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The Original Pokemon Mafia - We're all losers.


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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

So heres the deal. If I hit right today, I get to keep going until I miss... so lets get this right.

If you get continuous hits then the only smart play is to hit me and then Malf.

If you only get one hit, then obviously hit malf. Normally whomever he cult'd last night will die with him. 

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3 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

So heres the deal. If I hit right today, I get to keep going until I miss... so lets get this right.

Why would you even share this?

If this is the case you shouldn't even be debating.... just hit the known quantity (Matts) and try again tomorrow

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On 11/15/2019 at 1:26 PM, Matts4313 said:
On 11/14/2019 at 8:01 AM, daboyle250 said:

Well I feel nothing about my character.

"character" is an interesting term

On 11/14/2019 at 8:50 AM, squire12 said:



Have you been reading? I dont remember any other post from you. Just a vote and dip

On 11/14/2019 at 9:02 AM, SwAg said:

Alright, so “which Pikachu” is everyone as my mom used to ask?

:knows claiming will kill you:

:asks people to claim:

On 11/14/2019 at 10:15 AM, Forge said:

Break it down for us. Inquiring minds want to know. 

Is this 'soft defending Swag?

On 11/14/2019 at 10:44 AM, MWil23 said:

If you get modkilled for that, it'll be egregious. It was blatantly obvious if you were in scum chat last game and in light of the past 24 hours of discussion in the Prequel to WWIII Mafia game that was a very obvious shot at my slip with Orca's whining about it/blaming you.

I still maintain that I owned my mistake and didn't blame anyone else (nor will I) and the extra embarrassment was Malf's previous slip, which I then ignored and made an even bigger one.

Is this 'soft defending' Swag?

On 11/14/2019 at 11:39 AM, Dome said:

I think there are lots of players that would ask for a wincon, in light of last game. 

Maybe even some town players reminding the host to post them so everyone knows.

I don't think I can put much into those reads. 

Interesting wording here. 'Lot of player - - maybe even some town'. Did he know that Scum already asked?

On 11/14/2019 at 11:42 AM, Dome said:

Literally not what I said. 

You're doing it again.

You do this as scum, where you don't make sense and blame everyone else.


Forge was either trolling or is incredibly confused.

Either way, it means little. 

Spot on.

On 11/14/2019 at 3:19 PM, Matts4313 said:

Works for me.

Thats not what I said. I skimmed them once on my read through. I went back and pulled them all in chronological order, skimmed through them again to see if anything was said about this game; there wasnt really - so I asked Malf to tell me what I am looking for based on last game. 

I still cant believe this confuses people.

On 11/14/2019 at 3:36 PM, SwoleXmad said:


That hasn't happened since at least episode 74. 

In the middle of the debate, you dropped this and bounced. Any thoughts on what was occuring? Why did you not get involved? 

On 11/14/2019 at 4:45 PM, SwAg said:

Tbf, Pickle liked matts post that made no sense.  So, at least you have the bastion of reading comprehension that is Pickle on your side.

See below

On 11/14/2019 at 5:54 PM, Matts4313 said:

lol. Yes. I remembered because you tagged counselor. Not because you said "the game where you posted your full PM and others followed". Smart. 


Anywho. You pointed out PR liking my post. That stood out to me as well. He is clearly following along, but not contributing. 

Still would like an answer to this.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:06 PM, The Orca said:




No explanation? Odd for you. You dont typically vote with the masses without input. This is the second "skate by" attempt.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:06 PM, Ragnarok said:

No, he does it to me.


Another person that is obviously reading and not contributing.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:20 PM, SwAg said:

See, you're again, summarizing a bunch of secondary statements that I made off-hand, while completely avoiding the sum and substance of the main argument.

1.  No one here is even contesting that.  You're barely contesting it.  And I'm not holding it out as some compelling argument.  You made some argument about how you don't read the OP unless you have a reason to do so, yet you clearly take initiative and read the OP based on past games.  I already described two of those games in detail, but because I did not go find all of the threads, and the points in those threads that prove it, you're throwing your hands in the air and pretending it does not count.  It is not persuasive.  It is bull****, and it is merely you attempting to detract from a point that you already know is substantially true.

2.  Again, I'm not holding it out as a compelling argument for other people, but everyone has internalized reads that are effective, yet they do not state what they are because then you get responses of skepticism.  I provided you with a sample of your most recent Town games, and showed you did not do it there.  I said you did it in two Town games, and offered those.  I said you did it five times, and you did.  I offered to give you a majority of the scum games, as long as you agreed to help me find the others, and you said "no, you have the burden of proof."  Lol, I don't need this point to prove you're guilty.  You want me to do it to (1) waste time; (2) give you something else to yell about that is a distraction; (3) frustrate me by after I do the work, you create some half-baked rationale to explain it like you've done both times I have semi-indulged you so far; or (4) something equally malicious.

3.  You're definitely the type to lobby for a modkill.  No one is going to believe that you're not.

4.  You've fixated on "skim" and derailed almost all conversation from the main argument with pages about your inability to read at a middle school level.  


Again, the main point is: MWil is scum, and he entered the thread with a bit of heat.  Malfatron made up that he slipped, and Matts came in to defend him and end Malfatron's inquiry immediately.  Matts faceplanted the explanation, which segued to Point 4 above, and maintains it isn't a defense, itjust has the happy consequence of functioning as one.  They are inextricably connected for at least this phase, and likely our best lead for the day.

^^^^^I am going to go back through this when my next appointment is over. Also - reminder to me, on page 41.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:28 PM, gopherwrestler said:


Why Dome?

On 11/14/2019 at 6:33 PM, Ragnarok said:

Have you noticed anyone making a point to not get involved with you and matts?

About half the game, its obvious. Curious as to what @Malfatron learned.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:37 PM, SwAg said:

Yeah, three people in particular.

The rest either have been absent since before it started and at least have not returned here yet, or I don't necessarily expect them to engage.

I don't know if the three I'm thinking of are around, but they were, and that silence is pretty deafening.

Only 3? Which 3?

On 11/14/2019 at 6:41 PM, SwAg said:

That's why it's unofficial.  And I skipped gopher's vote because gopher's vote was stupid.

manipulating the VC. Not a good look.

On 11/14/2019 at 6:53 PM, TheKillerNacho said:


Another vote without any explanation. 

On 11/14/2019 at 7:15 PM, MWil23 said:

That we weren’t given a win con and so someone else asked about it, I get blamed Because of what I did last game, then it’s insinuated that I would ask a host to mod kill SwAg since he lulz claimed mason (which I’d NEVER DO and anyone who knows me knows I’d never stoop to such a level) and because MattS clearly is scum and slipped blatantly on logic by bumping my post now I’m scum too? 

This post is terrible. "Slipped on logic"  - - you do realize the implication is that we are scum together and I defended you?

On 11/14/2019 at 7:45 PM, daboyle250 said:

But for realsies matts

Another vote and dip

On 11/14/2019 at 7:50 PM, Pickle Rick said:


Another vote and dip

On 11/14/2019 at 7:59 PM, Tk3 said:

I'll catch up tomorrow and I'll be sure to quote as I go


You caught up?



Ill read and post more after my 3:30

Tk3, Pickle, Daboyle, Mwil, TKN, Swag, Rag, Gopher, Orca, Xmad, Dome, Forge, Squire

13 Players quoted. 21 Players total.

Players not quoted: Myself, Naz, Malf, KOTN, Racks, Touch, Counselor

This was Matts big post that he was trying to save himself with. I'd imagine his teammates are somewhere in the list of not quoted.

I believe Counselor is town. KOTN died, they are pushing for Malf to die.

That leaves Naz, Racks, Touch and Matts.

I would like to hit one of them tonight. Any opinions?

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

Tk3, Pickle, Daboyle, Mwil, TKN, Swag, Rag, Gopher, Orca, Xmad, Dome, Forge, Squire

13 Players quoted. 21 Players total.

Players not quoted: Myself, Naz, Malf, KOTN, Racks, Touch, Counselor

This was Matts big post that he was trying to save himself with. I'd imagine his teammates are somewhere in the list of not quoted.

I believe Counselor is town. KOTN died, they are pushing for Malf to die.

That leaves Naz, Racks, Touch and Matts.

I would like to hit one of them today. Any opinions?


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12 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

So heres the deal. If I hit right today, I get to keep going until I miss... so lets get this right.

Matts is the sure fire call if it's a day move 

4 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Tk3, Pickle, Daboyle, Mwil, TKN, Swag, Rag, Gopher, Orca, Xmad, Dome, Forge, Squire

13 Players quoted. 21 Players total.

Players not quoted: Myself, Naz, Malf, KOTN, Racks, Touch, Counselor

This was Matts big post that he was trying to save himself with. I'd imagine his teammates are somewhere in the list of not quoted.

I believe Counselor is town. KOTN died, they are pushing for Malf to die.

That leaves Naz, Racks, Touch and Matts.

I would like to hit one of them tonight. Any opinions?

Racks and Touch. Those are my top two in association to Matts. If appeared Touch and Matts had what I deemed a fake arguement early and Racks just rehashed the arguements on Matts and voted him late towards the end but not the hammer

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25 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Hypno was only used 1 time that I can remember by Team Rocket, but it wasn't in any of the T.V. shows. His hypnosis is something to be considered because of the "cult" thing, but it could also be used to redirect.

@Malfatron, why did you choose BCB for redirect?

i visited bcb because i had scum reads on bcb/xmad and counselor 

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