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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Spent the day cleaning my apartment and driving stuff from my apartment to my parents house (3 hour round trip i did twice) because my lease ended today. Went to return my key before heading back the second time so was like "this is where i return my key right?" she's like "yeah but didn't you just renew your lease?" "yeah." "why are you returning your key then?" "Am I in the same room next year?" "Yeah you renewed your room..." "Ohhh well hot damn" "Did you just pack up your whole apartment?" "Nope."  then i walked out and checked my lease online and i realized i did indeed renew for the same room. teeheehee

usually when i renew i end up having to switch rooms and vacate for like 2 weeks. not this time. god dammit. 

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