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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Just now, rob_shadows said:

How pissed will people be if they brought back Gendry just to have him die a week later? ?

I'm convinced at this point that the writers are aware of the internet jokes on Game of Thrones and are using Davos to tie up all of them. Last week he drops the "fewer" meme and this week he made a joke about Gendry rowing his boat forever?

They are following the Game of Thrones memes for sure.

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6 minutes ago, scar988 said:

Beric has Lightbringer?!

No. Thoros of Myr was famous for lighting his swords on fire before going into melees and the like. Beric at some point adopted this tradition when the Brotherhood without Banners was formed. 

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'm convinced at this point that the writers are aware of the internet jokes on Game of Thrones and are using Davos to tie up all of them. Last week he drops the "fewer" meme and this week he made a joke about Gendry rowing his boat forever?

They are following the Game of Thrones memes for sure.

I love it. This is fan service I can get behind. 

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3 minutes ago, flyers0909 said:

Littlefinger is one crafty bastard. 

He may not make it through the entire story, but even if he doesn't, I Think that when it comes to playing the game of thrones, there is nobody better in the realm. He's the goat at political craftiness. 

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Just now, ninerfanwheelz said:

Wasn't able to catch what the message he planted said if someone doesn't mind helping me out on that

It was the letter that Sansa wrote to Robb back in Season (1?) saying that her father was a traitor and that he should bend the knee to Joffrey.  Not sure how accurate this is but I found this online which claims to be exactly what that letter said:


Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.


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2 minutes ago, ninerfanwheelz said:

Wasn't able to catch what the message he planted said if someone doesn't mind helping me out on that

I think it was a note Sansa wrote to Rob while held hostage by Cerci stating that Ned was a traitor to tried to steal the throne from Joffery.

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2 minutes ago, JBURGE25 said:

So Rhaegar and his wife had an annulment and he married Lyanna. That makes Jon NOT a bastard, and the god damn rightful heir to the throne.

oh my god

Suprised no one has mentioned this yet. One of the biggest reveals of the season. I wonder what'll happen if Jon finds out. I assume he'll refuse to be King of the Seven Kingdoms and just focus on ruling the North.

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1 minute ago, scar988 said:
3 minutes ago, JBURGE25 said:

So Rhaegar and his wife had an annulment and he married Lyanna. That makes Jon NOT a bastard, and the god damn rightful heir to the throne.

oh my god

And he wouldn't want it.

that's fine I just want to see the look on Dany's face when he rides away on Rhaegal

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