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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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13 hours ago, ninjapirate said:

Well doesn't the lord of the vale being cousins the with the stark kids keep the alliance in tact? 

Let's be real, we've all seen Robyn, he's like Lord in Name Only.  His castellan (I forget his name, but he was basically the big guy that refused backup to Littlefinger) is effectively acting-Lord (this is like one of the few things my memory has managed to salvage from A Feast for Crows - ironically presented from Littlefinger's perspective as a device to try and bribe his way out of suspicion for Lysa's death).  And being one of the older lords/knights in the Vale, he's loyal as all hell to Jon Arryn even after Jon is dead and Jon Arryn was always loyal to the Starks.  Fair bet, the Vale isn't going anywhere.

Though it does bring up another question to my mind where there could have been/still be some foreshadowing about roles to be played: Ned had a massive mentee/mentor relationship with Jon Arryn to the point when he was naming his fake bastard, he named him Jon.  Typically, given the relationship, would that have been a name he would have chosen to keep for a son Kat was yet to give him?

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1 hour ago, mse326 said:

Sword fighting isn't as much about strength. I mean obviously you have to be strong enough to weild the sword, but after that it is more technical, reactionary, and the quick twitch muscles.

I mean, "the greatest swordsman in the land" Arthur Dayne wasn't huge either.  Loras - even though the show butchered him something fierce - was decent-sized but that never stopped him from being an accomplished warrior.

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17 minutes ago, skywlker32 said:

Why does great warrior have to mean that he was jacked? Even if he was a great warrior, he could have been lean and quick similar to Oberyn. No one ever described him as being muscly, and actually described him as a bookworm for most of his life. The difference in perception is definitely more on you guys.

Is the entire Arya storyline, going all the way back to when Syrio was alive and what he had to say about combat, just lost on people? (To be clear, I'm supporting your assertion here.)

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Just now, The LBC said:

Is the entire Arya storyline, going all the way back to when Syrio was alive and what he had to say about combat, just lost on people? (To be clear, I'm supporting your assertion here.)

lol bro all the most alpha bros in Westoros are jacked and juicy as fuarrrkkk... 8% body fat, shreddddded and mean.. popping veins all over the place. It's something guys like Syrio can't understand, they probably eat too much soy..

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35 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Meh, I honestly don't remember any of these things. I watch the show cause Jon, Arya, etc. Even when they killed Jon I didn't think he was dead. But who have they killed that was a super fan favorite/important? I honestly don't remember (don't give me Ned, I don't remember caring that much for his character).

Robb Stark!

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Just now, cddolphin said:

lol bro all the most alpha bros in Westoros are jacked and juicy as fuarrrkkk... 8% body fat, shreddddded and mean.. popping veins all over the place. It's something guys like Syrio can't understand, they probably eat too much soy..

lol.  Yeah, the sarcasm is strong here, but even consider the fighting styles of warriors like Bronn, Daario, and Oberyn (and I'd even throw in Jamie tbh).  In a sense, this fits in with why/how even a smaller-than-expected Rhaegar would be able to wound an enraged Robert - particularly if he spilled the beans to Robert about having already married Lyanna.

Also, have to consider that aside from, maybe, the septon performing the ritual, the best frame of reference for Rhaegar's size is Lyanna, who is a 16-17 year old girl and - based off the size and build of other Stark girls we've seen - likely isn't terribly big herself.

Something I do think is getting shined over though is that, not just that they were actually in love, but that he had his previous marriage annulled and went so far as to marry Lyanna before the Gods (Old and New - since technically isn't the whole reason Bran is able to use Greensight to see the marriage that there was a weirwood in the vicinity of where it took place?), but then still rode out to meet Robert on the battlefield up the honor points for Rhaegar?

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2 minutes ago, El ramster said:

Robb Stark!

I can see why he was a likable character, but he was an oathbreaker, so it wasn't like he was entirely undeserving of death.  Now, going out the manner that he did - watching his wife and unborn child being butchered then killed himself in a hall where he'd been offered food and thus protection?  No.  He probably didn't deserve that.  But Robb didn't stick to his honor the way Ned did - Ned would have upheld his promise to marry the Frey girl even if he was in love with someone else.

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1 minute ago, The LBC said:

I can see why he was a likable character, but he was an oathbreaker, so it wasn't like he was entirely undeserving of death.  Now, going out the manner that he did - watching his wife and unborn child being butchered then killed himself in a hall where he'd been offered food and thus protection?  No.  He probably didn't deserve that.  But Robb didn't stick to his honor the way Ned did - Ned would have upheld his promise to marry the Frey girl even if he was in love with someone else.

He pretty much did that by marrying Catelyn if I remember right.

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11 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

Anyone else think it was Arya wearing Bailish's face during the last scene between him and Sansa before the "trial" in the hall?

She would've already had to have killed him, in order to wear to his face.  She can't just become someone who is living.  She has to peel their face off in order to where the mask.  Considering they were both in the same room at the time of the trial, that wouldn't be possible.  She could become Littlefinger now though, for future use.

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Just now, scar988 said:

He pretty much did that by marrying Catelyn if I remember right.

Sort of.  I don't think he was "in love" with anyone else at the time, but his brother was betrothed to Cat, then Brandon got the charbroil treatment from the Mad King, and it was expected that Ned take up the betrothal in Brandon's place as next in line of succession and so he did.

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3 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Sort of.  I don't think he was "in love" with anyone else at the time, but his brother was betrothed to Cat, then Brandon got the charbroil treatment from the Mad King, and it was expected that Ned take up the betrothal in Brandon's place as next in line of succession and so he did.

He didn't even really know Catelyn when they got married is the point I'm making. Just like Robb didn't know the frey girl. Had he not married the random chick from the lannister army, the red wedding totally doesn't happen.

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27 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Let's be real, we've all seen Robyn, he's like Lord in Name Only.  His castellan (I forget his name, but he was basically the big guy that refused backup to Littlefinger) is effectively acting-Lord (this is like one of the few things my memory has managed to salvage from A Feast for Crows - ironically presented from Littlefinger's perspective as a device to try and bribe his way out of suspicion for Lysa's death).  And being one of the older lords/knights in the Vale, he's loyal as all hell to Jon Arryn even after Jon is dead and Jon Arryn was always loyal to the Starks.  Fair bet, the Vale isn't going anywhere.

Though it does bring up another question to my mind where there could have been/still be some foreshadowing about roles to be played: Ned had a massive mentee/mentor relationship with Jon Arryn to the point when he was naming his fake bastard, he named him Jon.  Typically, given the relationship, would that have been a name he would have chosen to keep for a son Kat was yet to give him?

How dare you forget the name of Lord Royce! (looks at own avatar, thinks "Thats my boy")

But we all saw Robyn, and how he was raised. From the time like Royce said "swinging a sword like a girl with palsy" to a couple months later when he was talking to LF and say "Well she is family" and sending the Vale north. There was a slight improvement while being with Royce. I wouldnt mind seeing him reappear with what now is likely a year later with all Jons travel. And again show improvement, kind of a reverse Hodor.


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52 minutes ago, skywlker32 said:

Why does great warrior have to mean that he was jacked? Even if he was a great warrior, he could have been lean and quick similar to Oberyn. No one ever described him as being muscly, and actually described him as a bookworm for most of his life. The difference in perception is definitely more on you guys.

Never ment that he was jacked just bigger then the guy they showed. In the books he's described as being bigger then viserys so I just had a picture of him in my head. Show rhaegar was basically viscerys.

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