantage to be had trying to shut them down. When loopholes are found IRL, usually people abuse them until someone notices and it gets fixed. If that’s not fair game, my bad. Never played this game or watched the show. Saw an advantage of my own, something that the host might not like and pushed it. If that’s off limits, consider me notified.

Also I just want to add, I said nothing to @HorizontoZenith about chaninging the OP or rules. If my post swayed him and he decided to change the rule and people are upset, that’s my bad. But it wasn’t something I was fighting for by any means. I just said why I felt it could cause debate and just like in mafia, I’m gonna pick at stuff even when it annoys people.

Also anyone who didn’t pick up on @jfinley88 bit, shame on you. 

Edited by domepatrol91
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1 minute ago, domepatrol91 said:

Cool. I was typing all that while HZ overturned his ruling so it looks disingenuous 

nice. Cool.



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