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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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Just now, Dome said:

If your plan was to claim mass roleblock, you should’ve done it and owned it. 

Denying that it was a town roleblock doesnt tell anyone what it was, just what it wasn’t. 

That leaves you wiggle room to change your story and it’s obvious when someone is trying to do that 

Yeah, I think I got caught out of position so to speak by getting too wrapped up in a single word. Really backed me up later, tbh. 

Generally speaking, I hate keeping up a facade anyway. I generally don't try to sell my stories too much when I'm outed. This one seemed fun to try though. 

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Just now, Forge said:

Yeah, I think I got caught out of position so to speak by getting too wrapped up in a single word. Really backed me up later, tbh. 

Generally speaking, I hate keeping up a facade anyway. I generally don't try to sell my stories too much when I'm outed. This one seemed fun to try though. 

if it makes you feel better, i believed you until you mentioned starting a rally lol

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1 minute ago, Dome said:


Swag and Mwil last game I played lol

Swag claiming a jailer conflicting with another jailer that couldnt possibly be real, but then switched to claim like 3 or 4 other things when I called him on it

Then Mwil and his claim of janitored vig...claiming 25 different things and changing his claim and not knowing what the move actually was, then claiming he killed, then saying actually never mind he was roleblocked and redirected lmao

Also that's the irony. You roasted me for my play that game and are taking the same stance this game about Forge's move. You sound exactly like I did that game. 

PS...I'm loving it xD

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1 hour ago, Dome said:

I know you can’t quote your role specifically, but you seemed quite sure your move wasn’t a mass roleblock. 

the phrase “ends night early” I’m assuming is a paraphrase, or at the very least came with a bit more of a description than that?

He has tried to hammer home the notion that it was not a TOWN mass roleblock.  What is still keeping me on him is the fact that from what we can tell, town was roleblocked.  What went through as far as we can tell were kills.  Which were most likely scum.  Now if scum moves go through and town moves don't, then in my professional opinion....it was a mass town roleblock.  

1 hour ago, Dome said:

If he’s telling the truth, his move ended night early but wasn’t a mass roleblock, then why didn’t my move work? It was in a day before he put his in. 

That’s a roleblock.  Ending night early is a better claim if you’re scum tho, but doesn’t work if someone had a move in before night even started. 

so was there a legit mass roleblocker? And he got his move in before night started? Or does forges move work in a way he specifically said it doesn’t?

not likely. 

But he’s a fine random hit though if they’re just going for someone unlikely to be watched or protected. 

This is all assuming there is only one scum faction, to be fair.

It's already been established by you that the move is not and never was to function as "ended night early".  That appears to be a web of lies that forge has tangled himself in.  

1 hour ago, Dome said:

Forge has 2 stories

1st story was that he ends night early and sent his move in instantly in an attempt to beat mafia to the punch

2nd is that he assumed he had a mass roleblock so when got his move in wouldn’t matter 

@Forge can you clarify this?

The sad fact is, it didn't end night early and wasn't a mass roleblock.  So then it comes down to, was it a mass town roleblock which would make him clearly scum, or was there some kill mechanic that could go through a mass roleblock.  From the times I have seen the role, the mass roleblock essentially canceled night and no moves from anyone could be made (at least when I was mafia and we had this that is how it worked). Also I believe when dingo used this move it worked the same.  

50 minutes ago, Forge said:

I kind of figured it was obvious. Clearly it wasn't because a few people have now asked about this. But that is why in my response to pickle, I specifically put mass town roleblock (or vice versa). 

This entire time I've been fighting the notion that people were saying that I targeted town specifically with the move. As though it were only going to be used on town

That is how it read from the beginning when you claimed before night and then somehow that is how it worked bc 2 town were killed through your move.  

46 minutes ago, Forge said:

because I didn't have a "town roleblock". This is not the same. My move doesn't specifically target town. Again, that is the notion that I am fighting against. 

You also claimed your move ended night early,  which it didn't.  So it was a mass roleblock that appears to have blocked town but let 1, if not 2 people able to kill

34 minutes ago, Forge said:

Quote one - the theory referenced was that of a mass town roleblock. Again, not what it did. 

Quotes 2 & 3 - Ends night early. Yes. That's what it says. I assumed at the time that it was a mass role block similar to that of Dingo's in Gopher's world. It clearly wasn't that. 

Quotes 4 & 5 - you asked why I didn't send my move in early, I answered that I did. That's it. That's all I was referencing. The "I did" was not meant to imply that I put my move in early specifically to keep scum from getting in moves. You added the bit about getting them in before scum could make moves, not me. I haven't gone down that hole. I've given two other options, which I have given to you a couple of times. 

1. How do you know that is not what it did.  So did town have 2 kills?

2. No it clearly wasn't that.  But you kept maintaining it was before switching, switching back, etc. 


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2 minutes ago, Dome said:
7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i still think mafia was surprised that a hit went through

otherwise forge wouldnt have claimed it early.

I thought you liked the mafia hitman theory?

not mafia hitman.

either town or non-town third party hitman


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