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Space Jam Mafia: MONSTARS WIN!!!!


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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Why do you think hockey is a bad vote?

Sometimes I swear you are playing this game via headphones or reading in braille.

6 minutes ago, MD4L said:

The guy who voted Dome? Lmao.


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Are we certain there’s another mafia group or something?

See the way y’all answered that question, sticking with pickle isn’t a terrible option. Dome even said you’re acting like mafia as he was ready to die.

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Just now, MD4L said:

Are we certain there’s another mafia group or something?

See the way y’all answered that question, sticking with pickle isn’t a terrible option. Dome even said you’re acting like mafia as he was ready to die.

Step 1- what alignment was Dome

Step 2- what alignment are the Monstars

Step 3- compare 1 and 2

Step 4- get drunk, it may help the comparison and analysis 

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1 hour ago, Whicker said:


3 Swag - Counselor, Touch, Pickle

2 Finn - Squire, Dome

3 Dome - Forge, Hockey, MD4L

2 Orca - Swag, Mookie

1 Rackcs - Orca

1 MD4L - Bcb

1 Mookie - Nacho

1 Forge - Matts

1 Touch - Finn


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Let's make this exciting!


Swag makes it a 3 player tie

1 hour ago, Counselor said:


Off of swag so it is a 2 player tie

1 hour ago, rackcs said:


going with a gut read from like 3 pages I just read lol

Rackcs makes it 3 player tie again (MD4L, Dome, Finn)

1 hour ago, rackcs said:


Promptly unvotes????

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Alright I'm gonna place my vote on a random person since I need to vote but shouldn't vote without reading. In fact, I'll vote for the other no voter. 


.....then shifts to mission who has 0 and has not voted or posted

1 hour ago, The Orca said:


Orca pushes it back to a 3 player tie (Dome, Finn and Swag)

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:


Then an after deadline vote off swag and onto Md4L.  Not sure what to make of this after swag flips town

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It looks like you Tunes are having a hard time! I know exactly what you need to jump start this team!


I will make you a DEAL. If you reveal your character, then I will give you a shot of Michael’s secret stuff! It will give you up to a 💯% boost on your ability. However, if you lie, your true character will be revealed. If you lie twice, your character and ability will be revealed.

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Swag makes it a 3 player tie

Off of swag so it is a 2 player tie

Rackcs makes it 3 player tie again (MD4L, Dome, Finn)

Promptly unvotes????

.....then shifts to mission who has 0 and has not voted or posted

Orca pushes it back to a 3 player tie (Dome, Finn and Swag)

Then an after deadline vote off swag and onto Md4L.  Not sure what to make of this after swag flips town

What was Swag's alignment?

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

It looks like you Tunes are having a hard time! I know exactly what you need to jump start this team!


I will make you a DEAL. If you reveal your character, then I will give you a shot of Michael’s secret stuff! It will give you up to a 💯% boost on your ability. However, if you lie, your true character will be revealed. If you lie twice, your character and ability will be revealed.

I would do it, but my role sucks. 

3 minutes ago, Forge said:

So you're 110% scum. 

Maybe even 120%. 

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