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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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18 minutes ago, Leader said:

Food for thought........
I wouldnt want to be hanging around Winterfell for awhile.
There's A LOT of dead (and rotting) bodies to gather up and burn.
Just nasty, decomposed, falling apart dead zombies.....the worst kind.
At least when the NK was around....he'd take them with him when he left :)


If only they had two large dragons that could burn up all of the bodies... 


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12 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

My biggest issue is that the Night King’s demise is only possible because of a major plot hole. In season 5 or 6 when he touches Bran and places his mark on him he should’ve killed him then. He’s able to enter the magic tree and kill the 3-eyed raven but allows Bran to escape. The only thing between the NK and Bran was Hodor holding a door and the young girl dragging him through a snow storm on a sled. You’d think if the NK’s sole purpose was to eliminate the memories of man kind and Bran plays such a big role in that, he would’ve just killed him already. 

But instead he waited to come in today Winterfell and expose himself in front of his huge army to dramatically deliver the blow that kills Bran? Like ugh?  

It was discussed before, but the NK was out to kill the 3ER, and the current one was in that position for a LONG time. It makes sense that his main focus would be on killing that 3ER and touching Bran was his in to get to him. Bran only became the 3ER once the previous one was killed, so why would the NK kill him first?

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1 minute ago, skywindO2 said:

He got the dagger where it needed to be. The Pimp that was Promised came through.

On a more serious note, the episode was a fantastic spectacle but I still came away from it feeling disappointed. On the one hand, the Night King/White Walker story isn't why I liked the show or books. Any of the human vs human and politics of the show has always been the most interesting to me so I'm relieved that it's a pretty safe assumption that that's where the show ends but for that to be end of the Night King still just feels like a letdown given the build up for him. 

On another less serious note. Grey Wurm defying all expectations and being the only named character that actually wears a helmet is great. Safety first, truly the role model everyone needs.

After sleeping on it, I'm disappointed we never saw the Night King do any kind of battle. It would've been great for him to 1v1 Jon and quickly and easily destroy him (aka knock him down and wound him or something), then raise the dead and walk off. But I think a constant theme since Hardhome is that the Night King is arrogant and pompous. He taunts Jon at Hardhome, he taunts Jon again here - it's pretty clear he looked down upon Jon.

But that's all. Was looking forward to seeing some heroes vs. White Walker battles and Jon/Dany vs. NK - we got neither but I still feel we got enough action that I'm satisfied.

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5 hours ago, pwny said:

They said they knew for four years that Arya was the one to do it.

But I’m sure that’s just coincidence that it lines up when GRRM told them the plot, and he really had no input into it and they’re just spitting on his stories. Because that makes sense. 

One of the show creators also said something along the lines of, "maybe it had to be Dragon glass stabbing the NK in the place he was created to kill him or maybe it was Vallerian steel, I don't know and I'm not going to say so you're going to have to figure it out for yourselves." 

Like ugh? The NK and his army's only role after being hyped up for 8 seasons was to weaken Dany's army before her assault on Kings Landing. 

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1 minute ago, JonStark said:

It was discussed before, but the NK was out to kill the 3ER, and the current one was in that position for a LONG time. It makes sense that his main focus would be on killing that 3ER and touching Bran was his in to get to him. Bran only became the 3ER once the previous one was killed, so why would the NK kill him first?

He didn't have to kill him first. The NK clearly knew that Bran was important he found him while he was warging through history and gave him his mark, he knows that Bran has the powers of the 3ER and that he's with him in the tree. The NK gets into the tree no problem and kills the 3ER. Since he knows that Bran is now the new 3ER why would he let him escape? He can literally track Bran's every movement and Bran only had like a 2-minute head start being dragged through the snow on a sled by a young girl. If killing Bran was so important to him that he'd risk his life in front of his army to ensure he was the one to kill him why didn't he kill him when he had Bran alone beyond the wall? It makes no sense. 

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3 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Some of you guys are being *******s. You can not enjoy the show, that's fine, but you don't have to do it while acting all high and mighty about your intelligence and acting like the only things that stimulate your brain are existential conversations with Stephen Hawking.

Um I went to a community college for a year and a half I demand validation 

I think some of us were just disappointed because this show has given us an extreme level of excellence over the years and a kingpin character like NK shouldnt have gotten flattened as easily as a baby crawling on a highway

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1 minute ago, sunnygsm said:

Not a complaint, just a general observation. Jon is quite bad at this war stuff. He tends to go in with half a plan, get in over his head and then get bailed out by someone else. Boy is lucky to be standing through all his encounters. 

Danys even more useless iyam

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1 minute ago, Oregon Ducks said:

Bruh...that episode was intense! More people could have died, though. Sam, Brianne, Pod, Greyworm (maybe), Tormund, etc. could have died and I don’t think it would have impacted the story too much.

The thing is, they must have some importance to the end game here. The show only kills off characters who no longer serve a purpose or help to elevate others.

Sam's importance is most likely telling the story.

Brienne and Tormund are in that weird love triangle with Jamie

Pod is probably going to have to deal with Bronn.

Not sure about Greyworm. 

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7 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Not a complaint, just a general observation. Jon is quite bad at this war stuff. He tends to go in with half a plan, get in over his head and then get bailed out by someone else. Boy is lucky to be standing through all his encounters. 

Battle of the Bastards: Sansa bails Jon out after his terrible strategy goes wrong.

Battle of Winterfell: Arya bails Jon out after his terrible strategy goes wrong.

North of the Wall: Dany bails Jon out after his terrible strategy goes wrong.

He is a great individual leader (like a Sergeant) and great fighter, but the dude should be nowhere near the war planning table.

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