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17 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

I haven't! It's solid enough? 

I haven't played it. Its on my wishlist, waiting for it to go on sale. 

I would highly recommend They Are Billions if you haven't played that. 

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11 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

I haven't played it. Its on my wishlist, waiting for it to go on sale. 

I would highly recommend They Are Billions if you haven't played that. 

Let me look into it. I have seen you recommend that before.

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4 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I'm in a funk, I need some strategy/sim games to play (Stellaris, Civ, XCom, Crusader Kings, etc)

Out of curiosity - when did you finish FF7 Rebirth?  I know you did a while back, the Reddit posts about post-Rebirth letdown / funk are so numerous, and I definitely went through that. 

If it's not that, no worries - but FWIW, I did find watching someone else replay it helped a ton (my daughter finished it about 2 weeks ago, only has the last Protorelic & the extra Dates to watch).   Obv not that easy in person to watch, but some high-quality playthroughs online as well.

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On 3/22/2024 at 12:31 PM, DawgX said:

Anyone playing Alone in the Dark?

I so wanted this game to be good, but looks pretty meh. Might give it a shot once it goes down in price.

I saw my daugther's friends playing it for an hour (it's like a 8+ hour game) - OMG it was so boring.    Head-shot, head-shot, rinse-repeat.     I think they spent all the $ on David Harbour & Jodie Comer voice acting.    Hard pass IMO.

Edited by Broncofan
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31 minutes ago, Broncofan said:

Out of curiosity - when did you finish FF7 Rebirth?  I know you did a while back, the Reddit posts about post-Rebirth letdown / funk are so numerous, and I definitely went through that. 

If it's not that, no worries - but FWIW, I did find watching someone else replay it helped a ton (my daughter finished it about 2 weeks ago, only has the last Protorelic & the extra Dates to watch).   Obv not that easy in person to watch, but some high-quality playthroughs online as well.

I finished maybe a month and a half ago? And then went in and knocked out Spider Man 2. Just looking for something until NCAA Football 2024. 

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1 hour ago, Broncofan said:

I saw my daugther's friends playing it for an hour (it's like a 8+ hour game) - OMG it was so boring.    Head-shot, head-shot, rinse-repeat.     I think they spent all the $ on David Harbour & Jodie Comer voice acting.    Hard pass IMO.

Yeah, I didn't end up playing it but watched a bit of gameplay footage. Looked pretty bad, unfortunately.

Hoping the new Silent Hill game proves to be good, cause I'd love a good third person horror game to play.

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3 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

This game is hard. I need to google some strategies. 

Are you playing Campaign or Sandbox? The game was only Sandbox for a long time they added Campaign later. The Campaign is intentionally hard and designed for people who have already played the game. You should start with Sandbox to learn the ropes first. 

General tips: 

- Feel free to restart a game immediately if you don't like the way the map looks. What you need for a good start is A) woods nearby to get wood resource, B) defendable chokepoints, and C) some green areas that can have farms later on. 

- On start, build 3-6 tents and get a sawmill up, then start adding fisherman or hunting cottages you can put down without expanding your power coverage area. 

- Scout the fringe area with your starting units and place a guy on "Patrol" at any chokepoints. 

- Look for stone nearby and try to expand your range to get a quarry on it. You need stone to build a Wood Workshop and Solider Center. 

- I usually build Wood Workshop first and research Great Ballistas before even building a Solider Center. My reasoning for this is it allows you to solidify your perimeter and not waste resources on more Rangers. Once your perimeter is solidified you can start working on your economy. 

- After Great Ballistas, research Cottages, Farms and Stakes Trap. Your initial Rangers, some stake traps and maybe a wooden wall or two should help you survive the first wave. Get Farms and Cottages up to help with your economy. Getting a higher population is necessary because it increases your gold output. 

- Then get your Solider Center up, and research Snipers. These are going to be your main unit for the game. You're going to want around 100-150 Snipers before the final wave. Once you get around 10-15 Snipers you can start exploring the map with them, that amount should be able to take out most normal groups of zombies. If you encounter a Village of Doom you're going to need more like 40+ Snipers to take that on. 

- If your map has Giants you need to stay away from them for as long as possible. Try to expand your base in a direction away from them. You're going to need even more Snipers than a Village of Doom to take these on. The Giants are drawn by noise and will absolutely wreck your base if you pull them in. 


That should get you started. If you're still struggling or have specific questions let me know. 

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5 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

The game was only Sandbox for a long time they added Campaign later. The Campaign is intentionally hard and designed for people who have already played the game. You should start with Sandbox to learn the ropes first. 

That makes sense. I will do that and use your tips. 

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