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Whenever I hear people say AR-15s are the best home defense weapon, I wonder what kind of home defense they anticipate needing.  I'd much rather have a simple shotgun in that scenario unless people anticipate having to defend their property against a small militia or zombies. 

This isn't related to politics at all, just realistic discussion on usefulness of guns. 

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7 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Maybe it's a North Dakota thing.  Lot of people I know from up there swear by them. 

If you have a couple acres or more, it would make more sense, then you have more than just your home to defend, but the land around it. Hypothetically.

In Florida handguns seem to be the common one to keep.

Edited by cddolphin
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8 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Whenever I hear people say AR-15s are the best home defense weapon, I wonder what kind of home defense they anticipate needing.  I'd much rather have a simple shotgun in that scenario unless people anticipate having to defend their property against a small militia or zombies. 

This isn't related to politics at all, just realistic discussion on usefulness of guns. 

yeah whichever one you can just point in the general direction and fire would be the best

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19 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Honestly I can't even make fun of that plan.  I really wish kids would be trained to attack in the event of a school shooting instead of hide. 

I don't think you should waste time training students for a possibility that is half as statistically likely as one of them winning the powerball. JMO.

For context: public school kids are shuttled via buses which don't have seatbelts.

Edited by cddolphin
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I can't think of a WORSE home defense weapon than an AR. They are long (hard to maneuver, easy to disarm in close quarters), heavy, high wall penetration, require decent accuracy, etc..

In my opinion the best self defense weapon is a small frame .357 Magnum revolver with jacketed hollow point rounds.

  • High stopping power
  • Small, easy to maneuver, anyone can handle
  • Revolvers are by far the most reliable
  • Can target practice with cheap .38 Special rounds
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1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:

I can't think of a WORSE home defense weapon than an AR. They are long (hard to maneuver, easy to disarm in close quarters), heavy, high wall penetration, require decent accuracy, etc..

In my opinion the best self defense weapon is a small frame .357 Magnum revolver with jacketed hollow point rounds.

  • High stopping power
  • Small, easy to maneuver, anyone can handle
  • Revolvers are by far the most reliable
  • Can target practice with cheap .38 Special rounds

Wouldn't you have to be a really great shot, or be quick at reloading, or hope they run away when you start shooting if you are using a revolver? I think in this type of situation I would want something that has more bullets.

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1 minute ago, tima said:

Wouldn't you have to be a really great shot, or be quick at reloading, or hope they run away when you start shooting if you are using a revolver? I think in this type of situation I would want something that has more bullets.

Reloaders for revolvers can be pretty quick with practice, but yeah that can be an issue

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1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:

I can't think of a WORSE home defense weapon than an AR. They are long (hard to maneuver, easy to disarm in close quarters), heavy, high wall penetration, require decent accuracy, etc..

Agree completely.


In my opinion the best self defense weapon is a small frame .357 Magnum revolver with jacketed hollow point rounds.

Couldn’t disagree more.

  • High stopping power

Which is reduced with a short barrel that accompanies small frame revolvers.

  • Small, easy to maneuver, anyone can handle

Handle? Maybe.  Shoot?  ? not hardly. A full power .357 defense round out of a snubbie is anything but easy to handle.  It’s  downright uncomfortable.

  • Revolvers are by far the most reliable

Not true at all any more.  Maybe 75 years ago, but modern autos are about as reliable as you can expect any guy to be.  I’ve had multiple Glocks go thousands of rounds between FTF, FTE, etc. 

  • Can target practice with cheap .38 Special rounds

Still not as cheap as 9mm.

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On 3/28/2018 at 6:51 PM, tima said:

Wouldn't you have to be a really great shot, or be quick at reloading, or hope they run away when you start shooting if you are using a revolver? I think in this type of situation I would want something that has more bullets.

In a situation where you'd have to pull and fire, I think the odds are in your favor that 5 rounds will be enough; of course I'm talking with no personal experience but I imagine if you need 9+ rounds to defuse an aggressor you are either in a really bad situation with multiple attackers, you panicked and emptied the cylinder, or you flat out missed and the bullets flying wasn't enough of a deterrent.

For home defense a semi-auto with a bigger magazine probably makes more sense but if it's something you're keeping in your car, office, purse, or person, a small-frame revolver seems like a reasonable option, especially if size is an issue.

I've been looking into an EDC for a couple months now, having never owned a pistol and only having experience with long guns, and I'm leaning strongly towards a .38 special revolver instead of a 9mm glock. My CC class is in a couple Saturdays and I'll have an opportunty to fire both a double-action revolver and the afore-mentioned glock to see which feels better.

Edited by cddolphin
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