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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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Probably wasn't the best of ideas to introduce mafia with the twins, Swag and me as the only experienced players haha. 

I need to re read the whole argument between Swag Orca and Pickle but I'm leaning Pickle. Looks like he is trying to get under Swag skin just for the hell of it, which I'm not sure if it's personal dislike or scum tactics. 

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8 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Swag and Counselors early banter back and forth towards one another and then them easing off the gas means one of them is for sure guilty IMO. Counselor seems more like the Goon type to me and right now I’m leaning towards swag as either the Don or a Townie.

Flip the scripts and your right. Just my .02 so far

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