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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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9 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

That seems more lazy than scummy. If they didnt move their votes or justify that stance then you might have a point. Did they? @Woz @Counselor

The idea that Swag would interject to protect his teammates from you early in day 1 is an enormous stretch imo

We need to keep an eye on Dome. And I agreed with your point that his attitude seems more like someone he knows will live instead of dead man walking. 

My main point is those are just theories I wanted to push....you push a theory until you can make a conclusion on that theory.  

If I cant push anything just lynch me.  

I am literally being voted bc I wanted to push the theory that woz or counsleor is scum bc they latched on to my post before the game.  No one has given any reason other then that.  Your soft claim is just as asinine as my theories.  Keep pushing it and see where it gets us.  

Dont focus on the marvel game too much bc at the beginning I was playing a long game of being scummy enough to get lynched...claim iron man/protector and that I was doing so bc I couldn't protect myself so I needed mafia to not hit me and what better way then be a lynch candidate.  Once I claimed mafia probably would have hit me and I would have protected myself as I was doing and took a hit away from them.  

The second half of the game I was on vacation so I didnt give a damn what happened in the game 

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With 23 players alive, it is 12 to lynch.

pickle -7 (woz, james, swag,squire, pwny, mwil, counselor

naz - 2 ( orca, dome )

utley - 2 (matts, nacho)

ted - 1 (forge)

nacho - 1 ( rack)

swag - 1 (pickle )
dingo - 1 (bcb)
dome - 1 (dingo )
touch - 1 (et80 )
matts - 1 (glen


Didnt vote:






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7 minutes ago, Dome said:

@Pickle Rick and @Matts4313

You both said I'm not playing like a dead man walking, but like I'm lolcleared. 

Why is that worrying?

How do you expect me to play?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Im not sure that I added the lolcleared as part of your play.

If you know that you arent going to die, then you know more than you are willing to share than the class. You are an informed minority. 

I would expect you to be much more accepting of your possible lynch. Be more concerned with why you were selected. 

If I felt very sure I was DtD, I would share all my information, try to take control of town for the day and ultimately push for my own lynch N1 as to not mislynch. But thats just me. 

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Wait what did I miss? How are you lolcleared?

I'm not. Pickle claims me getting my balls cut off was a lolclear attempt. He says I'm not playing like a dead man I'm playing like I'm cleared.

Matts agreed with at least some of that argument and I'm wanting specifics from both of them.

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Im not sure that I added the lolcleared as part of your play.

If you know that you arent going to die, then you know more than you are willing to share than the class. You are an informed minority. 

I don't know.

3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I would expect you to be much more accepting of your possible lynch. Be more concerned with why you were selected. 

Why would I just lie down and take my lynch like 24 hours before the deadline?

3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

If I felt very sure I was DtD, I would share all my information, try to take control of town for the day and ultimately push for my own lynch N1 as to not mislynch. But thats just me. 

Yeah I like my way better. Maybe it really was just my balls that got cut off. 

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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

Why would I just lie down and take my lynch like 24 hours before the deadline?

You upped your aggressive level about 15x's at the idea of your lynch. "lying down" for your lynch is not the same as "accepting the possibility". You havent even entertained the idea of you dying as a viable strategy. 

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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Disagree. Just Dome, who isnt even really pushing him. 

How many games have you played with Utley? 

Converted until he dies (presumable tonight). 

1. Did you miss Pickle's post of like six or seven names, all of whom he put on there for speaking negatively about him?

2. None, just hosted the marvel one with him. He was also constantly absent as town there. I still think scum partners would be pushing him to post seeing as how he hasn't at all yet.

3. What kind of ****ty convert would that be? You convert them for half a day phase and then they die, confirming that they were converted?

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