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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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30 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Not sure where this is actually relevant, except to change the direction the convo was headed.....

Where was the convo headed?   you are the one who brought up the timing of the PM's going out, which you have done in previous games as a means to try to decipher who is/is not scum.  

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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So those pics Malf sent me were fake?

@Malfatron time to explain

in the pictures, touch was wearing a gimp masl, so nice try.

21 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:


squire12 - 4 - Tk3, SwAg, The Orca, Counselor

Malfatron - 2 - Matts4313, Forge

The Orca - 2 - Mwil23, rackcs

Forge - 2 - kingseanjohn, Malfatron

Nazgul - 1 - ET80

kingseanjohn - 1 - Tk3

Dome - 1 - Pickle Rick

ET80 - 1 - Nazgul

Pickle Rick - 1 - squire12


we cant hang squire yet.

When the person with the Squire role claims, and squire says "I cc"....only then can we hang him

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29 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:



Am I reading this wrong or is there a huge disconnect between what I said...what tk3 said....and what squire thinks.

Somehow tk3 and squire are reading my post as something not even remotely close to what I meant.  Unless I am misinterpreting their posts 

I am not sure what the hell you and Tk3 are thinking.  I made a joke about how racks was queing up lynches.  The scum 101 was related to others having noted that in the past. . 

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2 hours ago, The Orca said:
2 hours ago, Forge said:

Interesting...I wonder, are you willfully misinterpreting my comments to disparage my appearance in this game? Because those two comments were not in any way similar. 

For your vote, I laughed, and as you said, basically explained away your vote by claiming you had residual hostility toward me from last game where I basically tunneled on you. 

For KSJ's, I commented on his reaction to my vote, which is not nearly the same thing. 

These two things are no even in the same ballpark as being comparable malf, so what's that about? You're smarter than that. So the only thing I can figure is that maybe you're intentionally trying to make me look bad. Is that the case? 

How well do you know this theme?

Last game you were well versed in the theme and were town. Stayed low and a bit scummy just wanting to hammer someone. You were reserved otherwise until you picked your spots and made great posts thinking critically. This game you seem to have come out blazing hot. 

Your posts critical of Malf and critical of KSJ were vastly different

@The Orca  Why did you leave out your question to Forge about his knowledge of the game in the quotes below?

29 minutes ago, The Orca said:
6 hours ago, Forge said:

Its my favorite game of all time. 

I could probably create skills attributes that correlate between the jobs and a mafia game if I really thought about it, but obviously whichever way that Nacho goes is up to him. 

A knight could be a typical protector role, obviously. Mime's could be just that - invest a player one night, are able to use that ability the next night. Thiefs may have the ability to steal an item, steal an ability, etc. 


2 hours ago, squire12 said:

@The Orca

Have you been paying attention thus far?


1 hour ago, squire12 said:

So how did you miss @Forge stating that this is his favorite game?




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5 hours ago, rackcs said:


Pickle you next.

Good call.

4 hours ago, squire12 said:

queing up lynches is scum 101

Interesting that you’d point out its scum 101, but not actually accuse him or push him. You know something we don’t?

4 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

It is. Just as is pointing this out....

So how does that influence your opinion of him? 

If they’re both scummy, is either really scummy? Is the best option to just not say anything?

4 hours ago, Tk3 said:

It is..

However I don't actually think that is what racks was doing here

Squire calling out something like this to look town is scum 101

Lockstep with this.

4 hours ago, squire12 said:

Since his post was pregame, I had no opinion of him.  How does me pointing it out influence your opinion on him and/or me?


Why point it out? If you know the post was pregame and you had no opinion of him, why did it even stand out?

why would you think “this is something people say scum do” and make a joke about it rather than actually see if that’s what scum does? It felt like you knew rackcs wasn’t scum, so you didn’t want to go there.

3 hours ago, Tk3 said:

This is the correct opinion

Squire was taking a cheap opportunity to call someone scum using a typical town trope as "evidence"

It's easily the top scum read I have so far


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