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On 1/28/2020 at 10:50 PM, Outpost31 said:

There is so much to support the theory, too.  Fan reaction to Jar Jar was just horrible so he probably got nervous they’d hate him even more.

Yellow eyes, tall, the whole getting banished from his own city, kipping up, a droid straight up disappearing from few as if it was force pushed when the droid had a gun on Jar Jar, playing stupid, engratiating himself with Jedi and the council...

There is a LOT of evidence to support the theory.

Image result for jar jar jedi mind trick gif

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McGregor will get to reprise his role as the Jedi Knight in an upcoming Disney+ series. (Fans also got to see Lawson return to the role of Wedge in last year’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.)

Last month, the actor told The Associated Press the series has “been pushed back a little bit” after rumors it had been put on hold.

“The scripts are excellent and they just want them to be better,” he told the outlet. “So we just pushed it back, but it’s not — it’s very dramatic, it would seem, online, there’s all kinds of s— online about it, but it’s only just slid back a bit.”

He continued, “We’re still shooting it, I think it will still be aired when it was meant to be and I’m really excited about it. It’ll be fun to play again.”



Good to hear that the show is still on.


Edited by thrILL!
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I read somewhere (honestly can't remember since a bunch of stuff comes up on my Facebook feed) that the main villain is supposed to be A'Shared Hett, who is a former Jedi hiding on Tatooine leading a group of Tusken Raiders.  Years later, Hett turns into Darth Krayt in EU after being defeated by Kenobi.  

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I read somewhere (honestly can't remember since a bunch of stuff comes up on my Facebook feed) that the main villain is supposed to be A'Shared Hett, who is a former Jedi hiding on Tatooine leading a group of Tusken Raiders.  Years later, Hett turns into Darth Krayt in EU after being defeated by Kenobi.  

Some site I never heard of posted it- The Illuminerdi posted it

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Joe Russo on Kevin Fiege:


Star Wars is Kevin's first and true love. He's a man who has a very, very large basement filled with enough Star Wars paraphernalia to fill a museum. Whatever he does with it is going to be passionate, emotional, and unique.

Should excite you old EU super fans

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1 hour ago, Deadpulse said:

Joe Russo on Kevin Fiege:

Should excite you old EU super fans

Well we also heard this about Rian along with JJ and those statements were full of complete crap.

Though I will admit Feige has a good track record when it comes to sci-fi.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So the next era set to be explored is the High Republic Era, set 200 years before The Phantom Menace.  It will begin with novels and comics coming as soon as this summer- it explains the large gap in content I mentioned earlier in this thread after the Thrawn and Alphabet Squadron novels in the spring.  


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They are really going for it with this High Republic. Smart to start out in the written/comic format to see what sticks before committing live action resources. Plus, I am sure they want to give a significant amount of time for the Skywalker saga to cool before trying to get the SW audience to buy into something completely new. As an avid comic reader, I am ready for this initiative. I saw they had Charles Soule attached and that dude is dope AF. He wrote one of the best Daredevil arcs since the Bendis run, Darth Vader the initial run back at Marvel, and the Death of Wolverine. He also resurrected interest in the Inhumans before the MCU killed it dead lol. 

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2 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

They are really going for it with this High Republic. Smart to start out in the written/comic format to see what sticks before committing live action resources. Plus, I am sure they want to give a significant amount of time for the Skywalker saga to cool before trying to get the SW audience to buy into something completely new. As an avid comic reader, I am ready for this initiative. I saw they had Charles Soule attached and that dude is dope AF. He wrote one of the best Daredevil arcs since the Bendis run, Darth Vader the initial run back at Marvel, and the Death of Wolverine. He also resurrected interest in the Inhumans before the MCU killed it dead lol. 

Can't wait for the movie about whatever cloned version Palpatine is on at this time period, as well as Annakin's great great grandfather.  Should be a thrilling series.


I kid, i kid.  But seriously, i hope you're correct that this will be something completely new.  This franchise could use it, and i'd be excited to see it.

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Just now, Deadpulse said:

Whats wrong with it? 

Everything.  It's going backwards instead of forward.  It is limited in what it can do because what it can do has to lead to what it's done. 

Also the fact that Disney has a writer's room for its Star Wars is proof that they're incompetent.  It's like that Key and Peele skit of writing Gremlins 2.  Nothing has EVER been better due to a writing room.  Having to be kind and considerate and allow other ideas into a movie or series inevitably brings it down. 

"We gotta get this token character in."
"We gotta set up this great line of dialogue Jimmy thought up, so let's steer the plot towards fitting it in." 
"This is probably the best idea, but if we do this we can't fit this other great idea in." 

Literally all of the problems with the Rey trilogy are due to this writer's room BS mentality. 

Instead of a cohesive film and trilogy you get disjointed and convoluted films, but then you also have no cohesion between those disjointed films.

The Force Awakens = Great.
The Last Jedi = Would-be-great with some terrible flaws.
ROS = Not good at all because it had to call back to TFA, clean up TLJ and simultaneously be its own film. 


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Your writers room issue is moot. Its not too many cooks in the kitchen because they arent working on the same meal. All those writers are working on individual projects among multiple novels and comic runs. The "writers room" is just to make sure their stories and characters fit into an overarching world. Marvel and DC do it constantly to make sure their ongoing titles dont clash so the world stays tied together and not literred with inconsistencies. If we were talking about a new movie, I might agree with you. However, we arent talking about a single anything, we are talking about 5+ book series and 10+ comic ongoings.


I also dont agree with your assessment on going backward. While I understand your concern, I dont believe it will limit them at all. There is very little current cannon, if any at all, in this time period. They can do almost anything besides blowing up the Republic, which it doesnt need to do. I think Star Wars needs to get smaller, not bigger. I think it needs to be less about Galatic Government and more about the stories that take place on a more intimate scale.

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