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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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2 minutes ago, Desperado82 said:

They have their own personal army though and an unlimited supply of cash 

Who does? WTGs?

Id call them platoons or squadrons, that’s how you’ll spot them in the wild around here but this is a little more rural. Maybe the city they can build armies.

and I think you’re using the word unlimited a little liberally here.


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37 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

White trash girls are super underrated

change my mind 

This is the trap. They wear you down until you think this, then rob you blind.

It starts off as hooking them up with a box of slim jims, a pack of Marlboro 100s and a box of wine ...three weeks later, you're paying their past due bills ...then you're letting them move in and getting their names tatted on your inner thigh (they always have two names such as Amber Lynn or Katie Ann) ...then you're paying child support for a kid that has a 30% chance of being yours.

You're already down the wrong path.

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Im Caribbean. With my wonderful Caribbean accent.

Living in small town, backwoods Virginia.. Today I said, "Goin'a git me a swaller of drink."

Then I come on here. And yall talkin bout WTG. Which gets me to thinkin bout Paris Hilton. Which caused my pants to fall. And now I need a nap.

I hate you Americans for the influence you have over me.

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23 minutes ago, RamRod said:

I’m reminded every time I run into Wal-Mart. 

Sometimes it’s hard not to take a look.

Ours is in the customer service area...I try to avoid it.

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

This is the trap. They wear you down until you think this, then rob you blind.

It starts off as hooking them up with a box of slim jims, a pack of Marlboro 100s and a box of wine ...three weeks later, you're paying their past due bills ...then you're letting them move in and getting their names tatted on your inner thigh (they always have two names such as Amber Lynn or Katie Ann) ...then you're paying child support for a kid that has a 30% chance of being yours.

You're already down the wrong path.

Trying to figure this out in my head. 30%? If it was 33% then it would mean you and two other dudes got in on that at roughly the same time. But 30%.. does that mean like 7 other dudes slept with her once and you slept with her three times so they all have a 10% chance and you have 30% since you did it three times? Help me to see the light of your undying wisdom Texas daddy 

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39 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Im Caribbean. With my wonderful Caribbean accent.

Living in small town, backwoods Virginia.. Today I said, "Goin'a git me a swaller of drink."

Then I come on here. And yall talkin bout WTG. Which gets me to thinkin bout Paris Hilton. Which caused my pants to fall. And now I need a nap.

I hate you Americans for the influence you have over me.

Wait what I thought you said you currently lived in South America or something. I figured you were like a pirate and every time you attacked a naval ship that had access to internet you'd post on here and then sell the ship off to the highest bidder you're blowing my mind right now saying you're in North America 

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14 minutes ago, Desperado82 said:

Ours is in the customer service area...I try to avoid it.

There's one in my small towns small town grocery store but I never use it. I don't really like spending money for something I don't get to keep. I'd rather just go to family video and buy the movie for $6. If it sucks it sucks. It's a small amount of money difference between renting a crap movie and buying a crap movie. 

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5 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Trying to figure this out in my head. 30%? If it was 33% then it would mean you and two other dudes got in on that at roughly the same time. But 30%.. does that mean like 7 other dudes slept with her once and you slept with her three times so they all have a 10% chance and you have 30% since you did it three times? Help me to see the light of your undying wisdom Texas daddy 

Depending on where she is in her ovulation cycle and whether she.. 'crosses the finish line'... both of those can have an effect on the likliehood of her getting pregnant. So it could feasibly be a 30-70 split between two people depending on when they made babby

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