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Lets Discuss All Things Wrestling - Even The T-Shirt Company AEW!


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12 hours ago, bucksavage1 said:

Sycho Sid/ Sid Justice/ Sid Vicious was around 6’10 and ripped up. He probably had the best Physique for a big man in history

Ripped in terms of him having a six pack, for Morrissey, I suppose I can see.  But he's no more muscular than Sid for sure or Kane, or really any of the basketball players turned "giant" wrestlers (like Kevin Nash).  And Hennessey really isn't all that big by previous wrestling giant status.  Have a look at his face-offs with Paul Wight when both were in WWE - given that Wight's in a non-competitive status with AEW they'd be wise to keep any repeat of that kind of face-off happening again in front of a camera.

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1 hour ago, bucksavage1 said:

Hard to see with Vince selling it to Aew. It’s an ego thing with Vince, he’s never gonna take a loss but he wants to go private again 

Pretty much.  There's potentially the fiduciary argument that could be made, but Vince has been clever to get himself named Chairman of the Board and not CEO.  A CEO has a fiduciary responsibility to the bulk of the stockholders, the chairman doesn't.  But also, I can't see the Khan's coming up with the ~$7 billion Vince is going to be seeking - not without a major network (an NBC-Universal or the like) behind them... and why would  that sort of company side with Tony (who, let's be real, no matter how much smoke we want to blow up his backside, hasn't run a company the scale of WWE and certainly not to the tune of the sort of success an NBCU would be comfortable backing big time) over just buying it themselves, owning the rights themselves, and bringing on either Vince or someone like Hunter (though more likely Vince) who has done it?

This is likely going to turn into another Turner Broadcasting buying WCW situation, and we can only hope that who is the Turner in this case learns from the mistakes of Turner and puts wrestling people in charge of wrestling and doesn't try to run it like any other network TV show.

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On 1/14/2023 at 5:29 AM, bucksavage1 said:


things like this is why it is hard to get into AEW. Untrained and Unnecessary spots like this are far too often.


And this is why, frankly, they don't need to be doing womens hardcore matches - and definitely not while Kenny Omega is the one in charge of womens division.  Ruby was arguably the only safe worker in that match and even she had at least one botch that could have resulted in a serious injury.  Anna almost killed twice (the spot on the ring apron was cringe-worthy and I was genuinely shocked that it didn't result in a broken neck).  I love Willow as a talent, but she deserves quite a few lumps for nearly causing multiple injuries (including to her own partner) in that match.  And whatever agent worked out that match with them needs should honestly be fired - because it legitimately felt like Sammy had laid out that match.

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On 1/13/2023 at 6:20 PM, bucksavage1 said:

There’s reports that the Khans are interested in buying and merging WWE / Aew. The Khans would need a financial partner and perhaps a network to make it happen.

It would be the most ironic purchase after what happened In 2001. Literally history repeating itself

Zero chance this happens. Vince has a controlling share. He gets to choose who he sells to. Despite what some people think he doesn’t have to take the biggest offer.


It’s actually far more likely that Vince raises the money with investment partners to buy the shares he doesn’t own himself and take it private again.


Even if he doesn’t buy it himself he is selling to someone who will make it privately owned again and in the contract it will put Vince in charge.

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3 minutes ago, hornbybrown said:

Zero chance this happens. Vince has a controlling share. He gets to choose who he sells to. Despite what some people think he doesn’t have to take the biggest offer.


It’s actually far more likely that Vince raises the money with investment partners to buy the shares he doesn’t own himself and take it private again.


Even if he doesn’t buy it himself he is selling to someone who will make it privately owned again and in the contract it will put Vince in charge.

People will doubt what I just said, But Vince is worth 3 billion and WWE is valued at 5.7.


He is over halfway there already. Investment companies are quick to give money to people worth that much. 

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On 1/15/2023 at 12:51 PM, Dr LBC said:

And this is why, frankly, they don't need to be doing womens hardcore matches - and definitely not while Kenny Omega is the one in charge of womens division.  Ruby was arguably the only safe worker in that match and even she had at least one botch that could have resulted in a serious injury.  Anna almost killed twice (the spot on the ring apron was cringe-worthy and I was genuinely shocked that it didn't result in a broken neck).  I love Willow as a talent, but she deserves quite a few lumps for nearly causing multiple injuries (including to her own partner) in that match.  And whatever agent worked out that match with them needs should honestly be fired - because it legitimately felt like Sammy had laid out that match.

I feel the need to expand on this so that people don't think I'm saying something I'm not.  I don't have an issue with women getting blood; I think a company trying to sell itself to major cable networks - who in trn are concerned with major corporate advertisers who want the universally-least offensive programming to hang their ads on - should have reservations about how often and how intense they want to allow women bleeding (or any bleeding) to go, but that's a different story.  If women can work safely, let them work those weapon-crazy matches, but only if they can work safely.  Britt/Rosa was a hard-hitting, bloody but ultimately safe match.

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Vince will 100% be in charge of creative soon. I have no doubt in my mind. Everything that has been reported about what he won’t do has turned out to be wrong. They said he was just there for the tv rights deal. Now he’s selling the whole company. They said he wouldn’t come back to the office. But now he’s back and has hired his old staff. Vince is coming right back to where he left off. Triple h will either be gone or take a backseat. 

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5 hours ago, Daboyle said:

RIP Jay Briscoe


one of the few guys who made me believe i was watching a real person. one of the few guys i could show to my non-wrestling friends and not be embarrassed about showing them wrestling... just tragic man. wrestling absolutely won't be as much fun without him around him. only people that i really wanted on tv that weren't, were the briscoe bros. god damn. we just lost one of the realest in the game

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