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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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@FinneasGage - I'll need you front row for what happens next. You see, this is because of...you. Everything that happens from this point forward, it's by your hand. When they speak of this moment, they shall refer to this as Fin's final folly.

My daughter is four years old, and likes to play Monster. She comes up to me and says "RAWR, IM A MONSTER!" and I go "Oh no, I need to hide from the monster!"

That's been your game so far. You've been playing monster. What you DIDN'T realize - this whole time, you've been dancing on the grave of a monster. A monster who wanted to stay asleep. A monster who wanted to play (and win) BattleBots. A monster who was content avenging his name against @Whicker and the BDL who betrayed him (which is impossible this game, as the true mastermind - @Ragnarok - sat this one out). 

But you danced. And danced. You fornicated on sacred ground, you worshiped false idols of "loyalty" and "bonds" between people who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. And - low and behold - you've awakened the Apex Predator. 

Before we begin our atonement for sin ... we shall reflect. Your sins got us here, and your loyalty will cost you...

...the ones you are loyal to. 

@mission27 and @TLO will be going on the block. However, before we send them up, we shall atone their sins to this entire house...

13 hours ago, TLO said:

We have had an alliance with Fin and Flux this whole game. Frankly, Fin has gone totally rogue and is ignoring everyone at this point. And we have it on good authority that Flux has lied to us recently. I’m fine with putting them both up.

@Adrenaline_Flux, @FinneasGage - this is what your precious loyalty gets you. An immediate cast to the flame, without as much a single thought. Is that loyalty?

13 hours ago, mission27 said:

Pickle I’m not sure what his deal is, but I think he’s relatively harmless and can be controlled 

@Pickle Rick - they think you are harmless. And can be controlled. Are you? Can you?

13 hours ago, mission27 said:

Naz is a threat but I’d defer to TLO on that one.  

@Nazgul - you should know this, given the events you had to endure last eviction cycle. They view you as a threat. You want to prove them right? Here is your chance.

13 hours ago, mission27 said:

touch is a loose cannon

@theuntouchable - is this how an ally should view you? Not exactly a glowing recommendation, especially given they've put you up. Twice.

13 hours ago, mission27 said:

outpost is a little bit untrustworthy imo.  Wed need to be careful of him

@Outpost31 - is this how you want your allies to view you? Is this what you expected from these two? Have you not done your part to keep them happy?

Going into this... I think everyone understood you're just a #3 to these two when you reach out to them. They're another set of twins, just like the two that were quickly split up. I'm just dragging that into the light for all of you to see. The minute an alignment can be made that benefits them, they cast you aside while planning to overtake that new alignment. Keep that in mind the next time you get a notification that one of these two just shot you a PM.

Now, to our two guys on the block - understand, this is because of your buddy, Fin. Had he not made a spectacle of himself, perhaps we would be working together. But, his behavior forced my hand. It forced me to go a nuclear route. I'm fully expecting a retaliation from whoever lasts beyond this, but - given everything you've said about our remaining houseguests, right here in plain sight - who do you think will come to your side?

Going forward, it behooves you to not wake the Apex Predator. It behooves you to tell your allies that there's something that goes "bump" in the night and it's best you don't wake him. Because the Apex Predator doesn't forgive... nor does he forget.

@Malfatron - you may proceed with the Veto. 

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17 minutes ago, ET80 said:

@FinneasGage - I'll need you front row for what happens next. You see, this is because of...you. Everything that happens from this point forward, it's by your hand. When they speak of this moment, they shall refer to this as Fin's final folly.

My daughter is four years old, and likes to play Monster. She comes up to me and says "RAWR, IM A MONSTER!" and I go "Oh no, I need to hide from the monster!"

That's been your game so far. You've been playing monster. What you DIDN'T realize - this whole time, you've been dancing on the grave of a monster. A monster who wanted to stay asleep. A monster who wanted to play (and win) BattleBots. A monster who was content avenging his name against @Whicker and the BDL who betrayed him (which is impossible this game, as the true mastermind - @Ragnarok - sat this one out). 

But you danced. And danced. You fornicated on sacred ground, you worshiped false idols of "loyalty" and "bonds" between people who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. And - low and behold - you've awakened the Apex Predator. 

Before we begin our atonement for sin ... we shall reflect. Your sins got us here, and your loyalty will cost you...

...the ones you are loyal to. 

@mission27 and @TLO will be going on the block. However, before we send them up, we shall atone their sins to this entire house...

@Adrenaline_Flux, @FinneasGage - this is what your precious loyalty gets you. An immediate cast to the flame, without as much a single thought. Is that loyalty?

@Pickle Rick - they think you are harmless. And can be controlled. Are you? Can you?

@Nazgul - you should know this, given the events you had to endure last eviction cycle. They view you as a threat. You want to prove them right? Here is your chance.

@theuntouchable - is this how an ally should view you? Not exactly a glowing recommendation, especially given they've put you up. Twice.

@Outpost31 - is this how you want your allies to view you? Is this what you expected from these two? Have you not done your part to keep them happy?

Going into this... I think everyone understood you're just a #3 to these two when you reach out to them. They're another set of twins, just like the two that were quickly split up. I'm just dragging that into the light for all of you to see. The minute an alignment can be made that benefits them, they cast you aside while planning to overtake that new alignment. Keep that in mind the next time you get a notification that one of these two just shot you a PM.

Now, to our two guys on the block - understand, this is because of your buddy, Fin. Had he not made a spectacle of himself, perhaps we would be working together. But, his behavior forced my hand. It forced me to go a nuclear route. I'm fully expecting a retaliation from whoever lasts beyond this, but - given everything you've said about our remaining houseguests, right here in plain sight - who do you think will come to your side?

Going forward, it behooves you to not wake the Apex Predator. It behooves you to tell your allies that there's something that goes "bump" in the night and it's best you don't wake him. Because the Apex Predator doesn't forgive... nor does he forget.

@Malfatron - you may proceed with the Veto. 

Tbh this entire post is incredibly self aggrandizing for a middle aged balding man child whose greatest life accomplishment is being a moderator on FF, who has never won a Big Brother comp, no longer has any allies or sway on this site, and generally hasn’t been funny since around the time Robin Williams killed himself.

Which tbh I can respect the smugness of, but it will have to be corrected to restore balance to the smug. 

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Honestly, I'd have said the same thing about Mission as he said about me.  You can't let just anyone know who you trust in this game when you have multiple allies.  Multiple allies.  That's something you would never understand the complexity of.  This is in direct violation of the agreement we made.  Last year you earned my trust by keeping the non-aggression pact until the jury with me when I was sure I was your number one target.  Now you have just broken my trust by doing the one thing you said you would not do when I took you off the block. 

Those are all some pretty big words for someone who would not even be in this game right now if I didn't save you when you came crawling to me for help because you couldn't even save yourself. 

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10 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Honestly, I'd have said the same thing about Mission as he said about me.  You can't let just anyone know who you trust in this game when you have multiple allies.  Multiple allies.  That's something you would never understand the complexity of.  This is in direct violation of the agreement we made.  Last year you earned my trust by keeping the non-aggression pact until the jury with me when I was sure I was your number one target.  Now you have just broken my trust by doing the one thing you said you would not do when I took you off the block. 

Those are all some pretty big words for someone who would not even be in this game right now if I didn't save you when you came crawling to me for help because you couldn't even save yourself. 

I give you gold, I expose your enemies to you, and this is where it gets us. I can't cure you of your blind loyalty, so let them have their way with you - but understand, I've already got a taste for blood now, and it only made me hungrier. 

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25 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Tbh this entire post is incredibly self aggrandizing for a middle aged balding man child whose greatest life accomplishment is being a moderator on FF, who has never won a Big Brother comp, no longer has any allies or sway on this site, and generally hasn’t been funny since around the time Robin Williams killed himself.

Which tbh I can respect the smugness of, but it will have to be corrected to restore balance to the smug. 

...you forgot fat. 

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9 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I give you gold, I expose your enemies to you, and this is where it gets us. I can't cure you of your blind loyalty, so let them have their way with you - but understand, I've already got a taste for blood now, and it only made me hungrier. 

When aren’t you hungry you fat ****

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29 minutes ago, ET80 said:

@Pickle Rick - they think you are harmless. And can be controlled. Are you? Can you?


So someone thinks they can control me, manipulate me? 

Wait, so who is the one trying to manipulate me here, et?


Bc I know who my allies are and will defend them to the end.  

I guess since you woke me up, I should unleash the beast. 


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