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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

what allies do you believe are actually your allies? you're allied with snakes. i've whittled through the population for years to find guys worthy of dying for in these guys. who would you die for in this game? your faux moxie has led to your undoing. 

... that's nice, sweetie. Do you want a treat? Who wants a treat? Does Finny want a treat? DOES FINNY WANT A TREAT?

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HOH: Monster Melee DRAFT

no working together or you will be evicted


TLO, as outgoing HOH, you will not compete.


Another survivor cross-over game, this time with a twist!

How to Play:
In this game you pick a monster and devise a Strategy (by deciding what criteria to chose to attack like Battlebots) then I run it through a battle royale. Last monster alive wins!

The catch, you will send me your Big Board of Monsters that you want. There will be no duplicate monsters in the game! You will also send me your strategy right away. Your strategy cannot be contingent on which monster you are.  The draft order will be determined by your answers to these Thursday sports questions.  You can fill your big board which as many or as little monsters as you care to. If you don't submit moves, you'll get a monster that nobody wants and attack randomly if it doesnt have a set attack pattern.

Use this template for help knowing what to submit

Template Begin:

1. Who wins? Pirates vs Rockies

2. Will the Utah/BYU game be decided by 10 points or less?

3. Will there be over 50 points scored in the Texas State - Texas A&M game?

4. Will there be more than 7 total runs in the Mariners - Rangers game?

5. Tiebreaker: Total points scored in the Georgia Tech/Clemson game


Monster Big Board















End Template


Here are the monsters: 

The Thing - Has a 5% chance to assimilate its target on each turn.  If it assimilates its target, that target is OUT of the challenge, but keeps fighting for The Thing.  Has a very low health, but its hiding (dodge) ability is unparalleled.  Assimilation is also contingent on a SUCCESSFUL attack.  If the player dodges, it is not an assimilation

Health - 5
Attack - 2
Aim - 3
Dodge - 6
Defense - 5
Speed - 2


Godzilla - Has a 15% chance to apply a finishing move to its target.  Each time it is Godzilla’s turn, there is a roll to see if it has a finishing move.  If it gets the finishing move, its attack goes to 10.  

Health - 11
Attack - 4 
Aim - 4 
Dodge - 1 
Defense - 6
Speed - 0


Gremlin - Has a 20% chance to have water spilled  on it or get fed after midnight (just one roll).  If it’s a 20% hit, it multiples and attacks every remaining player. 

Health - 9
Attack - 2
Aim - 2
Dodge - 5
Defense - 2
Speed - 5


King Kong - Beauty killed the beast.  It is highly vulnerable to females.  Females (T-Rex, Raptor, Alien Queen) attacking it double their attack.  High starting points.  

Health - 17
Attack - 5
Aim - 3
Dodge - 2
Defense - 5
Speed - 1

Alien Queen - Acid blood takes a health point away from any successful attack against it.  

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 3
Defense - 4
Speed - 2


Predator - Is invisible until spotted, and takes 2 points away from whomever kills it.  If it is killed in the final two and the player who kills it dies from the explosion, both players start over with 1 HP each.  It takes a roll of 70% to find the Predator and destroy the invisibility mechanism before an attack attempt. The predator cannot be targeted before that.

Health - 9
Attack - 4
Aim - 3
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 2


Graboid - Tough to find and hit.  Low health.  Precise aim.  Very fast.  

Health - 7
Attack - 5
Aim - 5
Dodge - 4
Defense - 1
Speed - 4


Raptor - Clever girls.  Very fast.  

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 1
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 7


T-Rex - Vision tied to movement.  Does NOT get to provide a strategy.  Attacks only the last player to attack it.  otherwise random

Health - 11
Attack - 6
Aim - 4
Dodge - 1
Defense - 4
Speed - 1

The Entity (from It Follows) - No strategy to decide. Will always attack the last target who screwed ("killed") another player. Otherwise attacks randomly.

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 3
Defense - 3
Speed - 2


Tar Man (from Return of the Living Dead) - Gains 3 HP for successful kill it makes(eats brains).

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 2
Defense - 2
Speed - 3



This is where you'll tell your monster as to which OTHER monsters it will attack.
The publicly available information for your monster to make choices about are:

* Stats (Attack, Aim, Dodge, Speed, Defense, etc)
* The monster's current HP,
* the attacks made by the monsters earlier in the round or in the previous round

* hierarchy of monsters to attack
*any other discrete information you can think of.

You will basically choosing which robots to attack based on certain information about the robots. You CANNOT decide to attack based on the monster's owners. Your program will ALWAYS attack Alive monsters, so you don't need to program that part. You monster will never attack itself, so you don't need to worry about that either.




HP falls as the battle royale goes on. If reduced to zero then you're eliminated.

This is the amount of damage that can be done on a successful hit.

The higher it is then the greater the chance of scoring a hit.
This will be compared with your opponent's Dodge.

For each point higher than or equal to your opponent's aim, there will be an additional 10% chance that your opponent will miss.
(For instance, if your opponent's aim is 3, and your dodge is 5, there's an 80% chance your opponent will hit).
(if your opponent's aim is 3 and your dodge is 3, there's a 90% chance your opponent will hit)
(If your opponent's aim is 4 and your dodge is 3, there's a 100% chance your opponent will hit).

Reduces the impact of being hit by the value you select. It can not reduce something to less than one.

The higher one's speed the earlier in the turn order they get to attack.
The player(s) (if any) who have the highest speed in the round have a 70% chance to get an extra attack at the end of the round


Players still in the house:

1. @ET80

2. @Outpost31

3. @Pickle Rick

4. @theuntouchable

5. @Nazgul

6. @Adrenaline_Flux

7. @Dwight_Schrute

8. @FinneasGage

9. @mission27





Edited by Malfatron
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3 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

one of the most loyal men to ever post on this site who's going to be one of the members that end your tenure in this game in the next couple of days 

Not to mention I’ve won 40% of the HOH I’ve competed in. 

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3 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Me... my good friend, myself... and my brother from another mother, I. 

I think you'll find us a riot at parties. ;)

why are you resistant to revealing who you think your allies are? i'm just curious how you believe the numbers are going to play out.  

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

why are you resistant to revealing who you think your allies are? i'm just curious how you believe the numbers are going to play out.  

Because... I don't take you seriously. You have the mental capacity of a walnut, and your sole purpose to me is nothing more than amusement.

So, continue your little rant. 

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1 minute ago, ET80 said:

Because... I don't take you seriously. You have the mental capacity of a walnut, and your sole purpose to me is nothing more than amusement.

So, continue your little rant. 

you don't have to take me seriously, i'm not asking you to. but instead of ignoring the entertainment value of this game, why not contribute to the betterment of the game and say who your allies are? because you're not going to have the numbers necessary to survive another week in the game. the only way for you to survive is going to be for you to go against your word and compete in the challenge. 

@Pickle Rick are you a friend of ET?

@Nazgul is this your ally?

@theuntouchable i assume you're his ally. you're next after ET.

@Dwight_Schrute i also assume you're an ally of ET. you're after untouchable

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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

you don't have to take me seriously, i'm not asking you to. but instead of ignoring the entertainment value of this game, why not contribute to the betterment of the game and say who your allies are? because you're not going to have the numbers necessary to survive another week in the game. the only way for you to survive is going to be for you to go against your word and compete in the challenge. 

@Pickle Rick are you a friend of ET?

@Nazgul is this your ally?

@theuntouchable i assume you're his ally. you're next after ET.

@Dwight_Schrute i also assume you're an ally of ET. you're after untouchable

You seem really concerned - ideally, I think it's because you can't count past four. But, it could be something else - us Libras' tend to overthink and underestimate - perhaps we're both in that proverbial boat. 

Just trust that when the time comes, I'll be fine. Sit back, have a Fanta and a smile. 

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

when me and ET are on the block, who are you voting for to eliminate? 

I'm voting out the biggest threat to my game. If it's you - it's you. If it's ET - it's him.
Let's make a deal and ensure it plays out the way you want it to.

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