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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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3 hours ago, Tyty said:


its all good I’ve learned glen doesn’t really mean what he says to hurt me, he secretly has a crush 


3 hours ago, Glen said:


I stopped reading at this point.

Edited by Daniel
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2 minutes ago, ET80 said:
1 hour ago, skywindO2 said:

I've gotten really into eating oranges lately but I'm the worst orange peeler ever. 

Eat the peels like a real man!

Or use a knife. They are easy to peel if you quarter them first. 

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Orange peel is great.  Cut em into strips and boil them in simple syrup and you have orange peel candy.  Boil them in water and bury them in sugar for a couple of days and you have orange flavored sugar, or dry them and boil them later to make your place smell nice.

And like Heimdall said, clementines are in season.  They're cheap now and the peel comes off in one piece every time.

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18 minutes ago, Mega Ron said:
3 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

who has time to mess with an orange when clementines exist?

Satsumas are so much better than clementines

Both of these fruits have different names 

Clementines = Cuties

Satsumas = Mandarins 

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