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Back to School Mafia - The Admins have taken over the school!


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Just now, DingoLadd said:

Did I miss something or did you just confirm you're non-town?

1. swag claimed class clown

2. dome claimed class clown was his cover role

3. dome was lynched (confirmed other). that means dome was likely serious about class clown being his cover role

4. swag claims he lied about being class clown and is actually "a powerful town"


so swag was leaning in early in his cover role, unaware that others also got the same cover roles 

dont have to be the smartest person in the room (me) to figure it out

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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

1. swag claimed class clown

2. dome claimed class clown was his cover role

3. dome was lynched (confirmed other). that means dome was likely serious about class clown being his cover role

4. swag claims he lied about being class clown and is actually "a powerful town"


so swag was leaning in early in his cover role, unaware that others also got the same cover roles 

dont have to be the smartest person in the room (me) to figure it out

Interesting but I doubt all non-town share cover roles unless they're mafia.


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Just now, Malfatron said:

why did swag claim class clown?

why did dome cc him?

why did swag shift gears and unclaim being class clown?


Swag has made 7 different claims at various points.

I don't think class clown was his first claim either.

I think the scenario Swag jokingly claimed Class Clown and dome realized "hey I can be helpful to town" with the obvious CC made too much sense since he's already confirmed indy.

Swag backpedaled because duh.

Swag feel free to explain unless you're mafia then please release me from these zipties. 

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TheKillerNacho sneaks out of the file room. He'd learned some things but not enough. He needed to find his target. He asked around and after a couple of cold trails found himself in front of the janitor's closet. He stuck his ear to the door and listened inside for any noises. He heard someone in their muttering to themselves and shifting around. TheKillerNacho steadies himself before quickly throwing the door open.

The student in the closet jumped with fright and fired off his gun. The bullet hit TheKillerNacho right in his gut. He grabbed himself and doubled over, groaning softly as blood poured out of his body. It wasn't long before the moaning stopped. 

@TheKillerNacho is dead. He was The NerdSchool-Aligned

carl_sjunior looks down at TheKillerNacho's dead body. He drops the gun.

"Oh no...this isn't what I wanted to happen. Not like this! Not now! Oh god, they're gonna put me in jail..."

carl_sjunior thinks for a moment before picking the gun back up and putting the barrel to his temple. One more shot rings out.

@carl_sjunior is dead. He was The Quiet KidSchool-Aligned.


Matts4313 puts on his lipstick as he gazes at himself adoringly in the mirror. 

Hot damn I look good. I'm definitely getting some attention in this outfit.

He blows himself a kiss in the mirror before strutting out into the hallway. He stood in the middle of the hallway, once again trying to get as much attention as possible from the crowd around her.

She was not having much luck once again and was getting ready to freak out again when she heard someone else screaming behind her. She turned around to see the vice principal yelling at a student and getting ready to send him to the principal's office. That was her ticket to attention, she knew she could get the VP all wound up.

She yelled out "Hey veep!" and as soon as the vice principal looked his way he lifted his top and started screaming for everyone to look at him.

The vice principal's face turned beet red as he screamed "Matts4313! Go to the principal's office right now!"

@Matts4313 has been suspended. He was The Attention WhoreAdmin-Aligned.


DingoLadd exits the boy's bathroom and fixes his blouse. That's another notch for the old bedpost. He steps out, ready to go to his next class when a hand grabs him and pulls him into the bathroom. DingoLadd struggles against the tight grip of the man holding him but it's no use.

"You stupid ****! You got *** on the floor! Now I gotta clean this damn mess up!"

The man throws DingoLadd towards the sink before grabbing him by the hair and repeatedly slamming his head against the porcelain. After just a few hits, DingoLadd's blood was the main mess in the bathroom. 

@DingoLadd is dead. He was The ****, Crabs-Aligned.


It is now Period 3! With 14 alive and 14 voting, it's 8 to suspend! The deadline is 9/1 at 10 PM EST.


Edited by rackcs
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