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Yo-ho yo-ho, a Pirates Life for Me! - Day 6 is now! - Night 6 starts at 6pm EST


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@Matts4313 made his way onto the ship.

"YO-HO!" he exclaimed. "Me name is Brokeback Matts and i'm here to plunder some booty! I've sailed the seven seas and i've sailed out of the playoffs in round one. My experience knows no bounds!"

Dome looked at him, annoyed that his nap had been interrupted for this.

A pink phallic object sat contently in Matt's sword sheath. 

"Uh. What's that?" Dome asked him.

"It's me extra willy! found it up north along the shores of New York!"

"Oh.... I mean. I guess."


matts found a pile of rope to sit on, and plopped down. 

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