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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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51 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

FYI, the dragon's name is Drogon. Dracarys means 'fire' in Valryian, so when Dany says it, it's a command that translates to "burninate that thing please".

My guess is that he'll be fine to fly. They showed him and Jon Snow in a stare down in the episode 5 preview, so presumably he's back at Dragonstone.

Drogon the Burninator.

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48 minutes ago, RollEagles said:

She might not be able to control the others as well.

But in general, her strategy was pretty terrible. 

"They have all the food we need."

*Burns food with the dragon*

She should have been more strategic. Should have used Drogon to break the Lannister line and let the Dothraki clean up the rest and preserve the food that she said she needed.

It's a show bro and there are dragons! Your biggest concern is whether or not they're going to eat?

You know she finna eat real well.. 


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Good episode. Don't think I'd put it in the same tier as Hardhome, red wedding and similar episodes. I suppose they had to show Dany's inexperience leading in battle because she made some silly decisions. I know they won easily, but could have done even more work and lost fewer men. Cavalry charges into spears is pretty noobish. 

Davos is still one of my favourite characters. All of the remaining Starks are a bit weird for me. Don't love them or hate them. 

Surely they'll be prepared for the scorpion going forward. Taking down a dragon might not be as easy next time. 

Edit: I'll give the creators credit. I assumed all the big players had plot armour at this point. While that proved to be true, they still built some tension in that final sequence. 

Edited by sunnygsm
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11 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Good episode. Don't think I'd put it in the same tier as Hardhome, red wedding and similar episodes. I suppose they had to show Dany's inexperience leading in battle because she made some silly decisions. I know they won easily, but could have done even more work and lost fewer men. Cavalry charges into spears is pretty noobish. 

Davos is still one of my favourite characters. All of the remaining Starks are a bit weird for me. Don't love them or hate them. 


"As the Dothraki have always held infantry in contempt, fit only to be ridden down"

Its what the Dothraki do. And throwing a 1000 lb beast thats moving over 20mph at a row of spears isnt a bad plan when you dont have armor.  Would have been completely one sided if they marched up to armored soldiers to fight.

Though in this episode, somehow the Dothraki swords were cutting through armored soldiers like lightsabers.

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11 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

"As the Dothraki have always held infantry in contempt, fit only to be ridden down"

Its what the Dothraki do. And throwing a 1000 lb beast thats moving over 20mph at a row of spears isnt a bad plan when you dont have armor.  Would have been completely one sided if they marched up to armored soldiers to fight.

Though in this episode, somehow the Dothraki swords were cutting through armored soldiers like lightsabers.

Horses aren't going to get very far once they get impaled by a spear. No real point getting too worked up about battle realism. If Dany had proper tactics she'd walk over all of Westeros. Imagine if Drogon had just done a single fly by over the entire Lannister line. 

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10 hours ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Really curious to see how Cercsei and more importantly the Iron Bank respond to these events. 

Thats a huge point I didn't think of. All the gold they were going to use to repay the Iron bank was just lost to Dany (or destroyed)

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2 hours ago, seminoles1 said:
2 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Did the Sam's dad say all the gold was safely back at King's Landing before the attack?  That's what it sounded like he said. 

Yeah, Lord Tarly confirmed the gold was in King's Landing.

Disregard. I thought it was still in that convoy considering the amount that was in that wagon when Jamie paid Bronn.

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28 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Horses aren't going to get very far once they get impaled by a spear. No real point getting too worked up about battle realism. If Dany had proper tactics she'd walk over all of Westeros. Imagine if Drogon had just done a single fly by over the entire Lannister line. 

The point is to use the horses to break the line. The Dathraki are considered one of the most dangerous armies/people in the world for a reason; They know how to fight.


Also - a lot of criticism for Dany burning the carts. I dont understand why though - first, thats how a siege works, you starve the people. Secondly if you go back and watch the video the attack looked like this:


Darthroki => Lanister = > Carts => Water


So when Dany burned the carts, she was cutting off their flanks and not allowing them to run/get in water. Could she have straight burned them all? Ya, probably - but then the story would suck and none of us would be interested.

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1 hour ago, BayRaider said:

Game of Thrones Fantasy Draft? Yes, please :P

one of the philly media outlets did one and it turned out somewhat questionable. That said they had pretty specific rules about the people being able to work together.




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Why is everybody acting like the Dothraki wouldn't stand a chance against that army if not for Drogon?  Bronn literally said they were about to be overrun even before Drogon showed up, and he was right.  There's precedent in reality of warriors fighting completely naked.  They were inspired by the Mongols, Huns, Alans and Turks, as well as Native American tribes, and they would have done just fine against that army without Drogon.  They would have lost more lives, but they still would easily have won that battle. 

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10 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Can Bran see the future?


9 hours ago, ninjapirate said:

In this clip from some seasons back bran sees a shadow of a dragon over kings landing. 


Yeah, it looks like he can see the future, but moreso in fragments rather than having a complete picture like he can with events in the past. This vision from earlier in S6 clearly shows the sept being blown up by wildfire, which had yet to happen


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2 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

They were inspired by the Mongols, Huns, Alans and Turks, as well as Native American tribes, and they would have done just fine against that army without Drogon.  They would have lost more lives, but they still would easily have won that battle. 

Yea, the horde just overpowering the army they were facing with sheer mass and volume isn't unheard of at all.

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