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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@Forge  Got a game coming your way tonight.  I think you will get it, but if you are having trouble, there would be clues in the thread for you.

No worries. Even if I am vote blocked, it doesn't really matter at this juncture. 

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The group were waiting to hear from The Orca about the nights lynch, but nobody could find him. It was as if he vanished into thin air. 

A loud siren and blinding light paralyzed the remaining guests. The ground shocked everyone until they evacuated their bowels all over the floor in a mess or pure filth. Some minion orcas came out and jumped @Llamalover and stabbed him repeatedly for fun

@Llamalover is Dead, he was Krampus, Good Aligned

Once finished with a Llama, the group turned their sights to the most incompetent of them all @Counselor. They each took turns with axes, chainsaws, knives, and an evil looking hand with finger knives, just annihilating his body.

@Counselor is Dead, he was Friday the 13th, Creepy Aligned

Not quite finished the hoard of minion orcas peer over and see @kingseanjohn who is being eaten by a dog like creature. They point and laugh. 

@kingseanjohn is Dead, he was The Conjuring, Creepy Aligned


The lights, siren, and shocks subsided and everyone left looked around. They saw the minion Orcas ushering them to the back door screaming run!!! 

The last remaining players have escaped the house with their lives.

@Pickle Rick The Thing, Evil Aligned

@squire12 Saw, Evil Aligned

@jasonwbantle Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Aligned

@N4L Leatherface, Evil Aligned

@Forge Unknown Aligned (Blue Text)

@SwAg and @Cheesehawk enjoy the victory in spirit


Both Evil Aligned and Unknown Aligned have won the game!!!!!!


I am here to answer all questions and will be revealing the setup, roles, game mechanics and interactive mechanics shortly. Along with game awards. 

Thank you so much for everyone who participated. I look forward to feedback once you all get the entire setup.

@Counselor you shouldnt talk with your mouth full of ****

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