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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 9:05 PM, ET80 said:

One challenge in... and it's been awfully quiet. O-31 and I are in constant communication, but that's the only extended discussion I have going on now. Nobody has really reached out to me; That either means I'm destined to be tanked pretty early, or people are saving up their contact with me assuming I've worked out deals with everyone already. 

I think it's the former. Battle lines are being drawn up, and I'm waiting for my phone to ring (phones still ring, right?)

Orca/Pickle is a group I am looking to engage with - initial conversation is underway, but it's awfully quiet. Naz/Dwight is another one I'm starting to build a rapport with; The way I see it, I need the two sets of twins on my side, if even on the peripherals; A good sell to one will probably get the other as well (not sure on Naz/Dwight, but this is the MO for the Florida boys...)

Outpost is one the block. Hope he makes it, because I'm pretty screwed if he doesn't. I know he's incredibly strong in challenges, so I'm not TOO worried.

But, I'm worried.


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3 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i've never played this game with the intention of trying to win. i love the process of playing this and just making it fun for myself. @Outpost31's presence in this game was by far the most fun part of playing. he takes slack on here, but he's probably the most important player in these games. so thanks for playing man and i hope it's not the last time you play. 

@mission27 @TLO you guys are my oldest pals on this site. it was never personal. i hammed it up in the thread and in my diaries for entertainment sake and i definitely get being pissed at me nom'ing you mission. you're both guys i'll forever consider friends on this site even if you're pissed.

@Adrenaline_Flux you're a beautiful guy man. you too are forever a pal. 

@ET80 for a long time i don't think we liked each other, but i'm glad to be able to work with you in these games now and be a buddy. 

@theuntouchable this win is completely on you imo man. much love. hope it means we moved past our beef lol 

@Pickle Rick appreciate the vote man, i felt like you were the most dependable guy for me in this game. sucks you didn't last longer. 

@The Orca sorry we had to go against each other week 1 man lol. was the most nerve racking part of the game for me

@Dwight_Schrute you make these games fun when you're on, so thanks for that

@BDL i have nothing for you guys

The more connected man won. Wish we could have worked together or hell I wish I could have played any of the games lol...but you were the better man for sure

@Nazgul I think this really should have been a tie cause you played a masterful game and the move pulled at the end was breathtakingly awesome!!!

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Whicker's full collection of DR sessions came early


On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 12:09 AM, Whicker said:

Diary Session #1:

It is time to prove to the world that last year was no fluke. I have gotten several criticisms over this past year of being a weak champion. Of one who coasted to his victory. I eagerly await to prove all doubters wrong.

I have not written to this point as, going into the game, I really didn't have much of a plan. All I knew is I had rackcs. Rackcs used to be a BDL owner on walterfootball. He was the one who invited me, a random forum member who had participated in one mock draft, to be his co-owner. Why he did so I do not know, but I know that he, along with Ragnarok, have played the biggest parts in my being here in this game today. The roles are somewhat switched here with him being the newbie, but that cannot change that the two of us, like Rags and I, will have each other's backs almost without saying. Rack will be my Rags for this game. He and I will be in it together until the end, and I will not betray his trust.

It was such a stroke of luck that Rack was able to win the first HoH. At the time of his victory, I had already reached out to him and helped him understand the game, and our alliance had already been set.

I began to try and spread my influence, reaching out to bcb, pickle, and orca. Gopher had immediately set up a 3-way PM conversation with he, Rack, and myself after Rack's victory, and so I knew he was on board. Rack had been in touch with Counselor as well and the BDL faction was once again coming together. I once again have the feeling that I'm the leader of this faction, and I'm feeling confident in my safety (famous last words).

However, a couple of complications arise immediately. The first is my being called out as the mastermind behind the nominations. Despite having a decent amount of influence over Rack's decision, I certainly don't want the credit for it. The second complication is that my initial roll call was met with lukewarm approval. Bcb is in but on the outskirts. Pickle and Orca seem hesitant. All of a sudden, I no longer feel as if I'm acting from a position of strength and knowledge. After Outpost's victory, I now have two goals in the short-term: erase the notion that I'm currently masterminding the operation and reposition myself into control.

My plan to back Outpost down was to do what I've done several times to win someone over in this game: tell the truth. Despite making my preferences known, I never directly influenced Rack to nominate him. He just happened to be in the group I'd be fine with. I was trying to find the best way to reach out to Outpost when he made the job easy by messaging me first. I knew immediately what to do but I had to work quickly. Copy/pasting large sections of my conversation with Rack, being careful to preserve time stamps, avatars, etc. I was proud of myself at the end result, as I feel like I told him nothing while making it seem like I was spilling all my secrets. I believe it worked and Outpost is currently no longer viewing me as his arch-rival in this game.

With the BDL alliance not feeling strong enough to win, I began to mull over my options. I've got a target on my back and few people that I can fully trust. How can I win over allies? It soon dawned on me: the couples. If you can win over one of them, you win over both. Two allies for the price of one.

The first part is the easy part. Rack had already thrown out both Pickle and Orca as a possible nomination the first time around, so I knew it'd be easy to nudge him in that direction. Despite being well-known posters, I don't think they have natural allies other than themselves, and they will have to run to me for help. Rack puts up Orca, and I immediately get an “SOS” gif from the two of them. “You all have my word I will vote for Fin and campaign for you.” Two more short-term allies in the books, and a BDL hater out the door. Too easy.

The second part is the hard part but the part that has the upside of victory. I needed a strong alliance. What makes an alliance strong? Numbers. What's the downside to a large alliance? Exposure. How can I have it both ways? How can I have a strong, small alliance? The answer all of a sudden came to me: influence.

I read over the player list multiple times to find the man I wanted. Nazgul turned out to be the perfect candidate. He was a part of one of the couples, meaning he would come prepackaged with another ally, he was someone who I believe has influence over people that I don't, he's someone who I believe will see the value in this relationship, he's someone I wouldn't be expected to work with, and most of all I believe he's someone who will be discreet but trustworthy. I approached him with the idea of a behind-the-scenes alliance. Him and me, meeting together to decide the fate of the house. We make a decision and then each use our influence over our respective groups to make it happen. The strength of a large alliance with the smallest possible size. We never speak of it, never do anything blatant, never tip our hands that we're together. The ultimate goal will be to achieve a final four of me, Rack, Naz, and Dwight, and then let the chips fall where they may. I believe this could be a truly powerful alliance. Or it could be a large part of my downfall.



On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 9:31 PM, Whicker said:

Diary Session #2


Well Orca's eviction was a minor backfire. Fin is certainly more of a threat to my game than Orca, but it is certainly worthwhile to break up the twin dynamic and pretty much force Pickle to stick close to BDL to survive. Fin isn't someone who I'm worried about in the long-term, despite his campaign against me.

Nazgul has accepted my alliance and his relationship with me will determine how well I do in this game. If he feels, like I do, that this partnership is his best chance to go far, then I think we will go deep together. If he doesn't feel that way and chooses to play me here, then I do not feel like I have the power and control to overcome it. How strong is Naz? Does he have enough people firmly in his court to feel secure in backstabbing me? I am betting the game on Rack, Bcb, Gopher, and Counselor having my back if I were to go up on the block against a non BDLer. I would probably have Pickle as well as I truthfully campaigned my hardest to save his brother. Rack says that he has a relationship with Flux and could probably swing things in my favor. Otherwise, I think the rest of the house wouldn't mind seeing me go. I hate that my game is currently hinging on Nazgul, but it would take a pretty big conspiracy to take me out, as I would imagine Nazgul would have to receive some assurances from at least one BDLer to feel secure in making a move against me. At the moment, I'm a believer that I'm safe in the short-term.

I would like for Nazgul or Gopher to win HoH this cycle. If Nazgul wins HoH, then I think he would have to declare right away if he wasn't going to be helpful toward me. If he did cooperate with me, even if he were playing me in the long game, then I can at least keep managing numbers. If Gopher wins, then I'll have control over the nominations. I need to avoid a Finneas or Mission/TLO victory.


On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 12:28 AM, Whicker said:

Diary Session #3


I was sweating this HoH competition. An Outpost win would have been a detriment to my game in some way. Although I do believe we had reached a temporary truce, he still admitted to me once that he viewed me as his arch-rival in this game. That's a hard label to shed. Furthermore, Rack did nominate him in the last round and Outpost now knows for a fact that Rack and I are connected. On top of that, Gopher seems worried that he could be put up by Outpost.

Pickle, Dwight, and Zingbot remain as the possible HoHs. I certainly would be worried about a Zingbot win as everyone knows how bad I run in chatty. However, I do think the other two winners would be a net positive for me. Pickle has admitted to me that with Orca gone, I'm his lone friend. Although I'm a bit skeptical of this as I've heard through the grapevine about an alliance between Touch and the twins, I do think he's in my court. Nazgul and I agree that an Outpost eviction would be clean and beneficial, and I've already got most of BDL on board. Outpost is now my target, and I hope that my next diary session entry will begin with the celebration of his nomination.


On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 9:07 PM, Whicker said:

Diary Session #4


Well, that nomination ceremony was certainly a surprise. Not a good day at all for me in general and I'm reeling. Someone is getting played here, and my paranoia is quickly setting in that it could be me. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I'm Pickle's backdoor candidate.

First, does Pickle have information that I don't have on Orca's eviction vote? Did Gopher, Bcb, and the like vote Orca and lie to me? That doesn't seem too likely. Or, did someone get to Pickle and convince him that BDL were the ones who voted Orca? That doesn't seem too likely either but more likely than the former I suppose. Is there some huge conspiracy here and I'm the target of the whole house and Gopher, Naz, and Pickle are all lying to me? That seems the least likely.

Nothing really makes sense to me. Unless Pickle is making the conscious decision to go against the people who voted to keep his brother. Which... why?


On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:57 AM, Whicker said:

Diary Session #6

That was a tough couple of days in terms of Big Brother. I feel like Pickle toyed with me the entire time. From the very beginning of his nominations, Pickle assured me that he was a lone wolf, that I was his only ally, and he needed to put up Rack to give off the idea of revenge. Although I will say that I was genuinely concerned at our interactions during this time, I am happy to say that his replacement nomination of Outpost, at least for the time being, prove Pickle's words to have truth. I am excited to get to tell him that he will receive protection from me and of course he will.

Outpost, of course, came pleading to me to vote Gopher. Unfortunately, he could only promise that I'd be the last BDLer out the door and attempted to paint both Pickle and Gopher, two of my more trusted allies, in a bad light. I cannot fault Outpost for coming and asking to be spared, but his plea fell upon deaf ears this time around. I'm obviously not interested in just being the last BDLer standing. And in fact I'm not really in this for BDL at all.

Assuming Nazgul is still being truthful with me, Outpost should be headed out the door. I am, for the moment, very content with my position in this game. I've got the BDL group (Rackcs, Bcb, and Gopher), Nazgul (and Dwight), and Pickle on my side. Once Finneas is out the door next, I can focus on the stragglers: ET80, Mission/TLO, Touch, and Flux.



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Lets hear the first DR session from our Champion!

On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 4:49 AM, FinneasGage said:

Diary 1: August 2 5:44am

i honestly don't know how i survived that. i reignited a previously burned bridge with BDL. essentially gave the stone cold double bird to untouchable. accused ET of lying prior to the vote being finalized. and verbally assaulted nazgul, but that's par for the course. if i survived that, i think i'm safe barring a rebellion against myself, which i expect to occur at some point. i'm going to continue calling my shots even after BDL is eradicated. i think people understand i have to die at some point. i understand this. but i'm going to continue taking it day by day.

i'm without a doubt talking to too many people. word is going to get around. i have feelers/casual relationships with pickle, gopher, schrute and ET. i'm going to form a more stable alliance with pickle and gopher and someone else maybe tomorrow. 

My MAIN guys are: Mission, Outpost and Flux. And TLO but he's online for maybe 3 minutes a day. 

mission is my main guy forever. without a doubt the most loyal guy on the internet. would never vote him out even if it was against myself. 

flux is also super loyal and good guy. another guy i'd never betray.

outpost is my main strategic partner this game. i've communicated 10x more with him than i have anyone else. i think he's an incredible ratings guy when he wants to be. i think long-term in this game we can create more chaos than anyone's previously created, which is why he's the first guy i reached out to. he's shown to be more cautious than i was anticipating. but he's my main guy this game. unless he's against mission, i'll never vote to send him home. by nature, he's not a very trustworthy guy, but i'm going to put all my trust in him and make him stab me in the back if that's what he chooses to do. 

my brief thoughts on everyone else in the game not mentioned:
untouchable: fun guy for these games. has betrayed me more than once. he's probably first to go once BDL is out. i haven't even communicated with him.
racks: nom'd me so he's also an enemy. then he claims to have randomly selected me and outpost, which is infuriating. he's BDL as far as I'm concerned
counselor: i like his style in the limited interactions we've had. if he wasn't BDL. i'd probably work with him. potential elite ratings guy.
whicker: i think we feuded in survivor. very limited memorable moments in game. BDL.
bcb: aside from being BDL i know don't really know him despite playing probably ~20 games with him. not inclined to make big moves. 

big moves to be made soon 




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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

mission is my main guy forever. without a doubt the most loyal guy on the internet. would never vote him out even if it was against myself. 


1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

untouchable: fun guy for these games. has betrayed me more than once. he's probably first to go once BDL is out. i haven't even communicated with him.


these pieces are interesting in retrospect :)


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Lets hear from that wildcard touch!

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 9:34 PM, theuntouchable said:


Just as an FYI I’ll probably **** those numbers up more than once. 


I figured now is a good time to stop by and say HELLO AMERICA! 


Now, I’m not certain I’m gonna last very long. However, I will say that I’m primed to wreak havoc through here and see what kind of trouble I can cause. I may go down quick, I may not. All I know is that I’m gonna cause trouble from behind the scenes. 

Stay tuned. It could be fun. 



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Racks only DR sesh..explaining that he wasn't coerced with his HOH picks


On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 9:00 PM, rackcs said:

For my diary sesh or whatever I want to make it clear that genuinely nobody told me who to pick for the elimination. Nobody would even offer me up names when asked.


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didn’t get to play this year because of uni and other commitments but congrats @FinneasGage

props also to @Nazgul, going from the first out last year to giving himself every chance of a win


can’t wait to play next year and see if i can better my fourth place finish (i can), because it’s a heckuva fun time... just make it at a better time for me eh!

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ET80 Wheelin and Deeling


On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 9:28 PM, ET80 said:

I'm really trying to stay out of conflicted plots. Believe me, I am.

- Fin and I have the same aim, to eliminate BDL. I had Fin on board, but I think he was more interested in getting votes to avoid the axe.

- Meanwhile, I had Orca and Pickle fully on board with BDL, but Orca was on the block. I had to keep their loyalty. So, I voted Fin. 

- I explained to Fin why I had to do it, but who knows how he'll take it. O-31 is worried about Pickle, but is in good with Fin. I am worrying about Fin, but Pickle and I are cool. So hopefully we can both leverage those relationships.

- AF reached out to me on Discord, and he wants a final two pack. I said yes, but O-31 asked me first, and I'm going to try hold my word to that. It sucks, because AF is my friend (we ate shrimp and crawfish together in Houston a few weeks back, no joke - then I took him to Total Wines and More to buy booze. It's like a Home Depot for alcohol). But a man has to have a code, and my code in this game is O-31 because he reached out to me first.

On a side note - Whicker's arrogance is really rubbing me the wrong way. He hid behind me for the first half of BB, then hid behind Rag for the 2nd half of BB, then cried sorry to me AFTER BB, and now he's strutting around like he's running the show.

I've got a plan to wipe him clean our if the house - but I have to be surgical about it. I've got my scalpel, I've taken my epidural, I'm gonna make that incision...


On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 12:08 PM, ET80 said:

This is turning into a huge cluster. I'm not even stirring the pot, I just threw in some chicken broth and set it to 30 at high pressure. This game has the high pressure, all right. 

- Fin and I made up. He wasn't happy I voted him over Orca, but he's got a pretty scary dedication to taking BDL out. I think we can channel that intensity to a good place.

- AF scared me, said he was voting O-31. He quickly recanted, as he sees a Fin/O-31 faction v BDL conglomerate as a bloodbath we can leverage to hide in plain sight. O-31 was 100% considering an AFs vote, so I'm glad that played as such.

- I'm conflicted right now. Both O-31 and AF have final two deals with me. So, my confessional is this: If all three of us make it, I will honor BOTH deals... by bowing out and taking 3rd place. I don't want it to come to that (but I don't want to take a part of them missing on it - let me be clear) but a man has to have a code to live by, and my code is going to be my word to these two.

- touch hasn't reached out to me. In fact, he's been completely silent as far as I see. I know that's not a good sign.


On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 8:52 AM, ET80 said:

Just contacted Naz/Dwight, getting feelers on them and their direction. Outpost is trying to sniff out a few turns, and I'm trying to get that for him.

We right now have a very scattered group, but I think the edict we're all working on is to remove BDL elements from this game. There's a nice following, and we may have the numbers to get it done, but I'm wondering if I should push to get such commitments, or just let the natural ebb and flow work the situation. Pushing is sure fire to get it done, but ebb and flow keeps my hands clean (and probably as a similar success rate - a smaller success rate, but similar nonetheless).

- Wanted to share a chuckle; Pickle and I chatted, and he's trying to make it seem like putting O-31 on the block was some sort of plan to get Gopher out of here. Come on Pickle, I'm not as stupid as you look. (And you look like Orca, so you probably look very dumb). At this point, Pickle is fodder to me. That whole gif play when he was HOH was just... annoying. If I get the chance to bait/switch him into a block, I'm absolutely doing it. 

- Still no contact from Touch. I think he's BDL aligned. I can see him thinking he can tame the BDL block, and that will bite him HARD if he continues down that path. Hope he knows better.


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Just now, Shady Slim said:

didn’t get to play this year because of uni and other commitments but congrats @FinneasGage

props also to @Nazgul, going from the first out last year to giving himself every chance of a win


can’t wait to play next year and see if i can better my fourth place finish (i can), because it’s a heckuva fun time... just make it at a better time for me eh!

Want to be in an alliance? I'm starting off early so I can build a solid foundation and make jury legitimately.

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